February 19, 2021
New MDH Information on Close Contacts and Quarantine
This afternoon the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) released a new document clarifying close contact quarantine requirements in sports.
The updated guidance aligns quarantine requirements in schools and in sports after a close contact.
Student-athletes with COVID-19 positive tests and/or close contact should work with their school's COVID response team, school and other health professionals, county health departments, and the Minnesota Department of Health to determine the appropriate plan for each individual.
The following are included in MDH's clarifications on close contacts.
While the quarantine for a close contact continues to be recommended for 14 days, additional options are provided.
If the athlete was WEARING A MASK at the time of exposure AND if BOTH of the following are true:
- The person has NOT had symptoms of COVID-19 during the quarantine period.
- The person does NOT live with someone who has COVID-19.
The quarantine may be shortened to:
- 7-day quarantine (Return to sports on day 8.)
The athlete must have a negative PCR test (not an antigen test or antibody/blood test) with the specimen taken days 5-7 after exposure. - 10-day quarantine (Return to sports on day 11.)
The athlete is not required to have a negative test; however, testing by PCR days 8-10 is still strongly recommended to reduce risk of spread to other athletes.
If any of the above three criteria are not met, the athlete would need to complete a 14-day quarantine and may not return to play early.
Athletes who were exposed in sports activities WHEN NOT WEARING A MASK must complete a 14-day quarantine prior to returning to sports (Return on day 15).
Important additional requirements and guidance may be found in the Department of Health's document MDE Sports Quarantine Clarification.
This document can also be found on the Sports Guidance and Information-COVID Related Resources 2020-2021 page on AD dashboards, under the blue sport-specific accordion for coaches and ADs, and on the Activity Pages on the public website.
*It is expected that there will be revisions to these documents. You will receive a notification when these documents are updated.