Wairoa College
Newsletter 15 November 2021
Tēnā Koutou Katoa
You may have heard a lot in the news regarding teachers and support staff in schools and the Covid vaccine mandate. However, this also applies to parents and caregivers who are working with our students e.g. volunteers for trips, coaches, managers and drivers of sport and other groups. This is a mandate from the Ministry of Health that as a school we have no discretion over. Please understand that all schools will be following this process. Let us all show manaakitanga towards each other during these new and difficult times.
As such if you are supporting our school with these types of things you will need to give me a copy of your vaccine certificate, a photo of your immunisation card, or an email of verification from the Doctors or the Ministry of Health site.
One easy way to provide proof of vaccination is for people to get a vaccination statement from My Covid Record.
My email address is principal@wairoacollege.school.nz if you would like to email it directly to me. If you could also confirm your contact details in the email that would be appreciated so we can keep our records up to date.
What the requirements are and who they apply to
Everyone who works for a school or kura who may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present must have had a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 15 November and be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.
From 1 January 2022, schools and kura must only allow those that are fully vaccinated to provide onsite services.
This includes:
relief teachers and casual staff
administration staff
caretakers and cleaners
contractors and other tradespeople
service managers
caregivers and other staff.
It also includes unpaid workers, such as volunteers and any members of the community who are regularly on site during a time when children and students may be present. Throughout this guidance we have used the term staff member to refer to paid staff members, unpaid workers, volunteers, contractors and other workers at your school or kura.
The vaccination requirements apply wherever in person schooling occurs, such as on the school or early learning service site, but also at school camps, swimming pools, museums, or where other education outside the classroom (EOTC) programmes take place. This means that both school staff and volunteers who are involved in EOTC should have had a first vaccination by 15 November and be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022. (This includes coaches, drivers, managers of sports teams)
The vaccination requirements do not apply to those who are performing services remotely, or who are onsite only when children and students are not present (such as a contractor who is performing maintenance during the weekend or over a term break). The requirements also do not apply to people who are visiting your school or kura, such as for a learning conference or a parent, whānau and community evening.
Medical exemptions for vaccinations
The Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 has been amended to clarify the requirements relating to medical exemptions.
All medical exemptions for the education sector need to be approved by the Director-General of Health.
The revised Order is available here.
How the medical exemption process will work
An exemption can only be applied for by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.
The doctor or nurse practitioner needs to assess if the employee meets clinical criteria that have been specified for an exemption by the Director-General of Health.
If the doctor or nurse practitioner considers that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the employee meets the specified criteria for a medical exemption, they can complete a request for an exemption on behalf of the employee and submit this to the Ministry of Health for consideration.
The Ministry of Health will consider exemption requests that are submitted in accordance with these requirements and the Director General of Health will decide:
if an exemption is to be granted; and
the duration of the exemption.
The Ministry of Health must notify the doctor or nurse practitioner and the individual in writing of the decision.
Exemptions may be issued for a maximum of six months, and if the exempted employee believes a further exemption is required at the end of that period, their doctor or nurse practitioner will need to apply for a new exemption.
See more information on the exemption process is available from the Ministry of Health.
Schools are also required from the Ministry of Education to keep an up to date register of students and their their vaccination status. The following Privacy requirements also apply to volunteers.
Below are the conditions around Privacy that apply to Privacy Statement: Vaccination Register (Eligible Students)
The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you about how we will collect, store, use and share your personal information for the purposes of our Eligible Student Vaccination Register.
Why are we collecting your personal information?
The Ministry of Education has stated secondary schools are required to maintain an up-to-date register with the vaccine status of all eligible students.
How we will use your personal information?
Your vaccination status information will enable us to know the vaccination status of all eligible students to ensure we are complying with the Order, and in the case of an outbreak, respond accordingly.
What personal information will be collected?
We will be collecting the following personal information:
- Full Name
- National Student Number (NSN)
- Date of Birth
- Year Level
- Contact details (email, phone)
- Caregiver Contact details (name, phone number)
- Vaccination status
* Fully vaccinated (Date of Dose 2)
* Exempt (Date of Exemption)
* No Information Provided (Date of No Information Provided)
* Vaccination Status Unknown
Where no information is provided your record in the Vaccine Register will note that no information has been provided.
How will we collect your personal information?
We will collect your personal information directly from you (or your parent/caregiver where appropriate).
How will we keep your personal information safe?
It is important that we keep your vaccination information safe and secure. We maintain a secure environment for the protection of all personal information we hold and use appropriate security safeguards to protect information from loss, unauthorised access, use, or disclosure.
Only authorised staff will have access to the Vaccination Register, and access to the information in the Vaccination Register will only be for authorised purposes.
Sharing of your personal information
We will not share your personal information unless we are required or authorised to do so by law.
In the situation of an outbreak, we may share your personal information with a Public Health Authority for the purposes of planning and implementing appropriate public health responses. Where possible we will only disclose aggregate level information.
We may disclose aggregate level information to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education to assist those agencies monitor and plan covid 19 responses. You will not be identified in any disclosure of information to these agencies.
