Peirce Update
September 10, 2021
Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrate with us by sharing your Latin American/Hispanic pride. What makes you proud of your Latin American/Hispanic heritage? Read a story or share a family recipe, dance or song. Submit your presentations here. We will release these videos to the school community via Social Media.
Listen to a group of 3rd graders sing De Colores with Ms. Delgado during Spanish class (click video below)
PK Branch Ribbon Cutting
Construction on Gregory Street
When the east and west sections are being repaired, there will be barricades/cones on the street that will create an open path of travel for students/families to access the school grounds.
Beginning of the Year Student Assessments
Kinder - 2nd Grades
Teachers are in the process of assessing student fluency and comprehension in Reading. Students will test individually on the Reading TRC/DIBELS test over the next month and teachers will share student data during quarter 1 conferences.3rd-8th Grades
Students in 3rd through 8th grades will take the STAR 360 assessment in Reading and Math the week of September 13th. The STAR 360 is a new assessment to Peirce and is now a district wide measurement tool that all schools have access to, CPS is no longer using the MAP Test to measure student learning.
Restorative Practices Information Session
Restorative Practices & Social Emotional Supports
Friday, September 24, 2021
Parents are invited to attend this session to learn more about restorative practices and social emotional supports in school.
Any questions please contact:
Shelton Jackson - Restorative Practices Coach
Anne Park - School Counselor
Common Documents
Proof of Vaccination
For children who are vaccinated: To provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, parents or guardians will bring a copy of their child’s vaccination card to the either the main entrance or for their child to give a copy to their teacher. The school nurse will enter the vaccination dates into the district’s HIPAA-compliant student information system.
*Families can also bring the vaccination card to the main entrance for the school to make a copy for you.
Mask Wearing at Peirce
Students can also remove their masks outdoors when they are able to maintain at least 3 feet of social distancing and are within their same cohort. Please know that there are few instances when this is applicable, therefore, many students will keep their mask on the duration of the day.
COVID Testing Consent
CPS is offering weekly COVID-19 testing for students. Parents/guardians will need to complete the COVID-19 Testing Consent Form that was emailed to all parents and guardians from CPSnoreply@cps.edu on Friday, August 27, 2021 if you want your child tested.
If you did not receive the email from CPS, you can complete the paper version and return to your child's teacher.
Weekly testing will occur at school during the school day. More information to come as we learn more about the testing process.
Sick Student Protocol
If your child is sick with any COVID-19 Symptoms please do the following:
Call your child's healthcare provider and get the child tested for COVID-19. Your child should stay home while waiting for results. If you are unable to get your child tested, your child must stay home until they are symptom-free without medication for 24 hours.
- Siblings should stay home until a negative test result or alternative diagnosis is received for the symptomatic child.
- If the child is negative student should stay home until...
- Illness is over
- Symptoms have steadily improved
- Fever-free for 24hrs without medication
- No uncontrollable cough
- No vomiting or diarrhea for 24hrs
- If a child is positive
- COVID-19 case must isolate for 10 days from the start of illness; non fully vaccinated household members must Quarantine 14 days (from date of last contact or end of case’s isolation)
- ** CPS Cases should SELF-REPORT to cps.edu/covidresults. Parents or guardians report on behalf of their own children.
Creating Safer Learning Environments: Transforming Bias-Based Harm
Dear CPS parents and students,
As part of our mission to provide students with equitable, inclusive, safe, supportive, and secure learning environments, we have created a district-wide initiative to transform bias-based harm in our schools. Bias-based harm is the harassment or discrimination of protected classes such as race, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation. In addition to strengthening our non-discrimination policy, this initiative builds pathways for reporting,investigating, and responding to bias-based behaviors, enabling us to provide more support to students facing harassment and discrimination..
If you or one of your peers has experienced bias-based harm, consider reporting it to your school’s administration or the district’s Office of Student Protections and Title IX (OSP). Under our non-discrimination policy, most cases will be handled at the school level, with oversight from the district, for investigation, resolution, and transformation. When bias-based behaviors are severe or pervasive, or where there is a lack of trust, OSP will handle investigations at the district level.
If you need to report bias-based harm or related complaints to OSP, you can do so using one of the following processes:
Online: Report Form
Email: civilrights@cps.edu
Phone: 773-535-4400
Mail/In Person: 110 N. Paulina St, Chicago, IL 60612
Office of Student Protections and Title IX
Chicago Public Schools
110 N. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612
Upcoming Calendar Dates
14th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
21st Open House, 5:00pm
23rd Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
24th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, 1401 W Hollywood
24th Restorative Practices Information Session, 9:00am
28th Friends of Peirce Day at Chipotle, 5224 N. Broadway from 4:00 - 8:00pm
1st Custodian Appreciation Day
1st Progress Reports Distributed
8th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, 1401 W. Hollywood
8th Virtual School Tour, 9:00am
11th No School - Indigenous Peoples Day
12th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
15th Special Education Information Session, 9:00am
19th PYP IB Behind the Scenes: An Introduction to the PYP, 9:00am
21st Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
29th Virtual Coffee with the Principal, 9:00am
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Email: lzaimi@cps.edu
Website: peirce.cps.edu
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440
Facebook: facebook.com/peircecps