Simmons Elementary School
September 20, 2023

November 8, 2023
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal kkanter@hhsd.org
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal rcampman@hhsd.org
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant jparsons@hhsd.org
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary ldoan@hhsd.org
This week, I celebrate 20 years as an educational leader in the Hatboro-Horsham School District. While there have been many changes over the years, I am grateful that we continue to focus on our mission of creating joyful, meaningful learning experiences for our students in a community where all are welcome and belong. At our All School Meeting last week, we announced our One School One Book, Just Ask, by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. This book celebrates what makes each of us unique and is the source of our school theme for this year:
Simmons Elementary School
We ALL Belong
Be Different, Be Brave, Be You.
Every school family received a free copy of the book to read and enjoy at home. Throughout the month, students will engage in a variety of activities related to the book. Look for more information soon about our culminating project, an art exhibit at the Horsham Library showcasing student work. Special thanks to Dr. Campman; our art teacher, Mrs. Colussi; and the faculty committee for planning our One School One Book celebration, as well as to our wonderful Home and School Association for purchasing the books.
We hope to see you next week for American Education Week family breakfasts and classroom visits. Please see additional details below.
In Memoriam: Rita Klein, Simmons Elementary School Principal
On November 3, Mrs. Rita Klein passed away peacefully at the age of 93. Rita Klein was the principal of Simmons Elementary School from 1982 until her retirement in 1994. In her obituary, her family wrote: "Education was a true life-calling for Rita; she loved children and was a gifted teacher and principal. She worked hard, strove to make a difference, and she did." Our school community is grateful for her lasting legacy of caring and commitment to the children.
Upcoming Events
Friday, Nov. 10 - Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
November 14 - 15 - American Education Week Visits
Wed., Nov. 15 and Thurs., Nov. 16 - Family Breakfasts at 7:30 a.m.
Wed., Nov. 22 - Grade 5 Turkey Bowl
Wed., Nov. 22 - Early Dismissal for Students and Staff at 1 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 23 - Mon., Nov. 27 - School Closed for Thanksgiving
Simmons HSA Happenings
Scenes from Simmons
American Education Week 2023
American Education Week Family Breakfasts
Holiday Help
Each year, the Simmons staff helps school families in need by collecting holiday gifts. If your family could use assistance with making holiday wishes come true, please click below and fill out the confidential form.