Schroeder Library Media Center
December 2018/January 2019
Schroeder Reads Celebration: January 15
Please save the date of Tuesday, January 15 for an after school celebration of our Schroeder Readers. We have invited Schroeder freshman Emerson Ormond and Willink eighth grader Kathryn Rider to give a book talk on their recently published Our Wendy and tell us a bit about their writing process. We will also have book speed dating for faculty and students alike, and there will be refreshments, of course!
Digital Literacy Lesson Resources
Project Look Sharp
Project Look Sharp is a media literacy project out of Ithaca College. It includes lesson-planning resources across the curriculum.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media can help you evaluate games, books. films, and more for the classroom or for your own home. It also includes lessons and EdTech reviews.
Teaching Tolerance
As part of its mission to educate students to participate in a "diverse democracy," the Teaching Tolerance website also includes digital literacy lessons.
November by the Numbers
6029: Total number of student library users
1849: Number of database searches
339: Average number of student library users per day
189: Number of books checked out
5: Number of classes using library resources
January WXXI Programming
Here is the list of January WXXI and PBS programs available to be recorded by BOCES. Please fill out this request form a week in advance of the air date.