Fox Family Focus
Week of October 8, 2023
Fox Family Updates for the Week...
Good Evening Fox Families, this is your principal Anita Roane with this week’s announcements and reminders. I hope you’ve been enjoying this wonderful Fall weather.
We are so proud of 5th graders Tanner and Gideon for being recognized during the perfect SOL ceremony last Wednesday. Tanner earned a 600 on his Spring Math SOL test and Gideon earned a 600 on his Spring Reading SOL test. That’s an awesome accomplishment. Keep up the good work!
Our PTA did a great job planning and creating our homecoming parade float for Thursday’s parade. We can’t thank them enough! Moss-Nuckols was proudly represented. Our PTA does so much for our school community if you haven’t joined it’s not too late!
Our fifth-grade students, teachers, and family members took part in the homecoming pregame festivities last Friday night by holding the giant flag. It was a proud moment for us all.
The PTA Charleston Wrap Fundraiser is ending on Monday, October 9th. Don't forget to take the time to do some early Holiday Shopping.
As part of Operation Kindness The Veteran Museum mural unveiling will be on October 18th and we have the following 3rd-grade students who worked on our portion Lucius, London, and Sara. Photos will be coming soon.
The PTA is looking forward to hosting the Annual Fall Festival on October 20th. The Title I team will be available from 4:30 to 5:00 to answer any questions about Fact Fluency before the Festival. Games will be available to guide practice at home. Please send in the RSVP forms and don't forget to sign up for the Trunk or Treat that will be happening at the end of the event.
Boograms will be sent home this week. Each Boogram is only fifty cents and will be delivered to students on Halloween. It is a fun and easy way to send fun Halloween messages to children and friends if you are interested.
Families, if you have not completed your online registration, please go online to do this as soon as possible. We are almost at the point where students will lose access to their technology. Please call the school office or help desk if you need assistance. Devices will be turned off on October 10th.
With Fox Pride,
Anita Roane
Your Proud Principal
The Homecoming Parade
This week is the second week of Operation Kindness, we will be collecting items to create care packages for the local VA Hospital. These items will help support veterans who have laid their lives on the line to keep our country safe.
Here are a few items you can bring in to donate: white T-shirts, socks, toothpaste, shampoo, word search books, and colored pencils. We have posters up around our school with a complete list of items.
Here's What's Happening in the Fox Den!
October 9th - Teacher Workday - No school for students
October 9th - 13th - National School Lunch Week
October 12th - Kindness Day
October 13th - Report Cards Sent Home
October 18th - Asynchronous Learning Day
October 19th- PTA Meeting
October 19th - Rock Your School Day
October 19th - The Great Shake Out - Earthquake Drill
October 20th - Red, White, and Blue Day
October 20th - Fall Festival sponsored by the PTA
October 27th - Altruismo Den Breakfast & Club Activities
October 31st - Book Character Dress Up Day
Resources for Parents
The Mission and Vision of Moss-Nuckols Elementary School
The mission of Moss-Nuckols Elementary School is to collaborate with families and community members to foster independent, life-long learners in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our Vision...
-Provide standards-based instruction
-Foster community engagement
-Provide a positive and inviting school climate
-Establish clear communication
-Provide highly qualified teachers
Stay Connected
Location: 2055 Courthouse Road, Louisa, VA, USA
Phone: 540-967-1347
Twitter: @MNES_Roane