Lincoln Hill High & Lincoln Academy

Family Newsletter — Sunday, September 3, 2023
I am excited to welcome all students back to school this Tuesday for the 2023-2024 school year! All Lincoln Academy and Lincoln Hill High School students (7th-12th) will start school on Tuesday. Please note that this differs from Stanwood High School where only 9th grade students will attend the first day of school. School will start at 7:40 AM and we will have a modified school schedule this day.
Students from our student leadership class will be leading students through team building activities on Tuesday morning as we prepare to have a great school year ahead. In the afternoon, students will attend each of their classes on a modified schedule so they can meet all of their teachers. Please see the modified schedule first day of school schedule below in this newsletter.
There is a lot of important information in this newsletter to help prepare for a successful start to the school year. Please take a moment to review the information in this newsletter and contact us at 360-629-1340 if you have any questions.
The LA/LHHS staff look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!
Ryan Pike
Buses back on area roads
With our 50 big yellow school buses returning to the roads this week, we urge you to help keep everyone safe by brushing up on the rules when it comes to school buses loading or unloading students.
You must ALWAYS stop if you are traveling in the same direction as the school bus.
On a two-lane road, traffic in both directions needs to stop.
If there are three or more lanes, or a divided roadway, you are not required to stop if you’re traveling in the opposite direction of the bus.
Please keep in mind that even if you are not required to stop, you need to proceed with caution.
Failure to stop for a school bus can run you a $500 ticket.
Remember that 20 mph school zones are active again — so please drive cautiously near our schools and crosswalks!
Check out your student's route and bus stop information for the 2023-24 school year now at our Bus Route Information webpage, which includes instructions on how to use Versatrans eLink.
- Monday - No School - Labor Day
- Tuesday - First Day of School - Modified Schedule (See Below)
- Wednesday - Modified Schedule (See Below)
- Thursday - Regular Schedule
- Friday - Advisory Schedule
On the first day of school (September 5th). ALL Lincoln Academy (7th-8th) and Lincoln Hill High School (9th-12th) students will begin school at 7:40 AM. Please note this differs from Stanwood High School, where only 9th grade students will be attending school this day. We will be following a modified schedule with school-wide morning activities and class periods in the afternoon. Please see the schedule below for the first day of school.
1st Day of School Schedule
Morning Activities: 7:40 - 11:30 AM
Lunch: 11:30 AM - 12:10 PM
1st Period: 12:15 - 12:30
2nd Period: 12:35 - 12:50
3rd Period: 12:55 - 1:10
4th Period: 1:15 - 1:30
5th Period: 1:35 - 1:50
6th Period: 1:55 - 2:10
* 9th grade students that have classes at SHS will walk over to SHS to attend class for that period in the afternoon.
School will start at 9:00 AM for the Wednesday Late Start Schedule. We will have a modified schedule on the second day of school as well. Please see the schedule below.
Assembly: 9:00-9:30
Passing time: 9:30-9:40 (Students who have a 1st period SHS class will walk over to SHS)
1st Period: 9:40 – 10:15
2nd Period: 10:20 – 10:55
Lunch: 11:00 – 11:30
3rd Period: 11:35 – 12:10
4th Period: 12:15 – 12:50
5th Period: 12:55 – 1:30
6th Period: 1:35 – 2:10
Menus and more!
The breakfast and lunch menu for September is available on our Food Services webpage and via the Menu button at the school website.
We strongly encourage ALL families to submit a Free and Reduced Meal application. We recommend applications be completed online via Skyward Family Access by clicking the Food Service tab and then Applications to begin.
For more information, please visit our Food Services website.
Spartan Sports
Keep up with all things Stanwood Athletics by subscribing to the Spartan Sports Report — or view this week's newsletter by clicking the link below!
Click Here to sign up to receive weekly scores, news, photos and more. Please also use our Athletics Department website as a resource and follow along on social media at @go_shsspartans.
