๐พ Mountain View Elementary โฅ๏ธ
What's happening this month?
- Tues., Sept. 5 - Istation Reading & iReady Math District Assessment windows are open.
- Thurs., Sept, 7 - PICTURE DAY!
- Mon., Sept. 11 - Capital High School XC forms DUE (for participation and accurate T-shirt sizes)
- Tues., Sept. 12 - First PTO Meeting 7:00 -8:00 PM
- Friday, Sept 15 - 5th & 6th Basketball Forms are DUE! Practice begins Monday, Sept 18!
- Friday, Sept. 29 - Fall Family School Carnival 5:30 -8:30 PM
๐ 5th & 6th Basketball Forms due back by Sept 15th.
The 5th & 6th Grade Girls Basketball forms went home in Tuesday folders. Practice begins Sept 18.
Back to School Night! ๐งก Thank you PARENTS!
We are so lucky to have amazing parents! Thank you for attending! It's going to be a great year!
Back to School Assembly!
๐พ We reviewed The Bengal Way and reinforced the traits of Pawsitive Paws.
Shout out to our students for having the BEST assembly behavior.
Celebrating our Students!
The weather was perfect to eat outside and hang out with friends.
What we are learning currently in Math & ELA?
Math: We are learning to count and write numbers to 20 so we can solve problems.
ELA: We are learning letters, sounds, and sight words so we can begin to read.
Grade 1
Math: We are learning to understand number so that we can solve problems within 120.
ELA: We are learning to read and write using letter sounds, and spelling patterns so that we can read grade level text and write simple sentences.
Grade 2
Math: We are learning to connect number sense to our math models that we will use throughout the year.
ELA: We are learning to read with fluency and comprehend what we are reading. We are learning to write different types of sentences with correct spelling.
Grade 3
Math: We are learning to use place value to round numbers and add numbers up to 1000.
ELA: We are learning to improve their fluency to reach the winter goal of 102 words per minute. We are learning to recognize signal words and use them in sequencing a story.
Grade 4
Math: We are learning to understand the value of a number, so we can read and write numbers up to 1,000,000.
ELA: We are learning to find and use evidence in texts so that we can show that we understand what we read (beginning with nonfiction).
Grade 5
Math: We are learning to calculate volume of rectangular prisms. We are learning to multiply multi-digit numbers with the standard algorithm.
ELA: We are learning to read and analyze a variety of texts. We are learning to use reading strategies so we can comprehend what we read.
We are learning to write for a variety of purposes so that we can effectively communicate our thinking.
Grade 6
Math: We are learning to compute problems using algorithms so that we can efficiently solve problems.
ELA: We are learning to write with correct conventions so that others can understand our writing. We are learning to comprehend on a deep level so that we can make connections with what we read.
Special news from our amazing Librarian, Mrs. Bostrom
The Mountain View Library is so happy to be filled with readers. Please remind your students that book returns are the day before their library check-out day. Mrs. Bostrom will be setting up Idaho Battle of the Books for the 2023-2024 season. We will have students who are interested, sign up NOW and be ready to start reading in October.
Some important dates to remember for this semester!
- October 19 - No School Pre K-6 classes - Parent Conferences
- October 20 - No School Pre K-12
- November 20-24 - Autumn Break - No School Pre K-12
- December 20 - Early Release K-12
- December 21 - End of First Semester - Early Release K-12
- Dec 22 - Jan 5 Winter Break - No School Pre K-12
*Orchestra parents, Mr. Brenton Viertel will return Sept. 25. In the meantime, Mrs. Colleen Schoeck is happily filling the position. ๐
We need your help! ๐
- Please place student names on jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles, backpacks.
- If your child is going to be absent, please use the attendance line (208) 854-5724.
- Lastly, make sure your child/ren know what the after school plan is before they come to school.
The Counselors' Corner
Safety Patrol News
We are so happy to have two new 6th-grade squads this year. We have a few safety reminders for parents and students. We have had a few close calls with cars driving right past us and not stopping for pedestrians, please slow down and be safe. Please keep the crosswalks clear when parking near the four corners, by the bike rack crossing area, or in the parking lot. Our crossing guards will ask you to move your vehicle to a safe location. If you are riding your bike to school, please remember to walk it across the crosswalks. We have a small entrance to the rear parking lot and you must walk your bike from the four corners at Cabarton and be crossed by the patrol to the bike racks. Thank you for your support.