Cardinal Connections
February 12, 2021
Next Week-At-A-Glance
Tuesday - Mid-Winter Break - No School
Wednesday - Mid-Winter Break - No School
Thursday - Mid-Winter Break - No School
Friday - Mid-Winter Break - No School
We Celebrate Black History Month
Please remember during February to discuss the importance of Black History Month and find time to share stories, quotes, videos, or discussions with your students to celebrate the many influential Black leaders and people of our generation and those that paved the way long before us.
Our students should all know that no matter their race, religion, ethnicity, or other traits that make them who they are, they are all special and capable of wonderful things. Providing time for students to share experiences and customs is one way to start conversations.
Although Black History Month is in February, please continue to celebrate our students and their ethnicities and races throughout the year.
Tulsa's - Black Wall Street
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Parent Reminder:
Hello CVE Parents,
We want to make it clear to all students and parents that we do have school five days per week. For our non-CVVA students, this means two days of in-person instruction in the building, two days of asynchronous work at home (which will include working with your MTSS staff member), and one day of remote learning at home. On asynchronous workdays, our students should be completing whatever tasks their teachers have provided for them. This may require them to log in to Schoology to access resources and/or to complete and hand in assignments. Each teacher may be different in how they utilize the asynchronous workdays, but please know that students should be engaged in whatever work has been provided. These asynchronous workdays truly are independent as teachers are engaged in teaching their in-person students and are not available to immediately answer questions or respond to the needs of at-home students. On Fridays, all students should log in to Schoology and Teams. Students will be most successful if they engage in all five days of learning and stay up-to-date with assignments and assessments.
Newest Member of Our Team
Anagat Alomari, One-On-One Para
She received her Bachelor's Degree in Communication Science and Disorders from WSU. She loves reading and traveling and is passionate about becoming a speech therapist.
Please help me in welcoming Angat to the team. Stop by Karen Chimenti's room to say, "Hi."
First Grade CVVA Announcements
CVVA Materials Pick Up Day is Monday, February, 22nd from 10:00-2:00. Please return the Unit 2 and Unit 3 Journeys hardcover books and Decodable Readers. A photo of the books that should be returned is below. Please also remember to wear a mask when you arrive at the school doors.
Winter Break begins today at 11:55 am. I hope you have a great winter break! Please remember to read every day during the break! I will see you back on Monday, February 22nd.
Message from Katie Tabaczynski ~ CVE Health Aide
Kindergarten Registration
Macomb County Health Department: School Immunization Program 2021-2022
Principal Wright was Interviewed at CVE by some great students from Kindergarten and 3rd Grade
What's Happening in 1st Grade with Mrs. Kroll?
What's Happening in Second Grade with Mrs. Chimenti?
Second Grade is learning about measuring! We had a blast measuring items in the room this week. Even Mrs. Chimenti's hair was measured! 😂 We also had fun experimenting with Candy Hearts! Both groups made predictions and were excited to see the results. Did you know that the candy hearts sink in water and vinegar, but they float in soda?
What's Happening in 4th Grade with Mrs. Phillips?
Mrs. Phillips' 4th graders had fun celebrating Valentine's Day by making 3-D hearts with fraction questions! We loved the goodie bags too-thank you Clinton Valley PTO!
What's Happening in 4th and 5th Grade with Mrs. Stark and Ms. Laichalk
Message from Katie Tabaczynski, CVE Health Aide
Message from Mrs. Walters, Service Squad Advisor
A note from Service Squad :
The kids have been doing a great job with our Recycling Program.
Parents, please remember that you may donate to our bin by the gym doors.
This program helps with the environment and helps our school earn money.
Message from Dyana Bates, CVE TC/Resource Room Teacher
Message from CVE Para-Educators ~ March is Reading Month!
Dear Families:
The staff will be encouraging your students to read extra for the month of March! We will be sending home a Reading Calendar to give you prompts to read with your student. If students read extra every week, they can turn their calendar in at the end of the month to earn some cool prizes!
We will have activities in the building, like read a shirt day, drop everything & read, read a hat to name a few. This year’s Bingo for books will only be played by students in the school at the end of the month of March.
Students will have a chance to win a Book Basket in their classroom. There will be virtual readers, for students and staff to enjoy on Fridays.
Let’s help celebrate Reading Month and encourage our students to read more!
Reading Month ~ In-School Activities
Reading Month ~ Home Activities
Book Bingo for CVVA Students
Book Bingo for Hybrid Students
Poppin Popcorn Fundraiser
Good evening everyone!
The Poppin Popcorn packets and microwave popcorn have been delivered and are outside of your rooms in your wagons, and are ready for distribution after the break. Please note, Mrs. Michlewski's packets are in the same wagon as Mrs. Susalla's, and Ms. Shattuck's are in the same wagon as Mrs.Tech's (a box separates them).
As I said, I am extremely excited about this fundraiser. Poppin Popcorn is a Michigan based company, we will receive 50% of what is made, and the students only have to sell 2 items to begin earning prizes!!
With your help, I know we can make this fundraiser a huge success!!
I hope you all enjoy your break and get some much-needed rest!!
Thank you for all you do,
Panda Express Fundraiser
Hi Clinton Valley Families!!
We can all use a break from cooking!! Head out to Panda Express next Friday, February 12th, at the Sterling Heights (Hall Road Location) and enjoy an amazing meal. Be sure to mention the flier attached and show it at the drive-thru when you check out, and 20% of your bill will be donated back to our school!! This is a great opportunity to get a break from making dinner and helping the school continue to provide great programs such as Science Alive and activities that the students love so much. We hope you enjoy your meal! As always, thank you for your continued support. -Clinton Valley PTO