Please join me in welcoming our new staff to Lincoln Academy/Lincoln Hill High School:
- Alena Eldridge - Science Teacher
- Cindy Ray - Special Education Teacher
Student schedules will be available online in Skyward Friday, September 1st by 6:00 PM. Please know there may be schedule adjustments prior to the first of school if needed. Students will receive a printed schedule on the first day of school, September 5th.
During the first couple of weeks of school, your child will review the student handbook. This will be completed during an advisory session. Make sure you review the handbook with your student. The handbook is available on our website or you may pick up a hard copy in the main office.
We ask that all students, including remote students, get their photos taken for identification purposes.
Picture day for LA/LHHS is Thursday, September 21st. Make-ups are Scheduled for October 24th. Times will be shared when they are determined.
Family Access is available to all parents within our district. There is no registration process to go through. To obtain your login and password, please call Kjersti Sundberg at (360) 629-1340.
With this up-to-the-minute information, you can be a more proactive member of your child's educational team. If you have a question or need an answer prior to parent-teacher conferences, staff email addresses are provided through our website for your convenience. If you don't have access to a computer, please contact the high school so arrangements can be made for you to get access.
Family access is located at: https://lhh.stanwood.wednet.edu/
This will bring you to Lincoln Hill High School’s main web page. From there you need to click on the Skyward Family Access link located in the blue circle (see picture in top right corner). A new page will pop up asking you for your login and password. Login and password are not case-sensitive. Once you are logged in you can personalize your password if you would like to.
We welcome you to Family Access and hope you will find this electronic "tool" an important part of your ongoing relationship with the Stanwood-Camano School District.
If you have any problems accessing the site, or have any questions, please call Kjersti Sundberg at the above number or email her at ksundberg@stanwood.wednet.edu.
It is our expectation that cell phones are silenced and put away during class time. Students who use their cell phone during class time to text, make phone calls, take pictures/videos or watch videos will have their phone brought up to the office and it can be picked up after school.
Lincoln High School Students can participate in athletics through Stanwood High School. Fall sports are coming soon! Football begins on Wednesday, August 17 and all other fall sports begin on Monday, August 22 (Cheer, Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, Boys Tennis, Volleyball). Practice times are posted online, or you can reach out directly to the coach for more sport-specific information.
CLICK HERE to access the information for athletic registration.
Pay to Participate fees and ASB cards must be purchased after teams have been formed and before the first date of competition. We recommend that all athletes purchase their ASB card at the beginning of the school year to take full advantage of its benefits. Select student groups (Free and Reduced Meals, College Bound List, McKinney-Vento) may qualify for fee waivers.
Pay to Participate fees and ASB cards must be purchased after teams have been formed and before the first date of competition. We recommend that all athletes purchase their ASB card at the beginning of the school year to take full advantage of its benefits. Select student groups (Free and Reduced Meals, College Bound List, McKinney-Vento) may qualify for fee waivers.
LHHS ASB Card - $45 (can be purchased at LHHS or SHS)
LA ASB Card - $20 (can be purchased at SMS or PSMS)
LHHS -Traffic Safety Education $440
LHHS - State knowledge test at SHS $30
LA Athletic Pay to Participate $50 per sport
LHHS Athletic Pay to Participate $100
There may be additional fees related to courses taken at SHS. Please talk with Stanwood High School office staff for more information.
Good school attendance is important for success in school and as a foundation for successful careers and relationships. The highlight of a quality educational experience is the interaction of an enthused, knowledgeable teacher and an interested student. Those not in class are denied this experience. The best policy for students and parents is to prearrange all necessary absences before the student is absent. Parents/guardians may prearrange by calling or sending a note to the Attendance Secretary.
Because it is the legal responsibility of teachers to maintain accurate records on student attendance, the Board of Directors has established attendance criteria that emphasize the importance of good attendance for student achievement. The following procedures will be in effect at Lincoln Academy and Lincoln High School:
Attendance will be taken each period.
