Specials: May Do #1
More Specials activities for you to BE engaged
Along with the quarter choice board, your Specials teachers will share even more fun activities and practice in this newsletter!
ART: Mrs. Gochis
Contact Mrs. Gochis at jgochis@usd232.org
Watch Eric Carle read his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Draw a fish swimming in something other than water
Combine two animals to create a new one
Draw a dinosaur crying
Draw a mouse riding a motorcycle
Draw a cat playing a sport
Create a Positivity Poster!
Materials: Paper and whatever materials you have
Marker Robots
Materials: Paper, pencil, markers, water, paintbrush
Happy Rainbows!
Materials: Paper and whatever materials you have
COUNSELOR: Miss Arbaugh
How to contact Miss Arbaugh: narbaugh@usd232.org
If you want to Zoom one-on-one with me, have your parents send me an email.
More activities:
Community Service: Keep collecting pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House Charities. You can turn them in at BE in August!
Feelings: While watching a show or movie, identify how the characters are feeling at that moment and why. Would you feel the same way?
Library: Mrs. Barcus
Contact information- jbarcus@usd232.org
Celebrate Reading- Become an illustrator and enjoy Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems at http://pigeonpresents.com/.
Character Trading Cards- Are you a sports fan? Do you like to collect and trade cards of your favorite players with your friends? Try creating a trading card of your own based on your favorite book character.
- Cut an index card or piece of paper to about 2 ½ inches by 4 inches.
- Side 1: Write the character’s name, title and author of the book. Then draw an illustration of the character.
- Side 2: Write 4 facts about your character.
Check out this video on YouTube about the process of making a Topps trading card at http://www.viewpure.com/obfEPuhpYgE?start=0&end=0
Storytime with Mrs. Barcus- Click on the following link so we can enjoy a book together…http://www.viewpure.com/4nlcPILuaYU?start=0&end=0
MUSIC: Mrs. Martin
You can contact me at smartin@usd232.org
Kindergarten: Watch the presto and largo music video.
Can you think of other animals that go presto and largo?
Draw a picture of your presto and largo animals and act like them trying to mow the lawn, pick up toys, eating a bowl of cereal, or tap dancing.
1-Re-create the silverware rhythms below using stick shaped objects at home (silverware, stick pretzels, popsicle sticks, pool noodles)?
2-Now try to create your own rhythms using quarter notes (ta) , eighth notes (ti-ti), and a quarter rest (z).
3-What would the rhythm be if I said "bee bee bumble bee"?
4th & 5th: Can you correctly clap & count these spelling word rhythms?
1-Pick a word below and find it's matching letter rhythm.
For example: Take the word ROCK. Find the "R" rhythm and clap/count it. Find the "O" rhythm and clap/count it, etc. . until you have found all the rhythms in the spelling word.
2-Can you find your rhythms that would spell your name?
3-Can you play that rhythm on your recorder, piano, band instrument or a home-made crash can?
Choir Students: You can sing along with the links below from our choral festival literature.
I hope you are all finding ways to stay active while you are home! If you are looking for even MORE fun things to do, ask mom or dad to follow me on Twitter at @DawnKoester1 where I have found a million different easy, fun activities.
Here are a few ideas for this week. Even though they are divided into different age groups, you can do the activities from either group. If you have a younger brother or sister, encourage them to do the Kdg - 2nd Grade activities and if you have someone older in your house ask them to help with the 3rd - 5th Grade activity. Get EVERYONE moving!
K-2nd Grades
Try out this Animal Walk - Set a timer and complete each of the challenges for 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds in between. See how many you can do!
3rd - 5th Grades
Fly Swatter Hockey - This is a great challenge that can get your heart rate up and have a little friendly competition. In the video, they use fly swatters, a small balloon and clothes baskets but you can get creative; try spatulas, a small ball or balled-up sock and a couple of boxes.
Click the button below to watch a welcome video from Mrs. Hrabik, can you see her silly cat?
Kindergarteners-Photo Scavenger Hunt
How about going outside and taking pictures with a device? I want you to go on a Shape Scavenger Hunt. Take pictures of 3 shapes: a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle. Share your pictures with your family or post them on Seesaw for me to see. Below is an example of a circle picture.
First Graders
How about some fun game time? Many of you have used this site to create and print documents or play games. Click the link to take you to ABCya!