Educated, Competent, Open-minded
International Youth Exchange
When? Where? With whom?
Dates: July, 28nd – August, 6th, 2017
Location: Sumy region, Okhtyrka area, Ukraine
Who: youth (15-19 y.o.) from Germany, Poland, Georgia and Ukraine: 8 young people + 2 group leaders representing each partner organization.
Project idea
Aims and objectives
- to promote responsible and eco-friendly behavior among young people;
- to promote active citizenship and to foster young people’s sense of European citizenship;
- to promote inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;
- to promote diversity, intercultural dialogue, tolerance between young people from different countries;
- to promote sense of initiative of young people through working on the global issues;
- to promote international cooperation between youth organisations in the sphere of non-formal education of young people.
- young people of 15-19 y. o. with fewer opportunities;
- 8 young people + 2 group leaders representing each partner organization;
- coming from Germany, Georgia, Poland and Ukraine;
- personally interested in the topic of environmental protection;
- motivated to take active part in the project;
- motivated to share the experience gained during the project in their communities and use the obtained knowledge on practice.
If you are interested to join the project, please contact the partner organisation from your country (the contacts are provided below) or write to the project coordinator on info@eu.sumy.ua.
- PeWoBe g GmbH (Germany);
- Center for Euroinitiatives (Ukraine);
- Student-Youth Council (Georgia);
- Jasinska Marcela (Poland).
Food: you will have three meals and two coffee-breaks a day. Please, inform about your food habits and needs (fast, vegetarian, vegan etc).
Working language: English.
Internet Access: free wifi is available at the venue.
Plugs: the type of the plugs in Ukraine is European. Make sure that you have adapters for your electrical devises.
What to bring with you:
- “Standard youth exchange equipment”: an alarm clock, any dictionaries you might require, music, musical instruments, comfortable clothes, personal first aid kit, insect repellent, swimming suite etc;
- To present your country during intercultural night: food, souvenirs and other materials you'll find useful.
- Make research about environmental situation and good practices in your country;
- Prepare interactive activities to present your country during intercultural night;
- Each country group will be responsible to facilitate two of the programme days. Detailed information is provided to your group leaders.
Crossing the border and identification in Ukraine
While crossing the border you might be asked to provide information about the hosting organization:
Center for Euronitiatives
22 Naberezhna r. Strilky Street
40009, Sumy, Ukraine
+38 (0542) 79-86-68
Participants from Ukraine: bring your national IDs (national passport, driver license or student ID card).
Travel arrangements
The day of departure: 6 August 2017
How to get to Ukraine:
The closest airport to the venue is Kharkiv (HRK). But there are not many flights, so it may be more convenient for you to fly from Kyiv: Boryspil (KBP) or Zhulyany (IEV).
We will organize your trip from the airport to the venue:
1) If you fly to Kharkiv: the trip will take around 2-3 hours (250 UAH ~ 9 EUR, one way);
2) If you fly to Kyiv: the trip will take around 6-7 hours (300 UAH ~ 11 EUR, one way).
Ukrainian participants, please plan your trip to Sumy. The trip from the venue to Sumy is around 2 hours (180 UAH ~ 7 EUR, one way).
Group leaders: before buying any tickets for your groups, please contact Larisa Kondratenko (larisa.kondratenko.cei@gmail.com) and provide her information about your group travel plans (means, place of arrival, timing, prices). She will consult you about the best travel solutions and will help you to arrange your trip to the venue.
Travel costs
Maximum amounts to be reimbursed (EUR):
Georgia - 275
Poland - 275
Germany - 275
Ukrainians will not be reimbursed, so the estimated travel costs should be considered as participants own input.
Reimbursement of the travel costs will only be done after submitting all original tickets, receipt/invoices, boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. Save the boarding passes from your airport check in as well. Please, be aware that in case you loose any invoices or tickets we will not be able to reimburse the cost. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice according to the official currency exchange rate of European Commission.
! Note: in case of higher travel cost, you will need to cover excess yourself.
Important: the reimbursement of travel costs for participants will be done via bank transfer to the bank account provided, upon presentation of all required original travel documents.
Group leaders: you are welcome to consult with us before purchasing the tickets for your group. Please make the copies (better scan or photo) of all the tickets and invoices before your arrival to the youth exchange. Email those to Larisa Kondratenko (larisa.kondratenko.cei@gmail.com).
Health insurance
Currency in Ukraine
Please check the weather forecast before coming and make sure that you have an appropriate cloth.
Hosting place
Hi. Привіт. (prih-VEET) [informal] Вітаю. (vee-TAH-yoo) [formal]
How are you? Як справи? (yak SPRA-vy?) / Як ty? (yak ty?)
Fine, thank you. Добре, дякую. (DOH-breh, DYAH-koo-yoo)
Please. Будь ласка (bood' LAH-skah)
Thank you. Дякую. (DYAH-koo-yoo)
Yes. Так. (tahk)
No. Ні. (nee)
Do you speak English? Ви розмовляєте англійською? (vih roz-mow-LA-yeh-teh an-HLEE-skoh-yoo?)
Manuela Demel – coordinator of the project from applicant organization pewobe g GmbH, manuela.demel-pewobe@ewe.net
Larisa Kondratenko – logistic support of the project from hosting organization Center for Euroinitiatives, larisa.kondratenko.cei@gmail.com