St. Patrick Catholic School
Principal's Weekly Newsletter
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The Grade 5/6 Musical will be tonight, Thursday, April 13, at 7 PM in Dutcher Gym. The students did a wonderful job at the school performance today.
April 13, 2023
Dear families,
After a blessed Holy Week here at St. Patrick Catholic School, we are gearing up for the many activities that come at the end of the year. Monday Morning Prayer and School Masses will continue to be the main focus of our Catholic education. On Wednesday, April 19, our 1st through 8th graders will be going to Columbus Catholic High School for the All-School Mass. Then the following two Wednesdays, April 26 and May 3, our kindergarten students will be helping lead the school Masses here at St. Patrick Catholic Church.
Throughout the school year I have been amazed at how confidently our students have led Monday Morning Prayer and School Masses. Through these experiences our students gain deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith along with building their speaking and leadership skills. It has been truly a blessing to be involved with our students and watching them lead our Masses and Monday Morning Prayer.
I am grateful that you have chosen a Catholic education at St. Patrick for your child(ren). I continue to be blessed to be the principal here. We have a tremendous teaching staff that cares about your children on a daily basis. Our students are the best. They continue to grow in the Catholic faith, academically, and in leadership.
Mr. Wiebers
PS: The application process for the Education Savings Accounts should be available sometime in April. The projected due date to submit the application is June 30. I will be providing additional information in the coming weeks. If you have any questions or need any help please contact me. Remember that STO applications are due by April 15. All families that qualify for STO should apply (regardless of ESA qualification). Let us know if you need help filling out your application.
As part of their Lenten renewal, the 7th and 8th graders learned about fair trade. They walked over to World's Window to learn more and see some of the fair trade products you can buy right here in downtown Cedar Falls.
Shopping at the Book Fair is not only a fantastic way to get books but it is a wonderful way to serve our school. These are just a few of the books we were able to order for the library. Many are already checked out and more are on the way. A large portion of the books were titles requested by our students. Thank you for your support!
Sign up by Monday, April 24!
The Shamrock Shuffle is a fun spring event for families! Invite your friends!
Registrations are due on April 24 at 10 AM for placement of our t-shirt order. Entries are only $10 per person! Check backpacks for the registration form or download one here (preschoolers will receive hard copies next week). Invite your friends and family to run, walk, and enjoy breakfast with us! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for serving breakfast again this year.
We'll have more information on helping soon, but you may use the Spring Volunteer Form now to sign up to help! Find the link below.
Join the Catholic Daughters in Stopping the Circle of Abuse
Hy-Vee Receipt Deadline and Kohl's Scrip Info
Receipts dated through April 23rd are eligible for this year's total. All receipts are due to the school office by April 24th so our coordinator has time to tally and process them. If you have any receipts at home, please send them to school right away.
Koh'ls is discontinuing use of Scrip to apply to Charge Card account balances. Just use your Kohl's scrip in store and online!
STO Tuition Assistance Applications due April 15
Spring Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
Refer a Family to St. PatrickSt. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
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Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: cfcatholicschool.org
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781