All students, regardless of age, must follow all school rules, including attendance rules.
(RCW 28A.225)
Procedure for excusing your child's absences
Absences must be excused within 72 hours of the student's return to school.
Parents and guardians may excuse absences by calling the attendance secretary at 360-629-1340, through Absence Notification using their Family Access password, by emailing rmidthun@stanwood.wednet.edu, through electronic form, or by dropping off a note to the attendance office.
Messages on notes, voicemail, or email should include the first AND last name of the student, the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent or guardian’s signature.
Lincoln Hill High School defines excused absences as absences due to illness, appointment, mental health, or family business. Any other attendance reasons will need to be reviewed and approved by the principal to be excused.
If the student has classes at Stanwood High School AND Lincoln Hill High School, you must contact BOTH schools to excuse absences. (only applicable to LHHS students)
If your child arrives late to school
Students arriving late to school must sign in on the attendance log sheet located in the main office. If a parent or guardian is not able to come in and sign for the student, then they must call the attendance office or send a note excusing the tardiness. The student must write the time of their arrival on the note
If your child needs to leave school early
If a student needs to leave school early, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian requesting the absence. The student should bring the note to the Attendance Office before school and they will receive an "Early Dismissal Pass" allowing them to sign themselves out of school.
Leaving campus without permission will not be excused after the fact.
Students should never leave school without properly checking out through the office. If an emergency arises, which requires the student to leave school, the parent or guardian must notify the school.
It is best to send a note in the morning to have the student get an early dismissal pass. This prevents interrupting a teacher during class and the student can just show the teacher the pass and leave quietly.
Attendance Notifications to Parents/Guardians
- Auto dialer: Automated telephone calls are made to inform guardians of one (1) or more unexcused absences from class each school day.
- Attendance Letters: "Unexcused Absence" letters will be mailed home weekly for students that missed 50% or more of their scheduled classes for 2 or more days.
Attendance and Mental Health
During the 2022 legislative session, House Bill 1834 was passed. This bill directed the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to categorize a student’s absence from school due to a mental health reason, as an excused absence due to illness, health condition, or medical appointment. The updated language for an excused absence now states physical health or mental health symptoms, illness, health condition, or medical appointment for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible. Examples of symptoms, illness, health conditions, or medical appointments include, but are not limited to, medical, counseling, mental health wellness, dental, optometry, pregnancy, and behavioral health treatment (which can include in-patient or out-patient treatment for chemical dependency or mental health).
Throughout a student's four years of high school, they will complete a number of state and local graduation requirements. This includes a High School and Beyond Plan and a graduation pathway. One of the pathways students can choose is to take and pass state assessments known as the SBA (Smarter Balanced Assessment). Students receive information on these requirements during their advisory period as well as from their counselor.
Do you have questions about courses, schedules, or after-high school plans? Please contact Christy Thompson, our school’s counselor, at cthompson2@stanwood.wednet.edu.
Do you have questions regarding your child's discipline or harassment issues? Please contact our Principal, Ryan Pike, at rpike@stanwood.wednet.edu.
If your student will be riding a bus other than their own they must bring a written request to the office before school or during lunch. Notes can also be sent via fax. Bus passes will be taken over the phone if we can verify who you are. The note should include the first and last name of your student, the name of the student that they are riding with, and the route number and address.
Dance passes will be given out for SHS dances. Guest must be a student or employed (in good standing) or present college status and be under the age of 21. Students from other schools need to be students in good standing to attend Stanwood High School dances. Former Lincoln Hill High School and Stanwood High School students must have been students in good standing while attending Stanwood High School to attend dances. Students that pose potential discipline problems based on current or past behavior will be prohibited from attending dances. The final decision rests with the Stanwood High School administrators.
All students attending dances must show school ID. Guest passes for dances after Friday night games will not be issued. Middle school students are not allowed to attend any high school-sponsored dances. Potential guests 21 and older will not be allowed to attend high school dances. Guests will be required to present a photo ID to verify their age and identity at the event. Photo ID will be returned upon leaving the event.
