Needmore News
Needmore Elementary Weekly Newsletter
Week of August 28-September 1
Needmore Elementary School
Website: https://www.nlcs.k12.in.us/nes
Location: 278 Trogdon Lane, Bedford, IN, USA
Phone: 812-279-2192
Facebook: facebook.com/NLCSNeedmore
A note from the principal...
Hello Needmore Families!
Picture day is coming up next week on Thursday, Sept. 7 Time to pick out those cute outfits. Paper ordering forms will be sent home this week and online ordering information is listed below.
Our next PTO meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 4:00. All are welcome! Join us!
If you have not yet joined Bloomz, reach out to our office or your child's teacher if you need help. This is the forum where we share most of the information about what is happening at Needmore.
Just a reminder we do not have school next Monday due to the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy your three day weekend!
Be the good in the world!
Have a terrific week!
Mrs. Petty
Needmore Principal
Dates to Remember
September 4- LABOR DAY- no school
September 7- School Picture Day
September 12- PTO meeting at 4:00
September 18- Mum delivery day
Needmore Birthdays This Week
Aug. 28 Reece Holland
Aug. 29 Avery Smith
Aug. 30 McCoy Minton
Aug. 30 McKinley Minton
Sept. 1 Alex Tirey
Sept. 2 Mrs. Harris
Sept. 3 Elliott Staggs
Lunch Menu
Lunch Accounts
School Pictures
Online Ordering Information
Click this link to order online.
Order code: 78003RF
Conversation Starters with Students
Talk to your child each day about school.
- What was your special class today? Tell me about what you did in that special class.
- Tell me about two of your classmates that are your friends.
- What did you do at recess today and who did you play with?
- What is the personal pledge? Tell me some of the words in the pledge and when does your class say this?
- What did you have for lunch today and who do you sit by in the cafeteria?
- Did your class do anything special on the smartboard today? What was it?
- Tell me one thing about your day that you really enjoyed. Tell me one thing about your day that you didn't enjoy.
- Tell me about having breakfast in the classroom this year. What is the procedure in your classroom for breakfast?
Records Needed in the Office
If you received a letter or email from our school office regarding your child's birth certificate being on file, remember those are due this Friday, Sept. 1. If you did not receive a letter or email then we do have your student's birth certificate on file and you do not need to take any action.
Required for all elementary athletes
Cheerleaders- your physical must be turned in to the office by tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 29, or you will not be able to participate in practice.
Basketball- Any 5th or 6th grader boys or girls who are interested in trying out for the Needmore basketball team will need to have a physical completed before the first day of tryouts. This date has not yet been annoucned but it would be a good idea to go ahead and get the physical scheduled with your doctor and have the form completed by the physician. Physical forms can be picked up in the office or can printed from our website linked here.
Absence & Tardy Policy
Call the office to report your child's absence before 8:30am.
The NLCS attendance policy only allows:
- 10 unexcused absences
- 5 parent excused absences
- anything beyond requires a doctor's statement
*After 10 unexcused absences tor 10 tardies the school is required to make a report to DCS.
A student's attendance at school is criticial to their educational success!
*School hours for students: 8:15-2:45. The tardy bell rings at 8:15.
*Car rider drop off begins at 7:45 and students may not be dropped off early. The NLCS buses depart our lot at 7:42.
*Car rider pick up begins at 2:45. Bus riders are dismissed at 3:15.
Special Lunch Visitor
Thank you Mr. Yancy, NLCS Superintendent, for joining our 1st & 2nd grade students for lunch!
August 28th