Newsletter No. 16
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Principals Message:
Kia ora whaanau,
We have had a great few days working with ERO to review where the school is currently at. We are currently forming a plan for the next six months and then into the next few years. This plan once completed will be communicated with the community.
On Monday we held our Wellbeing night where we shared where we are at with the curriculum and the resources being developed around it. It was great to have Paul back to help share his expertise around wellbeing. Thank you to whaanau who attended. It was great to hear your voice on the topic.
Pukekawa school is kindly inviting our whaanau to a parent evening on online safety. This is an awesome opportunity to understand how you can support your children to stay safe online and I highly recommend going. Thanks to Josie for extending this invitation to us.
Rebecca Bills
Onewhero Area School
Out of Zone Enrolment Plans 2022
Tena Koutou, at this month’s board meeting (June 22) we will be discussing our out-of-zone enrolment plans for 2022. Being a highly regarded and sought after rural school means we set a certain amount of available spaces (ballots) for students who live out of our zone to attend OAS. Our zone can be found here https://onewhero.school.nz/enrolment-zones/
Whilst we haven’t set the number of spaces yet, we hope you can support us with this process by:
- Letting our fantastic office staff know if you have children who will be enrolling at OAS (in zone) next year. Or the intention to enrol from out-of-zone.
- Advising friends and whānau who live out-of-zone to keep an eye out for the newsletter which will state the published dates of the ballot, places available and the out-of-zone enrolment process.
The office staff tell me that they are often approached by whānau wishing to enrol (from out of zone) that have missed the ballot or were unaware we ran one. You can really help by passing the word on now.
We appreciate that it is important we balance the number of students at OAS to allow for a wide range of academic, sporting and cultural opportunities within our existing facilities. As always feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments.
Rebecca will communicate when we have set the ballot numbers and date post our BOT meeting next week.
Ngaa Mihi,
Owein Greaves
Onewhero Area School - BOT
Onewhero Ag Day 2021 – Saturday 2 October
Ag Days, or Calf Clubs, are an annual tradition for rural schools and encourage children to learn about the care of animals by rearing a lamb, goat, calf, dog and/or chickens. The Onewhero Area School Ag Day will be held on Saturday 2 October this year and is open to Year 1-8 students and preschoolers (3yrs+, lambs and goats only).
Onewhero Ag Day is organised each year by a group of parents who take great joy in keeping this tradition alive. THANK YOU to the parents who have stepped up and volunteered to organise Onewhero Ag Day this year! Maree Pedersen has generously agreed to be our 2021 Ag Day Coordinator. Please support Maree and the Ag Day Committee when help is requested nearer Ag Day.
Ag Day Animal Entries
Ag Day is closer than you think! Calves born from 24 June 2021, and lambs and goats born from 1 July 2021 are eligible for entry in this year’s Ag Day, as are dogs, and chickens that are ordered through school (see below). Animal entries will open at the end of Term 2… watch this space!
Spud in the Bucket Competition … Enter Now!
Year 1-8 students have the opportunity to enter the Spud in the Bucket competition again this year, with awards for the Heaviest Potato and Greatest Collective Weight of Spuds up for grabs. Each bucket of potatoes is ‘weighed in’ the day before Ag Day.
Entry forms will be distributed to all Year 1-8 students over the next week and can also be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lfeMph1eOOPi9b3Ivc3w3P4z9UUOxkBQ/view?usp=sharing.
Entries need to be delivered, with the entry fee ($5), to the office by Thursday 1 July. One entry per student. Seed potatoes and buckets will be handed out to entrants on Thursday 8 July.
Important Dates
20 June 2021 … Chicken orders close
28 June 2021 … Ag Day Committee meeting, 7pm - all welcome!
1 July 2021 … Spud in the Bucket entries close
8 July 2021 … Seed potatoes and buckets handed out to Spud in the Bucket entrants
5-9 July 2021 … Baby chickens ready for collection (day to be confirmed)
2 October 2021 … Onewhero Ag Day 2021
4 November 2021 … Franklin South Group Day at Mangatangi School
More Information
We will be posting regular updates to the school newsletter and the Ag Day Facebook page (www.facebook.com/onewheroagday) from now on. If you have any questions, please email onewheroagday@gmail.com
Auckland University Open Days
Online Open Day Tuesday 29th June
On Campus Open Day Saturday 28th August
Register at www.openday.ac.nz
Canterbury University Information Evening
Canterbury University are holding an Information Evening in Hamilton on Thursday 17th June, 6pm at Claudelands Event Centre, Hamilton, for future students and their families. Find out about degree and course information, scholarships, accommodation and student support. Register at www.canterbury.ac.nz/infoevenings
Radiation Therapy
Otago University are hosting a series of tours through the Auckland City Hospital Cancer Centre, for Year 12/13 students interested in studying Radiation Therapy. Thursday 17 June 4.30pm, Wednesday 21 July 4.30pm, Wednesday 17 November 4.30pm. To register or for further details please see www.otago.ac.nz/radiationtherapy
Otago University Information Evening
Otago University are holding an Information Evening in Auckland, on Tuesday 22nd June, 6.30-8pm at the Ellerslie Events Centre. This is a great opportunity for prospective students and their families to hear about Otago University, including accommodation, scholarships and study options.
