SAU #34 Community News
October 21, 2022
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SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Upcoming Important Dates
- Nov 2 Student Flu Clinic HDHS and HDMS
- Nov 3 Student Flu Clinic HDES
- Nov 7 HDSD School Board meeting 6:00pm HDES Media Center
- Nov 8 State General Election Voting 7am-7pm
- Nov 11 No School - Veteran's Day
- Nov 14 Washington School Board meeting 6:00pm WES
- Nov 16 WES Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Nov 23-25 No School -Thanksgiving Holiday
Powerschool is coming to SAU #34. After more than 15 years, a new student information system will launch for the 2023-2024 school year. Powerschool will bring many, much-requested features as well as improved workflows for students and staff of the district. Please stay tuned for additional information as we work to implement the new system.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
This year’s campaign theme – See Yourself in Cyber – demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about people. To learn more about Cyber Security month or other resources, visit the link below.
Please Click on the Links to see Recent Pictures & Videos From All Across SAU 34
Hillcat Athletics
Recent Happening in H-DHS Sports:
Friday, October 7th
Boys Soccer beat Hopkinton by a score of 3-1
Girls Soccer lost at Hopkinton by a score of 4-1
The Girls Volleyball Program Swept Conant by scores of 2-1 JV and 3-0 Varsity
Saturday, October 8th
Girls Soccer traveled to Conant and lost a tough game 3-1
Redhawks Football lost to John Stark by a score of 61-33
Tuesday, October 11th
Congratulations to Gavin Ford and Cooper Dean for competing in the D4 Golf Tournament. Gavin Ford finished 11th and qualified for the D4 Individuals Tournament on Saturday, October 15th at the Beaver Meadow Golf Course in Concord.
The Girls Volleyball Program swept Kearsarge on the road by scores of 3-0 JV and 3-0 Varsity
Boys Soccer lost to interLakes on the road by a tight score of 2-1
Girls Soccer lost to top ranked Trinity on the road by a score of 3-0
Friday, October 15th
Girls Soccer beat Sanborn at home 3-0
The Girls Volleyball Program lost a tough match to Sunapee at home by scores of 3-0 JV & 3-2 Varsity
Saturday, October 16th
Congratulations to Gavin Ford for placing 8th in the NHIAA D4 Individual Golf Tournament at Beaver Meadow Golf Course!
Boys Soccer beat Farmington on the road Saturday by a score of 8-1
Redhawks Football beat Lebanon at home by a score of 20-14
Tuesday, October 18th
Boys Soccer beat Fall Mountain on the road last night by a score of 4-0, bringing the team to 10 wins on the season
Girls Soccer lost a tight battle to Fall Mountain by a score of 2-1
Wednesday, October 19th
The Girls Volleyball Program swept Kearsarge at home by scores of 3-0 JV and 3-0 Varsity
Recent Happenings in H-DMS Sports
The Cross Country Team competed in Peterborough and Brennen Klumb took first place, with a time of 12:56
News from Across SAU # 34
A Beloved Tradition at WES Returns
A Beloved Tradition at WES Returns
Washington Elementary School hosted Grandpals’ Day on Monday, October 17th. This beloved tradition has been on hiatus since 2019 and was very much missed by students, teachers, and grandparents/pals. During this event, grandparents are invited to the school to participate in activities and have lunch with their grandchildren. Students who are unable to have a grandparent attend are paired with a grandpal from the community who volunteers their time so that all students are included.
This year, students started with a performance of “Entry of the Gladiators” by Julius Fucik. Students in kindergarten through second grade marched and used scarves to show the beat and tempo of the music. Students in third through fifth grade cups as instruments to go along with the beat and rhythm of the music. The performance was followed by visiting classrooms and eating lunch. Activities in the classrooms included homemade pumpkin spice play-doh, a ghostly craft, and Minute-to-Win-It stacking games. Pies were donated by community members for everyone to enjoy as well.
Bringing back this community event brought enormous smiles to everyone involved!
The Office of Student Supports
End 68 Hours of Hunger
Hello Hillcat Families,
We’re writing to introduce you to the End 68 Hours of Hunger program we have established for SAU 34 and ask for your help.
