SMCHS News Update
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
“There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta
New Newsletter Format!
Upcoming Events
December 20
Spirit Stop Open 7:30am-8:15am
December 23-January 3
Christmas Break
January 7
Zephyrs Spirit Wear Day
January 8
Booster Club Meeting
January 10
Chapel Mass @ 7:15am
Friday Adoration
Spirit Stop Open 7:30am-8:15am
January 10-11
VEX Robotic Championship @ SMCS
Email Issue with NEW.RR.COM
Please be aware that if you use a email, school emails may not always get through to you. According to Spectrum’s website, they were having issues. This seems to happen frequently on their end and the result is that all emails are kicked back. It is recommended to use another email provider if possible, or at least have an alternate email in your record.
To change your email or other information, please visit your registration record on our website using this link: Family Information/Registration. All communication/mailings are derived from this database.
Christmas Office Hours
Monday, December 23--8am to 12pm
Tuesday-Wednesday, December 24-25--CLOSED
Thursday-Friday, December 26-27--8am to 12pm
Monday-Tuesday, December 30-31--8am to 12pm
Wednesday, January 1--CLOSED
Thursday-Friday, January 2-3--8am to 12pm
Monday, January 6—School & Office Resume Regular Hours
Blood Drive Success
The Key Club once again hosted a successful Blood Drive on December 4. With your help, the Community Blood Center was able to register 39 donors--15 of whom were first time donors! Of these, 31 good units of whole blood were collected. Our goal was 30! These donations will save up to 93 lives in our community.
Chapel Adoration
Our next monthly adoration is on Friday, January 10 in the high school chapel from 8:00am to 3:00pm, beginning with a mass at 7:15am. All are welcome! Each month, we pray for a special intention. Future intentions are as follows:
January 10—Fr. Bob Kollath, Pastor, St. Gabriel Parish
February 7—Fr. Paul Paider, Pastor, St. Mary and St. John Parishes
March 6—Alumnus Fr. John Christmann SSS, SMCHS Class of 1993
April 3—SMCHS Alumni who are missionaries
May 8—Class of 2020 Seniors
Winter Sports--Home Competitions
Listed below are upcoming home competitions for the next three weeks (until the next newsletter). We hope you will join us to support all of our athletes! As always, please consult the Big East scheduling site for away games and for any weather related delays or cancellations.
Date / Time / Activity / Opponent
12/28/2019 12:00PM Basketball: Boys JV Menasha
12/28/2019 1:30PM Basketball: Boys Varsity Menasha
12/28/2019 3:00PM Basketball: Girls Varsity Menasha
12/28/2019 1:30PM Basketball: Girls JV Menasha
12/28/2019 12:00PM Basketball: Boys JV2 Menasha
1/4/2020 5:50PM Basketball: Boys JV2 Howards Grove
1/4/2020 5:50PM Basketball: Boys JV Howards Grove
1/4/2020 7:15PM Basketball: Boys Varsity Howards Grove
1/7/2020 5:50PM Basketball: Girls JV Reedsville
1/7/2020 7:15PM Basketball: Girls Varsity Reedsville
School Mass Schedule/Liturgy Attire
Below please find a link to our mass schedule for the school year. Please see the “ATTIRE” column for when liturgy attire is required. We remind students via announcements and email when there is a liturgy dress day. Students are required to participate in all events listed except for the First Friday Chapel Mass, which is optional. Please know that parents are always welcome to worship with us!
Volunteers Needed for VEX Robotics Tournament
SMC will host a VEX Robotics High School Tournament on Friday, January 10 and Saturday, January 11. There are many volunteer spots to be filled for this big event! The spots are not limited to VEX families, but to all sports and activity families who need to fulfill volunteer hours. If you have never witnessed a robotics tournament before, it is simply amazing! Here is the link to sign up:
As a reminder, families are expected to help fill five volunteer spots per student, per co-curricular activity (to a maximum of 20 spots per family annually). The SMCS Booster Club has more than 2,000 volunteer slots to fill each year. Because every co-curricular athletic activity and club benefits from Booster Club funds, families of participants in every activity are expected to help. Have you fulfilled your hours yet this year? Thank you for helping!
Join the Students for Faustina Friday
Where: High School Chapel
When: 2:50pm every Friday when school is in session
What: Readings from St. Faustina’s Diary and recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Crunch Time Finals Review for Freshman
Be sure to ready the monthly SMCHS Counseling Newsletter more information about this event and other important Counseling Department information.
SCRIP Update
Just a reminder that there will be no Scrip orders the week of December 23rd or 30th. Scrip resumes Monday, January 6th for delivery on Thursday, January 9th. will process Reloads and ScripNow orders paid with PrestoPay during this time.
St. Mary Catholic High School
Location: 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah, WI, USA
Phone: 920-722-7796