NWAEA Math Newsletter
December 2022
Learning Opportunities
Top Resources for December
2. Awesome Math Stuff: included in this resource are math routines, virtual math manipulatives, and other great math stuff to use starting tomorrow. CHECK it out!
3. ICTM Math Community Circles- This is a great opportunity to connect with math teachers across the state and discuss relevant topics in math education.
Elementary PK-5
Secondary: 6 - 12
Pam Harris: When you know there has to be a better way to teach math
I recently took part in the Making Math Moments Virtual Summit. So stinking cool to be with such great speakers and I love the work that Kyle and Jon do!
After my session I asked attendees to post their favorite take away. Mary McQueeney Barron shared this:
Just So You Know...
Math Funnies
ICTM Grant Information
The Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a range of grants to ICTM members. If you are interested in applying please visit the attached link or click on the flyer below.
Contact Us
Email: mathteam@nwaea.org
Website: https://www.nwaea.org/educators/curriculum-instruction/mathematics/
Location: Northwest AEA, Morningside Avenue, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712.222.6223