Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
January 18, 2024
Second Semester Handbook Updates
In our continuous efforts towards improvement, the school board approved a few minor changes to our handbook regarding attendance. The section that reflects the changes are on pages 11-12 in the handbook.
Please continue to use the handbook as your first step to look at when you have questions about things here at school. While it is not an exhaustive list, it answers many frequently asked questions!
No Afternoon Waterloo Buses or St. Joseph Preschool Buses January 19
No Waterloo or St Joseph Preschool busing the afternoon of January 19. Please plan to pick your students up that day.
From Mr. C....
Currently in K-8 PE classes we have undergone some fitness testing! The kids have done a wonderful job with this. Our testing activities included: Long jump, vertical jump, push-ups, sit-ups and plank holds. I will test the kids again in the Spring to analyze scores.
In JH Strength and Conditioning our 6-8 students have been lifting hard! I really enjoy seeing the kids push themselves physically and mentally. They recently did the "Chicky special" lift that I devised and do on a weekly basis. Be sure to ask them about it! Go Dons!
Middle School General Music News
The middle school general music classes are currently working towards their one and only concert of the school year. This concert is on Wednesday, March 20 at 6pm in the Don Bosco Gym. The concert is part of their performance grade, so all students are required to attend. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 20!
I am also asking for all middle school students to bring a fully pumped up basketball, clearly marked with their name, to school on Mondays between now and March 20 to use in class. If you do not have a basketball, that is okay. Do not go out and buy one! We can use the basketballs at school, but the school does not have enough for all of the middle school students.
Thank you!
Mrs. Knepper
529 Plan Information for Paying K-12 Tuition
As we are in the midst of end-of-year tax planning, it is a good time to remember that you can set up 529 plans for K-12 tuition. This flyer from Iowa ACE provides more information on this tax savings strategy.
Fun Fact of the Week
Did you know we are only in school for 171 days out of the 365 days in a year? See how fast missing just a few days can add up.
Rescheduled Event
Sunday January 28, the Catholic Order of Foresters Youth members can open bowl for free, which includes shoes, at Cadillac Lanes located at 650 Laporte Rd Waterloo. Each COF youth can bowl up to 1 & 1/2 hours starting at 3:30 needing to be done by 5:30 pm. Doors will be open earlier. Adults & friends can bowl the same time frame, which includes shoes for $10.00 . See Donna Delagardelle to sign up or call Donna at 319 239-9945 if questions.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week begins on January 28. We will kick off the week with “Pack the Parish”! Here at Bosco Catholic School System, we are so grateful for our parish community support. In celebration of that, we will ‘pack’ each Mass with as many families as possible on Saturday, January 27, and Sunday, January 28! Each unit with the greatest percentage of attendees will receive a prize. Students who attend Mass will need to take one bulletin per family from Mass. Put each student's name on the bulletin and turn it into a classroom or advisory teacher. What a great way to start the week with other families in prayer- see you at Mass!
Mrs. Jenna Rohret- Campus Minister
Mass times:
Saturday at 4 PM - Immaculate Conception, Gilbertville
Saturday at 5:30 PM- St. Joseph, Raymond
Sunday at 8 AM - Immaculate Conception, Gilbertville
Sunday at 10 AM - Immaculate Conception, Gilbertville (treats will be served after Mass)
2024-2025 Kindergarten and Preschool
We are gathering numbers for our 2024-2025 kindergarten and preschool classes. If you have a child who will be entering kindergarten or preschool next year, or if you know of someone who has a child, please fill out the form in this newsletter and return to the school office.
Parish News and Information
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Tell your friends to come see what it's like to be part of the Bosco family!
- January 19: No Waterloo Busing in the Afternoon
- January 21: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass
- January 24: Youth Group
- January 26-27: Bosco Archery Tournament
- January 28: First Lego League State Championship in Ames
- January 29- February 2: Catholic School Week
- February 4: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667