Tuesday 22nd June, 6.30 – 8pm
Guineas Ballroom 1 & 2, Level 3, Ellerslie Event Centre, 100 Ascot Avenue, Ellerslie. Entrance through Gate3, via Ascot Avenue (off Greenlane East), Auckland. Free on-site parking.
NZ Defence Force
Defence Force Information Evening – Manukau
Thursday 1st July, 6-7pm; Defence Careers Manukau Office, Level 1, Westfield Manukau City, 1 Leyton Way, Manukau
NZDF are currently recruiting for:
Airforce Airmen – applications close 30 August 2021; training starts 10 January 2022.
*Aircraft technician * Avionics technician * Communications & information systems technician * Intelligence specialist * Medic
Army Soliders – applications close 4 October 2021; training starts 14 February 2022.
*Ammunition technician * Armourer * Automotive technician * Chef * Combat driver * Electrical fitter * Electronics technician * Infantry * Medic * Movement operator * Steward * Supply technician
Army Officers – applications close 20 July; training starts 9 January 2022.
*Army officer
Navy Sailors – applications close tbc October 2021; training starts 21 February 2022.
*Combat system specialist * Cryptologic technician * Electronic warfare specialist * Marine technician * Steward
Navy Officers – applications close 20 July 2021; training starts 17 January 2022.
*Hydrographic survey officer * Mine clearance diving officer
For further information please visit www.defencecareers.mil.nz or phone 08001FORCE.
Appointments can also be made with a recruiter at the Manukau Recruiting Office, Level 1 Westfield Shopping Centre, Manukau City Mall; phone 09 2360040.
Manukau Institute of Technology Experience Days
Bookings are now open for Year 11-13 who are interested in attending a MIT Experience Day. Experience Days are free of charge and designed to give students a taste of tertiary study at MIT. These days are practical with a series of hands on activities and run from 9.30am to 2.30pm.
Baking, culinary and hospitality - Monday 12 July;
Early Childhood Education - Tuesday 13 July;
Primary Teaching - Tuesday 13 July;
Nursing - Tuesday 13 July or Wednesday 14 July;
Sport - Wednesday 14 July.
Places are limited so please book early, either online www.manukau.ac.nz/expday or see Pam at the Careers Office.
Telford Taster Camps
If you are interested in discovering what it is like to live and learn at Telford then these three day action packed camps are for you. Agriculture, Rural Veterinary Tech or Equine. 13-17 July, or 5-9 October, or 7-11 December. For more information email telford@sit.ac.nz or call 0800 835 367 or see www.sit.ac.nz/Telford
Unitec Holiday Programs
Design and Contemporary Arts and Performing and Screen Arts workshops for 15-19 year olds in the July school holidays. www.bookeo.com/upcunitec Bookings for our July School Holiday workshops close on the 7th of July, however we encourage you to book in as early as possible so you don't miss out.
Mural Painting (23rd July)
Come along to a one-day Stencil art workshop and learn the basics of using spray paint. You'll be taught by local graffiti artist ‘Berst’.
Make your own YouTube title sequence (21st - 22nd July)
In this two-day workshop you will experience a tour of Adobe’s After Effects and Green Screen processes in creating a title sequence for your own YouTube channel. In this course we will explore how to sequence images, create multi-layered video compositions, and work with particles. By the end of this two day experience you will have your own Motion Graphic title sequence to take on the world.
Tactile Worlds (21st - 22nd July)
This fun two-day workshop will introduce students to a breadth of materials and processes associated with sculptural practice. We will consider the performative object typically associated with artist Erwin Wurm then construct large scale structures using a range of materials, card and clay.
Takurua Winter Dance workshop (20th - 21st July)
One of the brightest stars in the winter sky, TAKURUA is the inspiration for Unitec Dance’s annual winter workshop, two amazing days of energy, creativity and dance. Discover contemporary technique, muscle and bone, repertoire, choreography, street dance + a Q&A and showing by current Unitec students. Led by New Zealand’s best Dancers and Choreographers, this workshop is suitable for senior secondary school dance students (Years 12-13) especially those considering auditioning for the Unitec Dance programme in 2021.
Screen Bites (15th July)
Learn about jobs in film and television industry. Combine creative and technical skills in this hands-on workshop where you'll work in collaboration to write, produce, shoot and edit a short project.
