Bellows Weekly Bulletin
November 22, 2023
Monday, 11/27 - F Day
- 5th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00 AM
Tuesday, 11/28 - A Day
- 4th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00 AM
- 3rd and 4th Grade Town Halls
Wednesday, 11/29 - B Day
- 3rd Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00 AM
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - 4:30-6:30 PM
- 5th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00 AM
Friday, 12/1 - D Day
- 4th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00 AM
- 5th Grade Town Hall
- Early Dismissal - 11:30 AM
- Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:30-3:15 PM
New Early Morning Library Schedule Starting Next Week
As you will see below, Mr. McKeon is starting a new Enrichment opportunity in the coming weeks, so we will need to adjust our Early Morning Library Schedule beginning on Monday, December 4. All of next week we will be sharing this with students during Morning Announcements, so please note the changes to the schedule.
Mr. McKeon's 5th Grade Writer's Group
Mr. McKeon has been advertising and recruiting interested 5th graders for his new Writer's Club. Students have been provided with information during their Library Media classes and there is an application (from students) due on Friday, December 8. For more information, please reach out to Mr. McKeon directly. It will take place on Friday mornings, 8:00- 8:40 am in the Library. The start date is to be determined.
Rye Neck Website and Feedback
Rye Neck Schools launched a new website in 2021 through Blackboard. In 2022, Blackboard was acquired by Finalsite, which will no longer support our website's template as of 2025. In the coming months, we will choose a new Finalsite template for a summer 2024 launch. Additionally, Rye Neck is in the process of updating its current app to include more student-specific information, such as your child's schedule, grades, and important documentation.
Mary Lanza and the Technology Planning Advisory Team created the 2023 Rye Neck Website Survey to gather feedback from the community that will guide decisions about our new website. The 2023 Rye Neck Website Survey is offered in three languages (English, Japanese, and Spanish); and it includes questions about our current website, the Rye Neck App, and our social media presence. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by December 12, 2023.
Reminder About Absence Procedures
If your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, please email the main office at or call 914-777-4600. All absences need to be reported by 9:00 AM.
Please remember to report upcoming absences for holiday travel.
If your child is reported absent by his/her classroom teacher, and you have not called the office, you will be notified via the automated system to verify the absence.
In case of severe, contagious disease, pediculosis (head lice), or prolonged illnesses, please notify the school nurse, Samantha Krench, MSN RN. It is our procedure that the nurse notifies parents of children in the class regarding exposure to a contagious disease.
If your child becomes ill in school and needs to be sent home, the nurse will notify you at the emergency phone number provided. For this reason, it is important for the school to have parents’ work numbers/cell numbers, as well as an additional one or two emergency numbers of neighbors or close relatives.
It is important that children arrive at school in time for the opening bell at 8:40 a.m. Arriving late (8:45 a.m.) after morning routines and instruction have started is disconcerting to a child and disruptive to the class. Plan to give your child a smooth beginning to his/her day by scheduling ample time for early morning procedures.
If you need to remove your child from school for any reason during the school day, please email or call the main office first.
Workshops for Parents & Caregivers: Effective School Solutions
This year, our district has partnered with Effective School Solutions to enhance our culturally inclusive mental wellness and behavioral support programs that improve and strengthen outcomes for students. In the coming weeks and months, we will be hosting in-person and virtual workshops of high interest to parents. Please watch for future dates and descriptions in mailings and on our district website.
Important: Visitors and Dropoffs
Please note that there is a sign on the front door and on the sign-in kiosk ➡️
- All visitors must sign in with ID at the Raptor kiosk at the front entrance. If you have forgotten your ID, you can type your information in. Once you are signed in, please ring the doorbell to gain entry. Your visitor sticker will print inside the building.
- If you are dropping off a student, just ring the doorbell and we will let the student in.
- If you are only dropping off lunch, homework, etc, just ring the doorbell and we meet you at the door.
Early Morning Program Reminders
All students should ring the bell at the front entrance for morning programs; students should be dropped off no earlier than 5 minutes before the program begins to ensure there is supervision.
- Early Morning Library starts at 8:00.
- Band for Beginners starts at 7:45; Intermediate Band starts at 8:15.
- Strings starts at 8:05.
- Math Olympiad and Continental Math programs start at 7:45.
There is still some work to be done on it for next year as well so if you have any feedback, we definitely would love to hear it. Click the link above or the photo to access the handbook.
Use of Cell Phones & Smart Watches- MUST READ
Personal cell phones, smartwatches, iPods, MP3 players, tablets, computers, etc. are not to be used in the building or on school grounds during school hours unless authorized by a teacher for instructional purposes.
Cell phones and smartwatches must be turned off from 8:35 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
These items should be kept in the child’s locked locker during school hours. Your child may keep the smartwatch on their wrist during the school day, but it must be powered off. Student are not allowed to keep these items in their desks as they are not secure and the school will not take responsibility for lost personal items not secured away.
Children are not permitted to bring cell phones, smartwatches, tablets, and/or computerized/electronic devices on class trips.
If a child needs to contact their parents during the school day, they should do so by coming to the main office and using a school landline phone.
Parents/Guardians: If you are looking to contact your child regarding after school arrangements or changes in schedule, we ask you to email the class teacher(s) and Cc Ms. Laychak . You may also call the school to speak with your child directly if needed.
There have been several instances in which students have used their personal devices during school hours to contact a parent/guardian. This should not be happening.
Please make sure to review the F.E.B. Family Handbook with your child/children.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- December 5 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 PM
- December 6 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 PM
- December 7 - Report Cards on Parent Portal
- December 8 - RNIC Meeting - 9:15 AM - FEB Annex
- December 11 - 5th Grade Concert - 6:00 PM - Auditorium
- December 13-14 - PTSA Book Fair
- December 20 - Board of Ed Meeting - 7:00 PM - MS/HS Community Room
- December 22 - Early Dismissal - 11:30 AM
- December 25-January 2 - Holiday Recess
- January 9 - RNIC Meeting - 9:15 AM
- January 15 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - School Closed
- January 17 - Meet the Scientists - 5:30 PM - FEB Library
- January 17 - Board of Ed Meeting - 7:00 PM - MS/HS Community Room