Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 2.4.22
As you know our Social-Emotional theme for February is kindness. Day in and day out the Lake Grove Community practices kindness as part of our commitment to valuing diversity, striving for equity and being inclusive. As a staff we remain dedicated to learning how to become more anti-bias and anti-racist in our work. This work is important all year round, not only in February when we learn more about kindness, the Lunar New Year, and Black History among other topics.
This week our third graders created the impressive dragon pictured to the right with their names in simplified Chinese characters on each of the plates as part of their Lunar New Year lessons. Paula Hahn, our librarian, read the book Friends Are Friends, Forever by Dane Liu to all classes this week during their library time which focuses on kindness and Lunar Year.
Thank you for partnering with us to raise students who value kindness and demonstrate care for all members of our community.
Be well,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Lake Grove Spelling Bee
We are proud of all of our Spelling Bee participants: Madison MacKay, Sophia Han, Corrine Brackney, Aydin Baghdadi, Kimberly Hu, Jack Lopez, Taim Chahin, Avery Neice, Ryder Lopez, Jamen Campbell and Alice Zhang (not pictured). Well done!
Friendship Day at Lake Grove
Lake Grove will have an optional Friendship Day celebration on February 14th that may include an afternoon classroom activity with a Valentine card exchange. Students may bring their cards to exchange on Monday, February 14th. These cards should NOT contain any edible items, but may include small trinkets/games/toys. Please remember that students should bring in enough cards for each classmate or none at all. Look for any more specific guidance and list of student names from your classroom teachers.
If your student would like to participate, but purchasing valentines presents a hardship, please contact Wendy Post at
SEL Theme for February: Kindness
This February, we look forward to investing our time and hearts on the character trait of K I N D N E S S in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and school.
The definition students will be learning this month is KINDNESS: the choice to act with words, gifts, or actions to bring appreciation, positivity, and encouragement to others and yourself.
Kindness is not only a feeling, but a choice we get to make every day to bring good things into our lives and the world. Those good things can look like more than kind words: Kindness is given through our actions, encouragement, attitude, and gifts. We will spend time thinking about how to be kind to ourselves, our environment, our school, and to one another. We will get to experience meaningful words through compliments and feel the joy that comes from showing appreciation and acts of service to others.
We will also be focusing attention on cultivating our relationships with each other. Lake Grove students will be participating in a schoolwide community building activity sharing how we sprinkle kindness in our school community. Please be on the lookout for information regarding our Kindness Spirit Week, February 22-25th.
Here are links for extension activities to explore KINDNESS further as a family:
K-2 KINDNESS Family Letter (English) 3-5 KINDNESS Family Letter (English)
K-2 AMABILIDAD para Familias (En Español) 3-5 AMABILIDAD para Familias (En Español)
Contacting Nurses re: COVID-19, Keep Student Home Until Your Receive a Response
Thank you for contacting our district nurses with your COVID-19 related concerns. Our nurses are responding to each inquiry in the order that they are received. Due to the high volume of calls and emails they are experiencing, please expect a delayed response of up to 24 hours.
If you are emailing regarding a positive COVID-19 case or exposure, please keep your student home until you receive a response.
If your student has tested positive for COVID-19, please email the nurse for your student’s school the following information and a nurse will get back to you as soon as possible:
Student’s First and Last Name
Date symptoms started, if any symptoms
Date tested positive and where the test was taken
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Lake Grove School Nurse: Lisa McBee
Standards-Based District Report Card
The Lake Oswego School District uses a standards-based report card for students in elementary schools. This report card measures a child’s progress toward proficiency or mastery of the priority standards in Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking, and Math.
This approach provides the means for communicating a child’s learning in more specific terms. Standards-based reporting articulates clear end-of-year grade-level standards for each subject. Using the scale below, teachers will communicate where a child resides on a learning continuum by indicating the student’s progress toward mastery of each identified grade-level standard.
The standards-based reporting scale:
4: The student works consistently at an in-depth and complex level within or beyond the end of year standard*
3: The student meets the grade-level expectation of the standard
2: The student nearly meets the end of year standard
1: The student demonstrates limited proficiency on the end of year standard
Important notes about the scale:
● Reporting is based on the end-of-year grade-level expectation. Therefore, proficiency would not be expected in the middle of the school year.
● A “2” represents the expected target for the majority of the school year as this indicates the child is progressing with the standard as expected. A “3” will be given when the student completely meets the grade-level standard.
● Details of what is expected at mastery level can be found on the report card or on the list of assessed grade-level standards.
● A “1” may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher so parents will better understand their child’s learning journey.
*It is rare that a child will receive a “4” especially at the end of the first semester. A “4” score may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher to discuss ways he/she is meeting the child’s unique learning needs.
Behavior Learning Targets are approached differently than end-of-year standards. For more information about your child’s progress, please contact the classroom teacher.
Cell phone/smart watch procedures
Please be aware that cell phone or smart watch use is not permitted during the school day. If your student needs to make a phone call while they are at school, they may ask their teacher to come to the office and we will be more than happy to help them. Thank you for leaving these items at home or turned off and stowed in backpacks and for refraining from texting your children during school hours. We are more than happy to deliver messages if you call the office. 503-534-2357
Upcoming Health Lessons
Our teachers use the adopted Health Curriculum, The Great Body Shop, to teach the required Oregon Health Standards to our students. THE GREAT BODY SHOP is a comprehensive health education curriculum which is sequential, developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive, and medically accurate. The lessons align with Oregon’s Health Education Standards and are embedded with social-emotional learning. Watch your classroom teacher's newsletter for upcoming topics. If you would like to review the health curriculum, please contact the school office. More information, including an opt-out form if needed, can be found on the District website.
