Library Corner
Tigers Read. Tigers Lead.
Book Fair November 2nd-6th
Visit us before or after your Parent Teacher Conference
Book Fair Profits will Create a "Library Without Borders"
This year's book fair profits and donations will be used to fund Tuscany's "Library Without Borders". Our talented artist has already started painting the nook under the stairs in the 1st/2nd grade wing of the building. This space will be transformed into a cozy reading corner to be enjoyed by all Tuscany students and staff. Please help support Tuscany's Library Transformation by visiting the Scholastic Book Fair October 30th-November 6th. As always, thank you for supporting the Tuscany Heights library.
Library Without Borders
The artist has started transforming the space.
Book Fair November 2nd-6th
All profits and donations will support our Library Without Borders.
Library Without Borders
Visit the Library Without Borders in the 1st Grade Hallway.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School is HERE!
THEY'RE HERE! Our Scholastic Book Fair is offering a specially priced paperback edition of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School. Your cost with tax is $9.60.
Can't Make it to the Book Fair?
Shop our Tuscany online book fair. Find something for everyone, from preschoolers to adults! Orders ship to THE for Free.
Please Pick up Your Pumpkins!
We had over 75 pumpkins in the THE Literary Pumpkin Patch. What creativity!
Congratulations to the following Tigers:
Andrew Confresi
Cameron Herrera
Mateo Machado
Krista Perez
Jenna Baker
Ana Cecilia Outon
Over 100 Stuffed Animals Spend the Night at THE!
During their weekly library lessons, kindergarten students have been learning about making predictions in a story. For the final activity of the unit, students predicted what their stuffed animals would do if they spent the weekend alone in the school. Some of their predictions were right, and some of the teddy bear shenanigans surprised us!