Back-to-School 2022-2023
News You Can Use: From the Principal
Welcome to SOUTH SMITHS STATION ELEMENTARY! We have loved getting to know your children since the first day of school Aug. 8th. We are so excited to invite you to our first Parent/Teacher meeting for the 2022-2023 school year. It will be September 20, 2022 from 4:00-6:00 pm CST. Let's kick off Curriculum night by enjoying TACO TUESDAY together @ South! Free Tacos will be served from 4:00-4:45 and then you are invited to go to your child's classroom to meet with your child's teacher(s). We will discuss the curriculum, Title I, schedules, PBIS, STEM, grades, and ways you can get involved @ South. Please make plans to attend. We have a lot to "TACO ABOUT"
New Teachers @ South
A BIG WELCOME to our new staff!
From left to right top to bottom---Mrs. Jesperson (6th), Mrs. Campbell (3rd), Mrs. Cobb (6th), Mrs. Burkhalter (Library), Mrs. Walrod (3rd), Mrs. Holcey (Sped), Ms. Fagan (Sped)
Our New LOGO
Our New Panther Mascot
Our STEM teacher
Meet Your Child's Lunchroom Crew!
Great Team
South's Lunch Crew
Tonia Kelley - CNP Asst. Manager
Our Lunchroom! 🥗
- Classes eat together in the lunchroom
- Some students eat hot lunch and some bring a bag lunch from home
- Breakfast / Lunch are not FREE this year unless you qualify and complete paperwork
- This is the link for the Free/Reduced Application
Here's What's For Lunch in Sept.
Our School Library 📖
- All students visit the library regularly. They receive direct instruction from our media specialist and also work on their personal reading goals.
- We will continue our 20 book challenge this year. Can't wait to see your child meet their goal and earn the yard sign to proudly display in your yard.
- Mrs. Burkhalter is our new media specialist this year and we are so excited she has joined our South family.
Our Amazing Front Office Staff!
- When you see them in the building, introduce yourself!
- They will ask for your ID when you come to pick up your children or visit a classroom. This is for safety reasons
- They will also ask you to walk your child into the building if you are using the front parking lot. Children should NOT walk into the front office ALONE. This is for safety reasons.
From left to right:
Mrs. Brown- Front desk receptionist / Attendance Clerk
Mrs. Phillips- Principal
Ms. Bledsoe- Assistant Principal
Mrs. Renfroe- Registrar
Mrs. Schmitt- PTO President
Open House
Let the games begin
South is # 1
- Sept. 5 - No School- Labor Day
- Sept. 8- Progress Reports go home
- Sept. 8-10- Vision Screenings
- Sept. 12-16 BOOK FAIR
- Sept. 20- 4:00-6:00 pm CST "Let's TACO bout it" Curriculum Night
- Oct. 3- Class Pictures and Individual Picture Make-Ups
- Oct. 14 - Report Cards go home
- Oct. 25 - Trunk or Treat
About Us
Location: 80 Lee Road 926, South Smiths Station, AL
Phone: 334-664-4062
Twitter: @smiths_south
Game Changer
South Students Soar
South Students Succeed
More Dates for the YEAR:
First Day of School ---August 8, 2022
Labor Day - No School---September 5, 2022
Progress Reports---September 8, 2022
End of 1st Nine Weeks---October 7, 2022
Report Cards - 1st QTR---October 14, 2022
Schools Closed---November 8, 2022
Progress Reports---November 9,2022
Veteran’s Day Holiday -No School---November 11, 2022
Fall Break- No School---November 21-25, 2022
End of 2nd Nine Weeks---December 16, 2022
Winter Break- No School---December 19- Jan. 2, 2023
Students Return---January 5, 2023
Report Cards - 2nd QTR---January 13, 2023
Dr. Martin Luther King Day- No School---January 16, 2023
Progress Reports---February 7, 2023
Professional Learning Day (No Students)---February 20, 2023
End of 3rd QTR---March 10, 2023
Report Cards - 3rd QTR---March 17, 2023
Spring Break---March 27-31, 2023
Schools Closed---April 7, 2023
Progress Reports---April 24, 2023
Field Day---May 12, 2023 (alternate days May 18, 19)
Awards Ceremony---May 23, 2023
6th Grade Award & Graduation---May 24, 2023
End of 4th Quarter---May 25, 2023
Report Cards - 4th QTR---May 25, 2023