AEB Weekly 10/2/17 to 10/8/17
W. Charles Akins High School Band - Austin, TX
Marching Band Rehearsal Schedule
- Monday, 10/3 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm
- Tuesday, 10/4 - 7:00am to 8:30am
- Wednesday, 10/5 - 7:00am to 8:30am
- Thursday, 10/6 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Updated in realtime on the AEB website calendar.
Events, Announcements, and Information
No Football Game This Week!
Unfortunately, AISD cannot cover our bus transportation to the Canyon Lake football game.
Neither the Diamond Dazzlers nor AEB will be traveling to the game.
Wind Symphony Full Ensemble Rehearsal - Friday, 10/6
Wind Symphony will rehearse this Friday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm to prepare for our Fall Concert.
Great Job with the Snap! Fundraiser!
Your efforts raised a ton of money for AEB!
Our total amount raised was $16,664! Great job AEB!
The money raised will cover our trip to perform at the AT&T Stadium (Home of the Dallas Cowboys) on October 21st! In addition, it will fund some much needed instrument repairs and help with supplemental marching band instruction!
Remember to Make Your Payment Plan Payments
If you setup a payment plan on shopping day, please make sure that you stay on top of your agreement. Our program cannot function if everyone does not take care of their financial obligations.
Earn Money for Your Band Fees, Trip Payments, and Lessons
Did you know that you can work shifts at the UT Erwin Center to earn money for your fees, trip payments, and lessons? Each shift pays $35 to $75 per person depending on the event and business.
There are always shifts available and we are already needing people to work!
You can sign up using this link.
Event Information
Booster Board Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017, 06:00 PM
Akins High School, South 1st Street, Austin, TX, United States
Event Information
Booster General Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017, 07:00 PM
Akins High School, South 1st Street, Austin, TX, United States
Event Information
Wind Symphony Full Ensemble Rehearsal
Friday, Oct 6, 2017, 05:00 PM
Akins High School, South 1st Street, Austin, TX, United States
Event Information
Capital City Marching Festival
- 12:30pm - Band Hall opens
- 1:30pm - Rehearsal
- 2:30pm - Lunch (provided)
- 3:30pm - Inspection and load
- 4:30pm - Depart Akins HS
- 6:45pm - Performance
- 7:15pm - Dinner (provided)
- 7:45pm - Watch Bands & Awards
- 9:00pm - Depart Burger Stadium
- 10:00pm - Estimated Return to Akins HS
Saturday, Oct 7, 2017, 01:30 PM
Toney Burger Activity Center and Stadium, Jones Road, Austin, TX, United States
- Monday, October 9th - Marching Rehearsal (Student Holiday) - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- Friday, October 13th - Football vs. San Marcos - Burger Stadium - 4:30pm to 11:00pm
- Saturday, October 14th - Westlake Marching Festival - Westlake HS - All Day
- Tuesday, October 17th - AHS Wind Symphony Fall Concert - AISD Performing Arts Center - 7:30pm to 8:30pm
- Friday, October 20th - Football vs. Anderson (Homecoming) - Burger Stadium - 4:30pm to 11:00pm
AEB Website
Stay up to date with announcements, itineraries, schedules, calendars, media, and more!