End 68 Hours of Hunger is a public not-for-profit effort to confront the approximately 68 hours of hunger that some school children experience between the free lunch on Friday afternoon and the free breakfast on Monday morning at school. The plan is to put
nourishing food in the hands of at-risk children to carry them through the weekend.
Each bag will contain at least 3000 calories, and the food will be pre-prepared or
preparable with simply hot water and/or a microwave.
The End 68 program is entirely volunteer based and 100% of any funds raised go
directly to feeding at-risk children unless otherwise designated by the donor.
When a student has been identified as possibly in need of food help, their name is put
on a confidential list. We use the information to determine how many bags of food we
will be sending to each school. On Friday, those students will discreetly receive a bag
from an End 68 volunteer in their school. We have been fortunate enough to receive a
donation of cinch sacs from the Project Aware Grant here at the schools. We only ask
that the bags get sent back on Monday to be reused. The bags are washed by another
set of volunteers and returned to use.
Students have been referred by parents, teachers, administrators, custodial staff and
have even referred themselves. Last year, we helped an average of 62 students per
week in the Hillsboro-Deering and Washington schools. If you know of a child who
would benefit from an End 68 food bag, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can email
Dana Brien at, call at 603-464-1194, or simply reach out to the child’s
teacher or guidance counselor.
If you would like to donate your time or food, please reach out to us as well!
Thank you,
End 68 Hours of Hunger SAU #34
NH Medicaid
- The NH Department of Health and Human Services has an important update for families with children covered by NH Medicaid. During the COVID-19 federal Public Health Emergency (PHE), New Hampshire has provided continuous health care coverage for children and families that receive Medicaid. When the PHE ends, this extended coverage will end too, and families may need to complete a renewal to re-certify their children’s Medicaid eligibility. Learn more about planning for the end of the PHE here.
Flu Vaccination Clinics
Dear School Family,
Welcome back to a new school year! Back-to-school time comes with a whole checklist of things you need to take care of to get the year started off right. There’s one thing we can check off that list for you! This fall we will host a school-based flu clinic for all students, at no cost to your family. Our clinic is being offered in cooperation with the New Hampshire Immunization Program (Division of Public Health Services) and your local Public Health Network. The clinic will take place during the school day and trained medical staff will give the vaccine.
Why sign your child up for this year’s flu clinic?
Your child will be less likely to get the flu and miss school time.
You won’t have to miss work when your child is sick with the flu.
CONVENIENT! You won’t have to make a trip to your medical provider.
The best way to protect against the flu and its complications is to get a flu vaccine each year. Anyone can catch the flu, but rates of infection are often highest among children. Some children may suffer from complications of the flu if they have other health conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services recommend that everyone six months of age and older get a flu vaccine.
A paper copy of the consent form is available. Completed consent forms are to be returned to the school nurse or main office.
Your child’s vaccination information is confidential and protected by state and federal law. Vaccination information is safely stored in New Hampshire’s Immunization Information System (NHIIS), which brings together information from different health care providers into a single permanent record. Your child’s immunization record is available to you at any time. Additional information is available at
You have the right to opt out of IIS by checking to opt out box on the consent form. However, if you opt out, you will need to share your child’s immunization records with their medical provider and the school health office to keep their vaccine information up to date.
The CDC Influenza Vaccine Information Statements (VIS), is available at the following link to help answer your questions: You may also reach out to your child’s health care provider or school nurse.
SNAP Student Health Records Online
Hello Hillcat Parents and Guardians,
Hillsboro-Deering utilizes an electronic medical record called SNAP health portal. A student's health portal information must be updated every year. Yearly updates include contact information and over the counter (OTC) medication permissions.
How to log in to and update your students electronic medical record in SNAP:
Go to SNAP
You should have received an email from with a link to set up your students health record. If you did not get an email or do not remember your password enter your email and select “forgot Password” and SNAP will send you a reset password link through your email.
Once you are logged into your students record you will be able to update information and communicate with your school nurse through a HIPPA compliant and secure messaging system. Please take the time to review your students' health record and update any information as needed. Be sure to select each category in the blue box on the left.
Under the medication tab, you will see a list of medications. These are the medications that are stocked in the HD health offices, but you must choose to opt-in for each medication you would like to have available for your student. No medication can be given without this consent!
You also can communicate and send messages directly to the school nurse. Simply select the green button and a message window will appear. Forms and letters can also be directly added to your students health record!
