Jerabek Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 25, 2023
LCFF Data Collection
San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) will again ask all school sites to collect Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) forms for all students for the 2023-24 school year. LCFF data collection also affects Title I Eligibility/Ranking, and the higher the collection rate, the more funding the district as a whole and individual school sites will receive. The collection process is currently open and will run through October 31, 2023; but we ask for the needed information to be collected as soon as possible.
Your child’s school needs this information to help ensure it receives all the state funding to which it is entitled. It will not affect your child receiving free meals at this school as all children will have free access to meals this school year. You may have received an email from SDUSD with a link to complete the LCFF form on Survey Monkey.
The LCFF online form is available on the Parent Portal, and NOT on the student’s portal. To create a Parent Portal account, you will need:
- A valid email address
- Access ID and Password from your student's school
If you do not have the Access ID and Password for your student, please come to the front office with a photo ID (DL). You will need an Access ID and Password for each student you wish to link to your account.
Click here to access the Parent Portal
You may complete it using Survey Monkey or Parent Portal but you do not need to do both.
Attendance is a Jerabek focus this year! All California schools are funded based on ADA - Average Daily Attendance. Prompt and regular attendance is important at all times. When your child must be absent for any reason, please report the absence using this Google Form or call the office at (619) 605-1700 (Press 1) by 9:00 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. Contact Susan Gallego at with any questions.
Thank you for your support!
Colors of the Rainbow
Monday, September 25th Everyone wear BLUE
Thursday, September 28th Everyone wear PURPLE
TBD RAINBOW DAY – Wear your class color!
Back to School Packets Due!
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers for our lunch and recess times. Especially for our lower grades (UTK and Kinder). Please let us know if you are interested and cleared to volunteer at
Lunch Recess Times:
- K/1 - 11:00 - 11:40
- 2/3 - 11:40 - 12:20
- UTK & 4/5 - 12:20 - 1:00
Our school nurse, Theresa Avorh, is available on Wednesday and Friday afternoons only. 2:30-3:00 PM to assist with TB Testing.
Thank You for Supporting the FFO Movie Night
EVERY student is welcome to join us for FREE Breakfast and Lunch each school day.
Universal FREE Meals start the first day of the 23-24 School Year.
- Breakfast is served from 8:15-8:25 in the cafeteria.
Family Faculty Organization of Jerabek Elementary School
The Family Faculty Organization of Jerabek Elementary School, or FFO, is an organization similar to a PTA, made up of parents, community members, and staff who work together to provide students with added enrichment to their existing curriculum. Everyone who has a child at Jerabek is automatically a member of the FFO.
The FFO bridges the annual gap on hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding that is not given to school, teachers, and families due to service area’s median incomes. 97 cents of every dollar donated to the FFO goes directly back into programs and services for Jerabek Elementary families. To learn more visit the links below!
Click here to visit the FFO Website.
Click here to subscribe to the FFO mailing list.
Click here to get involved with Jerabek FFO.
Upcoming September Events
September 26 Minimum Day
September 28 Award Ceremonies
September 28 @ 6:00 PM 4th/5th Grade Math & Science Night
October 6 No School- Non-Instructional Day
October 9-13 Jerabek Book Fair
Contact Info
Location: 10050 Avenida Magnifica, San Diego, CA 92131, USA
Phone: (619) 605-1700