We encourage students to bring water bottles and use the water bottle filler stations located
throughout the school. Students can bring outside drinks and food to school. However, we
don’t accept food deliveries from companies, such as Uber or Grubhub. When parents/guardians drop off food items for students, the students need to pick up the food in
between class or at lunch. Please make sure your student knows you are dropping off food for them. Students should not leave class to pick up food.
Registration packets will be available in the main SHS office, in the SHS Commons, online at the SHS website/school departments/traffic safety education, and Lincoln Hill High School main office. Class will be online with in-person driving. Questions contact: Scott Knight , SHS TSE Coordinator 360-348-8009 or email dknight@stanwood.wednet.edu
All classes are taught by certificated Washington state instructors and graduates of Central Washington State University’s Traffic Safety program. Instructors are all certificated Washington state secondary instructors.
Tentative classes will be held online/in person (dates and times to be decided) depending on school class days, calendar, and state/county health guidelines. Drive schedules flexible to meet student-driver’s activities, work, and athletic schedules
Fall Session 1
September 12, 2023 - October 12, 2023
Late Fall Session 2
November 7th, 2023 - December 11, 2023
Winter Session 3
January 3, 2024 - February 2, 2024
Early Spring Session 4
February 13, 2024 - March 15, 2024
Spring Session 5
April 9, 2024 - May 9, 2024
Summer Session 1
May 28, 2024 - June 27, 2024
Summer Session 2
July 1, 2024 - August 1, 2024
Voter registration forms are available for anyone who recently moved to the Stanwood Camano area and hasn't registered to vote. You may pick up the form in the main office or you can register online at the Secretary of State website. Computers are available at the public library, Department of Licensing offices, and the Administration & Resource Center.
September 21st - Picture Day
October 9th-13th - Stanwood High School Homecoming Week
October 14th - Homecoming Dance
October 19th - State Earthquake Drill
October 20th - No School/Teacher In-service Day
October 24th - Picture Retakes
September 5th - First Day of School - School starts at 7:40 for ALL students.
September 21st - Picture Day
October 19th - State Earthquake Drill
October 20th - No School/Teacher In-service Day
October 24th - Picture Retakes
We love our volunteers — and we've made it easier than ever to complete the required application and training process.
To apply, start with this new online form.
To learn more about volunteering with us, visit www.stanwood.wednet.edu/volunteer
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA in understanding the K-12 school system and resolving concerns collaboratively. OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school.
OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, please visit our website: https://www.oeo.wa.gov/en; email oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov, or call: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available). (English)
La Oficina de Educación y Resolución de Quejas (OEO, por sus siglas en inglés) es una agencia estatal independiente que ayuda a reducir las brechas de oportunidades educativas al apoyar a familias, estudiantes, educadores y otras partes interesadas en las comunidades de WA para comprender el sistema escolar K-12 y resolver inquietudes colaborativamente. Los servicios de OEO son gratuitos y confidenciales. Cualquiera puede comunicarse con la OEO si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud acerca de la escuela.
La OEO escucha, comparte información y referencias, y trabaja de manera informal con las familias, las comunidades y las escuelas para abordar las inquietudes para que todos los estudiantes puedan participar plenamente y prosperar en las escuelas públicas de nuestro estado. OEO brinda apoyo en varios idiomas y tiene interpretación telefónica disponible. Para obtener ayuda u obtener más información sobre lo que hace la OEO, visite nuestro sitio web: https://www.oeo.wa.gov/es; envíe un correo electrónico a oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov, o llame al: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretación disponible). (Spanish)
Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds • We listen. We inform. We help solve problems.
www.facebook.com/WAEducationOmbuds (English)
www.facebook.com/OmbudsdeEducacion/ (Spanish)
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Christine Del Pozo (cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.