February Tiger Times SV.13
Week of Monday, February 6th - Friday, February 10th, 2023
Reminders for the Week
- Tuesday 2/7/23 is a half day for students due to Quarter 2 Parent Teacher Conferences. Afternoon session is 1:00pm - 4:00pm; Evening session is 6:00pm - 8:00pm.
- Attendance is required to be taken within the first 15 minutes of the start of class. If a student is not in class they must be marked absent so that their parent/guardian are promptly notified.
- Grade 8 - students who arrive to school by 7:45am, must be marked present. Anytime after that time the student is late.
- Grade 7 - students who arrive to school by 8:35am, must be marked present. Anytime after that time the student is late.
- Teachers are required to ensure all classroom doors, (especially those that are not occupied) and exterior doors (doors leading to the outside) are closed and locked at all times. Leaving unoccupied classroom doors unlocked and exterior doors open poses a safety hazard to students and staff.
- Teachers are required to stand outside of classrooms during the changing of classes and dismissals to ensure a smooth transition from class to class and dismissal .
- If you are substitute teacher for the day, in the absences of lesson plans left by the classroom teacher, all students are to log on to iReady and complete a minimum of two reading and one math assignment.
- Printed lesson plans are to be available near the door (in hanging file holders) or open in a tab on your Promethean boards.
- Unannounced observations conducted by Hempstead High School and District Administration will begin this next week.
- The large containers and garbage bins that are taking up parking spaces near the Greenwich Street entrance are there as part of the HUFSD 2022-2023 Energy Efficient Upgrade Project. The bins will remain until the work in the suites, e.g., electrical, heating, plumbing etc., is complete. The work will be performed after school hours. It is anticipated that this part of the project will be finished sometime in February 2023. Please be patient!
- The Energy Efficient Project at ABGS has resulted in better lighting, more efficient heating and ventilation, upgraded stripping of entry doors, and a host of other energy efficient upgrades!
Students attending after school programs must exit the building and come back in through the ABGS front entry doors. Teachers please remind all students prior to dismissal.
Loaner Laptops need to be returned at the end of every school day!! The students are able to drop off prior to their last period.
7th Grade loaner laptops are distributed in the morning, prior to Period 2. If a student is late and needs a laptop, please send them with a pass. These laptops are first come, first serve.
Laptop Carts & Laptop Keys
- Laptop Cart Keys NEED to be brought back to the media center EVERY DAY!
- Laptop Carts NEED to be returned to the media center and plugged in EVERY DAY!
- Double check the book to make sure you are taking the laptop cart you signed out for that day.
- YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for the laptops inside the cart. Make sure to develop a system with your students to guarantee that ALL laptops are returned.
Lets work with one another to make sure our students have the technical tools necessary to succeed.
The zoom link will be sent to your email the morning of.
The address is to be shown in every classroom and students are to remain in place until it is finished even if the bell rings.
All local field trips will require 1 chaperone to 15 students.
Field trips out of state will require 1 chaperone to 10 students.
Parent-Teacher Conference
Join the School Choir
Black History Month Celebration
Yearbook Cover Competition
Remember winner receives a $20 McDonald's Gift Card!!
Yearbook Club Valentine's Day Sale
Learner Profile
February: RISK TAKER