How long will we keep your personal information?
We will not keep your information for longer than is required for the purposes stated above.
Your rights under the Privacy Act 2020
Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to request a copy of, and correction to, any personal information held by us. You can do this by emailing principal@wairoacollege.school.nz or calling 06 838 8689.
Ngā mihi nui
Mrs Jo-Anne Vennell
Riley Stanaway Year 12 - 2021 DUX
- Brian Taylor Trophy : Sportsmanship in Boys Soccer
- Whale Tooth : Most Dedicated Student to the Performing Arts
- First in Subject for Level 3 Academic English 301
- First in Subject for Level 3 Mathematics with Algebra 301 First in Subject for Level 3 Biology 301
- First in Subject for Level 3 Physics 301First in Subject for Level 3 Digital Technologies 3
- First in Subject for Level 3 Music 301
- Kumar Family Trophy - Most Outstanding Student at Level 3 English
- Newlake Texts Cup : Top Year 13 Mathematics Student
- Genesis Scholarship
- Wairoa College Scholarship
- All Round Excellence Cup: All Round Excellence in Year 13
- J A Ballantyne Rosebowl: for Dux
- Te Awhina Trust Scholarship: for Dux
Hirini Mcllroy
Mahingarangi Hume
Eden Scotson
NCEA Exams and Study Leave
Study leave for all Year 11 – 13 students begins on Monday 15th of November. Students are permitted to return to school if they need somewhere quiet to study or have assessment work to complete with teachers. If students do return to school, they are expected to be in school uniform and to sign-in and out at the office.
The following classrooms will be used as the study spaces:
Year 11 – T2
Year 12 &13 – S4 and S5
Students are also expected to attend external examinations if they are entered in them. Students received their examination admission slip earlier in the week. The admission slip outlines the examinations that students are entered in and when these will take place. Students need the admission slip to have entry into the exam. They must see Miss Mahy ASAP if they did not receive their admission slip.
Derived grades
If a student is unable to attend an examination because of illness, injury or family bereavement please contact Miss Mahy ASAP as the student may be eligible for a derived grade. If this is due to illness there is a form you must collect from Miss Mahy BEFORE you go to a doctor for a medical certificate.
Senior Progress Reports
Senior end-of-year progress reports were distributed to students to take home at the end of last week. If the students were not present to receive their report they can be collected from the front office. A digital copy was also emailed to caregivers where we have an email address on record and made available on the web portal.
Year 7 & 8 Camp - Central North Island
On Monday the 1st of November, 38 excited year 7 and 8 students left Wairoa; destination Hillary Outdoors Tongariro.
This camp was part of an initiative the year 7 and 8 department has introduced this year called “Ädernaline Week”. The purpose of this camp and the three others like it, is to encourage students to try new experiences, show our school values of resilience, kotahitanga, manaakitanga and whakamana, and experience opportunities for future work experiences.
At Hillary Outdoors, Tonagriro the students had the opportunity to experience abseiling, rock climbing, high and low ropes, caving, zip lining, teamwork and bush craft.
“Camp put us out of our comfort zone.”
“Camp was a memorable experience, where we got to try things we haven't done before.” are just some of the things students are saying about their time at camp.
A huge thank you to all of the parent helpers who accompanied us and supported students on camp. Thank you to the bus driver and the leaders and instructors who made camp happen. And thank you to the parents of the students for your support with sponsorship and helping everyone to get ready to attend camp. It was the opportunity of a life time and a great way to end the school year.
City Adrenaline Rush Camp
Day one started with fitness then a hearty cooked breakfast. Police College visit and opportunity to spend time with 3 x sergeants and ask questions. Pizza and snacks for lunch at Aotea Park and the Lagoon then off to Adrenalin Forest.
Everyone challenged themselves and showed Aumangea (Resilience). Back to Silverstream Retreat for dinner then a swim at H2O Extreme Pools.
Adrenaline Week Calendar of Events
We have the last two camps heading of this week. Going Bush & Home is where it is. This is a great opportunity for all our students. A big thank you to the Year 7&8 teachers for all their work that has gone into making the Adrenaline camps happen. Also, thank you to our parents who have helped with fundraising for the Adrenaline camps.
Teacher Only Day
On Tuesday 23 November we have a teacher only day for our NCEA changes, and learning across the school, this will involve all staff. The school will be closed for Year 7-13 students. Please make alternative care arrangements.
Upcoming Events
- Senior Study Leave Begins - Monday 15 November
- Going Bush - Monday 15 to Friday 19 November
- Home is where it is - Monday 15 to Friday 19 November
- Year 9 & 10 Exams - Wednesday 17 to Monday 22 November
- TEACHER ONLY DAY / NCEA Accord Day - Tuesday 23 November
- Year 9 & 10 Fun Day- Tuesday 7 December
Contact Us
Email: info@wairoacollege.school.nz
Website: https://www.wairoacollege.school.nz/
Location: Wairoa College Lucknow Street, Wairoa 4108, New Zealand
Phone: +64 06 838 8303
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wairoacollege