The school nurse team is happy to help you if you have any questions,
HeatherAnn LaBier RN, MSN HD High school 464-1290
Sharon Gamache RN, BSN HD Middle School 464-1275
Brooke McLain RN, MSN HD Elementary School 464-1311
Jean Scott LNA HD Elementary School 464-1291
Alexa Kerry RN BSN Washington Elementary 495-3463
The 2022-2023 school year is off to a great start! Unfortunately, illnesses such as COVID-19, the flu and other viruses continue to be a reality in impacting our community, sports teams, and clubs. It is important to identify illnesses quickly and for families to seek early care to prevent further spread to the school community. The Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Districts will continue to follow updated CDC and DHHS guidelines for schools. Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Districts ask that staff and students not attend school if they are experiencing any upper respiratory symptoms, fever, vomiting or diarrhea.
Per CDC and NH DHHS Guidance Students or Staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days, after their 5 day isolation period they may return if experiencing improvement of symptoms, but must wear a well fitting face mask for an additional 5 days. If after 5 days you are feeling better and wish to remove your mask sooner than day 10, you must have two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart. If you continue to be symptomatic you must complete the full 10 days of isolation. Free home COVID-19 tests are available for families:
Students and Staff who experience illness such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea and test negative for COVID-19 are asked to stay home until they have improvement of symptoms and are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. School nurses are happy to help review symptoms and discuss the most efficient way to return to school after any illness.
Families can help the school nurses manage minor symptoms and support their student staying in school by completing the school health record and selecting any over the counter medications they deem appropriate for their child. Families also can provide documentation of allergies or medical conditions that may require support during the school day through the health portal. Please follow this link to access your students health portal:
Back to School Registration Process
Our district has moved to an online registration process and it is so very important for parents and guardians to log in to and update all information. DO NOT click on the new student registration button. Simply log in with your username and password and follow the prompts. If you have any issues or do not remember your login information, please contact the school office below for assistance:
Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School, PreK-5, , 603-464-1122
Hillsboro-Deering Middle School, 6-8,, 603-464-1120
Hillsboro-Deering High School, 9-12, , 603-464-1184
Washington Elementary School, K-5, , 603-495-3463
The document links below, which are also in Web2School under Announcements, will be helpful for you to review prior completing your information update:
H-D – Washington Student Electronic Device Agreement
Notification of Video and Audio Recording
Opt-Out of SORA Digital Library
HDSD Annual Parent Guardian Notice of Policies
The Business Office
Food Service Update
Household Applications for Free and Reduced Lunch Prices
We are still accepting household applications for the Free and Reduced Lunch Price
Program. Applications needs to be submitted online or on paper as soon as possible ideally,
before the end of the month!
Families must apply for Free/Reduced Meals each school year. The same is true for students
who have been free or reduced previously. The Free and Reduced Lunch Price Application can
be found online to be completed and submitted, or you can request a paper copy from your school's
front office.
If your household receives benefits but did not apply this year, you may lose those benefits soon
as they will expire after the rollover period ends from past years applications. If you are unsure if
you applied, have questions, or you need help please call or email the Food Service
Coordinator, Anna Muncy 603-464-1160 |
All application regardless of eligibility help our school lunch program. We greatly appreciate each of you that have taken the time to complete an application.
School Lunch Accounts
School lunches are no longer free for all.
You can create an upload money for your student’s lunch account using the third-party app, EZ
Pay. To create an account, you need to have your student’s school ID number.
You can also send cash or check with your student to add money in the lunch line or send cash
or check directly to the Food Service Coordinator through your school’s front office or the mail.
School lunch prices are:
All Breakfast $1.50
Washington Elementary: $2.60
Hillsboro-Deering Elementary Lunch: $2.85
Middle School Lunch: $3.10
High School Lunch: $3.35
Free or Reduced Breakfast: $0.00
Reduce Lunch Price: $0.40
Free Lunch Price: $0.00
The Curriculum Office
Parents and Other Adults: How do we Support Children Who are Struggling?
Panelists discuss how to be part of the solution for young people with mental illness
Red Ribbon Week October 23 - 31
This is an annual opportunity for teens, children, and adults to show that they are committed to being healthy and drug free.
Download planning guides, flyers, promotional material, and more!
SAT prep courses
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
Test results currently available are from Spring 2022
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan