Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 25 - 18 November 2022
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACH Goal: Be kind and caring, show respect to others, ourselves and the environment.
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula, Talitali fiefia
Kōhanga Moa ata whiwhia, Kōhanga Moa ata rawea, Kōhanga Moa atakura
Haumi e huimi e taiki e
As we wind down to the end of the year
Week 7
Tuesday 29 Nov - Year 3 & 4 Day Camp
Friday 1 Dec - Year 8 Dinner & Tough Kid Challenge Year 7/8
Week 8
Monday 5 Dec - Sports Award Assembly (Touch Rugby, Basketball, Athletics, Swimming, Cross County, Rugby, Netball)
Wed 7 Dec - Thank You Morning Tea 11am, Service Assembly 12pm, Final Panitahi Assembly 3.30pm (at IPS)
Thu 8 Dec - Year 3-8 Final Assembly/Prizegiving 6pm at the Inglewood High School Hall
Fri 9 Dec - REACH Celebration Day
Week 9
Mon 12 Dec - 2023 Class Swap 2-3pm
Tues 13 Dec - All Whanau Big Day In/Out
Thu 15 Dec - School finishes at 12 noon for the year.
2023 Stationery
All stationery can be ordered through Office Products Depot online via their website Your order will be sent, with other's orders to school the day before school starts and be waiting in your child's classroom for their first day (if ordered before 23rd January) or alternatively you can have this delivered to your home address. Adjust item quantities and add any optional extras as desired. Check out and pay (through the secure payment gateway) using a Credit or Debit Card via Paypal, Internet Banking or AfterPay.
First Day Back 2023 Monday 30 January
We start this off with a "Learning Transition Partnership Day" which will be Monday 30 January. On this day we will be having 15 minute slots with each student and family in their homeroom class.
This time slot is about informing the 2023 teacher of anything they will need to know about your child, socially, wellbeing, learning difficulties, or special talents and skills they may have. We will learn about your child's and family's strengths and ideas you may have to contribut to learning opportunities at axhool.
Our teachers will be focussed on each family, listening and planning for a successful 2023. We encourage all families to attend, even if you or your child knows their 2023 teacher. Our feedback has highlighted that this is a fantastic opportunity to have a positive transition into our new school year. We look forward to seeing you.
Further information on how to book will be available next week.
Year 3-8 Beach Education
Intermediate Taranaki Athletics
Very wet and wild conditions for our Intermediate Athletes who represented IPS at the Taranaki Champs yesterday. Although getting soaked everyone gave it there absolute all against some stiff competition. We came away with some great results.
Harper Bailey- Year 7 boys - 1st High jump 1.40m, 1st Long jump 4.20m, 1st discus 21m.
Hannah Williams - Year 7 girls- 1st High Jump 1.35m, 1st Long jump 3.88m, 1st 400m
Maddy White - Year 8 girls - 1st discus 25.05m, 1st Shot put 7.74m
Lara Antil - Year 8 girls - 4th 200m
Hendrik Nel - Year 8 boys - 2nd Shot put 9.68m, 3rd discus (distance to be confirmed)
Year 8 girls relay - Hannah, Mia, Vicina and Lara 1st!
Year 8 boys relay - Harper, Tyrell, Monty and Tony 2nd!
Well done team!
If you are leaving us...
Pending Enrolments
Spelling Bee Results
Year 3
1st Nathan Zame
2nd Grayson Young
3rd Mikah Nicholas-Nunez
Year 4
1st Elise Andrewes
2nd Skyla Daymond
3rd Jaxon Nagel
Year 3 & 4 Overall
1st Elise Andrewes
2nd Skyla Daymond
3rd Nathan Zame
Year 5
1st Rishaan Chetty
2nd Kahu Dalliston
3rd Vanessa Wellstood
Year 6
1st Bryson Gyde
2nd Tayla Zame
3rd Annabelle Edwards
Year 5 & 6 Overall
1st Bryson Gyde
2nd Rishaan Chetty
3rd Kahu Dalliston
Year 7
1st Colt Gardiner
2nd Junior Twala
3rd Arana Walker
Year 8
1st Kaitlyn Tee
2nd McKenzie Zame
3rd Ava-Leigh Jonker
Year 7 & 8 Overall
1st Colt Gardiner
Scholastic Book Club
Students of the Week - Term 4 Week 5
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
Danae Pringle
For being a REACH superstar! Ka pai, Danae!
Pouākai Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Zydane Lililit
For showing commitment to his learning and always displaying role model REACH behaviour within our classroom. What a great start to IPS. Tino pai Zydane.
Tokomaru Whanau Be Natural Soap
Jonathan Brooking
For sharing his upbeat personality and attitude with our classroom. You are a fun, smiley, valued member of Tokomaru Boyd.
Waiongana Iti Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
For his inspiring positivity towards trying new activities during Beach Education. Ka rawe! Kia kaha! Amazing, Kahu!
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
For stepping up and showing he can be a role model in our classroom. Thank you for the fantastic start to Term 4!
Students of the Week - Term 4 Week 6
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
For showing amazing REACH values at Inglewood Primary School and consistently meeting classroom expectations! Ka pai!
Pouākai Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Mia Burgess
For always being focused during writing. Your moment in time writing was incredibly engaging. Keep it up!
Tokomaru Whanau Be Natural Soap
Charlie Burkhart
For being a responsible and hard working team member in Tokomaru Bailey. Charlie has stepped up to support others and make great choices in her learning.
Waiongana Iti Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Amyah Ritchie
For always being a focused hard working learner who continuously shows amazing REACH manners and being a great role model in our class. Ka Rawe Amyah!
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
Archie Wallace
For having a positive attitude towards his learning and showing fantastic REACH manners. Ka Pai!
School Roll
Spring Cleaning
It’s time!!!! Can all uniform that has been issued over our winter sports season is to be returned to school.
Singlets, tees, netball dresses, jackets, rugby tops can be dropped off to Puke Haupapa White in exchange for a little thank you for bringing it in promptly!
ParentLink News
Fundraising Ideas: If you have any suggestions of what you would like the ParentLink for fundraise for in 2023, can you please email these suggestions to
Term 4 School Lunch Menu
Community Notices
Term 4 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Wednesday 30 November
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 2 December
Year 5-8 Tough Kid Challenge
Year 8 Dinner Dance at IPS
Monday 5 December
Sports Awards Assembly - 2pm (includes Cross Country, Swimming, Athletics, Touch Rugby, Basketball, Rugby & Netball Trophies)
Wednesday 7 December
Thank You Morning Tea - 11am
Service Assembly - 12pm
Year 0-2 Final Assembly - 3:30pm - Held at Inglewood Primary School Hall
Thursday 8 December
Year 3-8 Final Assembly - 6pm - Held at Inglewood High School Hall
Friday 9 December
REACH Celebration Day
Monday 12 December
2023 Class Swap 2-3pm
Tuesday 13 December
Big Day In/Out
Thursday 15 December
Last Day of Term 4 School Finishes at 12pm
2023 Dates
Monday 30 January - Learning Partnership Day
Tuesday 31 January - Full classes resume
Monday 6 Feb - Waitangi Day
Monday 13 March - Taranaki Anniversary Day
Thursday 6 April - Last day of Term 1
Term 2
Monday 24 April - First day of Term 2
Tuesday 25 April - Anzac Day
Monday 5 June - King's Birthday
Friday 30 June - Last day of Term 2
Term 3
Monday 17 July - First day of Term 3
Friday 1 September - Spring Break School Closed
Friday 22 September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 9 October - First day of Term 4
Monday 23 October - Labour Day
Last day of Term 4 to be confirmed
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20