Interested in working at lake grove?
See the postings for more details, and feel free to contact the office with any questions 503-534-2357.
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Update vaccination records
2022-23 Registration
Registration for the 2022-23 school year (all grade levels) will begin January 19, 2022. This is for new students who have never enrolled in Lake Oswego before and for returning students who are not currently enrolled but will re-enroll for next year. Registration is online through ParentVUE. Parents do not need to register students for 2022-23 who are currently attending during the 2021- 22 school year. Information about registration, including Spanish Immersion, can be found here.
Now Accepting Applications for Foundation Board of Directors
Are you interested in contributing to a dynamic volunteer organization dedicated to advancing our community's commitment to educational excellence?
Please consider applying for the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation Board of Directors. The Foundation is seeking parents/guardians, students and community residents to serve on its Board of Directors. Board members must demonstrate a commitment to the Foundation, the School District and the Lake Oswego community.
The term for new board members will begin July 2022. Board members commit to a two-year term and may serve up to three terms. Please click HERE to access the online application form. The application provides more information about being a board member.
Interested people should submit applications by Friday, March 4, 2022. The Nominating committee will review applications and conduct interviews in the March time frame. If you are unable to access the application, please contact to receive a pdf version of the application.
Lost and found
Attendance Reminders & Early Pick-ups
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please be sure to bring your ID in to the office to sign them out.
I Love Lake Oswego Clothing Closet
I Love Lake Oswego Clothing Closet has received an overwhelming amount of support and donation during the pandemic. We want to give back to our community and encourage our community to lean on us not for just hard times, but for up cycling, sustainability and for our environment. In the past the closet was just for students, and since the pandemic we have opened our doors to anyone within our community.
Save the Date
2/10 Early Release Thursday
2/11 Report cards available in ParentVue
2/14 Friendship Day at LG
2/15 - PTA General Meeting (Zoom, 7pm)
2/17 Early Release Thursday
2/21 No school - Presidents' Day
Share your love of books on Valentine’s Day! If you have some books at home that your student has outgrown, bring them in to school for a second life! Between February 14-16, donate your gently used or new books in our classroom baskets. Teachers will “shop” through the books to refresh their classroom libraries. Questions? Contact Lasse Vestergaard at
Fundraising is extremely important for enrichment programs at LGE. Contributions to our PTA help create completely volunteer-run programs like Art Literacy, Run Club, Oregon Battle of the Books and more. Donations also fund student events and celebrations like 5th grade graduation, as well as allow us to show our appreciation for the stellar teachers who help our students grow and thrive! Without funding from families and local businesses, and volunteers stepping up, our PTA could not offer this level of support.
In April, Lake Grove students will participate in raising funds for their school through a “Cougar Day Jog-a-Thon,” planned for Friday, April 29. In order to execute the jog-a-thon, there are several jobs available to help prepare and plan for this event.
Sign up to manage one of these items!
- Compile a list of local businesses that may be interested in advertising to our families, build the list in a table with contact information (a list of local businesses already captured from previous years is available as a starting point for this volunteer). Timeframe: now through February.
- Contact local businesses mentioned above for potential business sponsorships. This could include dropping off flyers or sending emails and making phone calls. Timeframe: now through mid-March.
- Organize the display area/jar/campaign to donate funds to local charities. This is a task for a creative person! Let’s get the kiddos excited about building community. Timeframe: early April.
- Project POOCH
- Hunger Fighters
- Willamette River Keepers
Fundraising questions? Contact
This Valentine's Day, Monday, February 14, please join us in bringing a hand-written note of kindness for your teacher or any member of the staff! The PTA will deliver a sweet treat of coffee (donated by Lake Grove Starbucks) and doughnuts that morning for LG staff. We're also looking for volunteers to help plan a fun Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2-6. If you're able to help, please contact Ali Koper at or 503-415-9699.
Thanks to the long list of volunteers who have helped our students further their love of reading through Oregon Battle of the Books! More than 50 Lake Grove students are participating in the program this year.
- Staci Laird & Kim Massari, teacher volunteers
- Paula Hahn, librarian
- Erin Courtney, committee chair
- Parent volunteers: Yan Liang, Jessica Johanson, Halina Li, Marina Song, Monica Grabavoy, Angie Hunt, Kirsten Chapman, Allison Hill, Raechelle Mascarenhas, Sarah Wang, Cheryl Sharkey, Ali Koper, Lisa LeBlanc
Art Literacy is a completely volunteer run program that introduces elementary students to art principles, elements, and techniques. All training, presentation materials, projects and supplies are provided by our PTA. This is a great opportunity to work with students in the classroom!
Please contact Kim MacKay at if you are interested in volunteering! The program will start when safety protocols allow.
Length of time required in the classroom:
-Presentation: 15 minutes
-Hands-on project: 30 minutes
You will be paired with at least one other volunteer for your classroom and will work together to ensure that all key roles and responsibilities for your classroom are covered. A monthly training will be held to ensure all volunteers are prepared.
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357