Year 13 Key Dates
All tertiary providers have slightly different dates but as a general rule of thumb:
Mid-June – Early-July – Scholarship applications open
1 August – University Accommodation applications open
Mid – End-August – Scholarship applications due
Early-September – 2022 Study Applications open
15 September – Accommodation CCRF due (school reference to support accommodation application)
Mid – End-September – Accommodation offers sent out
Mid-December – 2022 Study Applications close*
*Please check individual provider websites for actual dates for specific scholarships, accommodation and program application deadlines.
Tertiary Scholarships
MoneyHub, a personal finance website, has a comprehensive guide to school leaver university scholarships. The resource is extensively for 2021's Year 13 students: https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/scholarships-nz.html
We would strongly recommend any Year 13 student considering tertiary studies in 2022 to start looking at available scholarships now. Generally applications close in August.
If you have any questions or would like further information on any of the above, please feel free to contact Pam McArley on p.mcarley@onewhero.school.nz
OAS Sport 2021:
Please visit our school sport website for all regular updates:
For all draws, match info, ladder and results in the Counties Manukau completion, parents and players should download the My Rugby app on their phone.
Our Senior boys and Open Girls have started their secondary school league at Franklin Basketball. For all draws and results click here:
Junior games:
Draw and results click here:
Our Hockey team has fused with Strathallan for their first few weeks of 11 aside hockey. Their competition has started. Trainings are Wednesday after school at the Tuakau College Hockey Turf. Any players still wanting to join or give hockey a try, you are more than welcome!
For draws and results:
Good luck to all players! Have fun!
Sport Dates 2021
A lot of dates have been added to the school calendar so far. More will be added as information becomes available. Please check the calendar regularly for any updates.
22 June
AIMS Rugby tackle day
25 June
Tough Guy and Gal Challenge
17 July to 22 July
NZ Area Schools Tournament – Dunedin
28 July
Photolife sport photos
5 – 10 September
AIMS Tournament Week
16-17 September
Whangamata Sports Exchange Years 9-13
22-26 November
Junior Volleyball Championships
General Information:
New Uniform (available at school office):
Polar Fleece Vests (size 8, 10) $15.00
Cargo Shorts (size 4 - 1 only left) $22.90
Culottes (size 4, 8, 10, 12, 14) $26.60
Boys & Girls belt loop shorts (size 10, 12, 14,) $22.90
Boys & Girls belt loop shorts (size 76, 96, 100, 104, 108) $22.90
Boys & Girls trousers (size 76, 80) $30.70
Girls poly viscose skirt (size 52, 57, 92, 97) $39.20
Boys short sleeve white shirt (size 12 x 3 only) $33.90
Boys & Girls blue polo shirt (size M x 2 only) $25.90
Second Hand School Uniform:
Thank you to the families that have donated second hand school uniform to sell. All money raised is being used to purchase new books in the Junior School. If you have any old uniforms, they can be dropped at the school office.
We still have lots of items for sale. You can come to Room 7 at 3:00 on Mondays to have a look, or send an email to b.mclean@onewhero.school.nz to request items. Each item is $10 and can be paid in cash or by internet banking to 06 0405 0217064 00. Please reference child’s name and “2nd hand uniform”
Auckland Regional Dental Service:
Kia ora
For information about the Children’s Community Dental Service (Auckland Regional Dental Service) during COVID-19, please refer to our website: https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/home/ards/.
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our service at each Alert Level.
Due on site at OAS Term 4.
Kind regards
The Children Community’s Dental Service
Computer & Network Engineer:
J & D Computer Services - Jane Young
Phone: 09 2328 007 Mobile: 021 067 1195
Email: support@jdcomputers.co.nz Web: www.jdcomputers.co.nz
We offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out out your computers...
- computer repair & upgrading
- virus removal
- business documents
- sales - new & used
- data recovery
- internet security
- networks
- tuition
Community Notices:
NEW - Edventure Holiday Programme
We are excited to announce that Edventure TRONBOTS - Robotics will be running alongside our other holiday programmes including Edventure Everyday, Outdoors, and D&D. A programme for everyone these holidays. 5-13 yr olds, a mixture of onsite activities and field trips, Planned and run by teachers, Safe and fun! Also running these holidays Edventure Young Explorers Camp. pick up locations throughout Waikato, Auckland and BOP.
From $45 per day, OSCAR available, @Berkley.
more info and book online at www.edventure.co.nz
Download The Onewhero Area School App
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"Being The Best We Can - No Limits!"
Email: office@onewhero.school.nz
Website: www.onewhero.school.nz
Location: 29 Hall Road, Onewhero, RD2, Tuakau
Phone: 09 232 8866
Facebook: facebook.com/Onewheroareaschool