Friday Features - 9/21/18
Your Weekly BGS PTO News & Happenings
We're excited to meet you at our first PTO meeting of the year! Join us next Wed., Sept. 26 in the BGS Library at 7 PM. We'll review this year's proposed budget, then focus on some planning for upcoming fall events including the Read-a-Thon, Halloween Hoot, and Thanksgiving Feast.
See you Wednesday!
- Kelly & Briana, BGS PTO Co-Presidents
Show Some School Spirit
Our School Sunshine Committee has decided to make EVERY Friday a Spirit Day!
Wear your favorite BGS Spirit gear or dress up in Blue & Gold. If you don't have any spirit gear yet, don't forget to check out our PTO Membership & Spirit Kit combo below.
Homeroom Parent Entries Due by 9/24
If you're interested in volunteering as a Homeroom Parent, be sure to register on our volunteer form here by Monday, Sept. 24. Then join us for a brief informational session, "So You Want to be a Homeroom Parent?" on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 (just prior to our PTO meeting) in the BGS Library. In that meeting, we'll cover the specific duties, share some best practices from prior homeroom parents, and make sure you know what you're signing up for. We'll hold the Homeroom Parent lottery on Sept. 27.
Book Fair Helpers Needed
Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is next week and we could still use some help staffing our shopping periods. Students will attend with their class, plus we'll be open for Family Shopping the evening of Wed., Sept. 26.
We can't run the Book Fair without some friendly helpers! Meet some new parents while helping our Bears shop for the perfect book. Sign up for a shift or two on our Sign Up Genius. Shifts are available in half hour increments throughout the school day, plus during the evening shopping event.
PTO Membership & Spirit Wear - Perfect Together!
Help us build a vibrant BGS Community by supporting the PTO through the purchase on an annual PTO membership. This year, we're offering a special PTO Membership & Spirit Kit combo! Order before Oct. 12 to take advantage of this offer.
Our Spirit Kits this fall are exclusive for PTO Members to order. The kit includes a limited edition BGS Spirit Tee (including our school theme - "An Attitude of Gratitude"), plus a BGS water bottle and sling style backpack. Flyers were home via backpack mail this week. Save the hassle of paper forms and checks by ordering and paying via our online form. If you do prefer paper, checks can be made out to BGS PTO and your order forms returned in an envelope marked "PTO Membership/Spirit Wear". An additional form is attached below should you need it.
Order options include a membership & spirit kit combo ($30 - one per family), additional kits for the same family ($20 each - extended adult sizes an extra $3.50 for sizes 2XL-4XL), as well as a PTO Membership only ($15 per family per year).
For questions about membership or spiritwear, please contact Kelly or Briana at bgsptopresident@gmail.com.
Help Us Plan the Halloween Hoot!
The Halloween Hoot, our BGS Trunk or Treat tradition, isn't until the end of October, but the planning starts now. After last year's Hoot, we had a lot of new ideas for how the event could be different. This year's Halloween Hoot Chairs, Jessica Braun & Janine Guasco, would love to get a small committee together to help plan the various components of the Hoot. If you're interested in brainstorming and planning the event, please reach out to Jessica at jbraun228@yahoo.com or Janine at Janine1008@hotmail.com.
Further information about volunteering to sponsor a trunk, assist at the event and donate food will be shared in the coming weeks.
Our Friends in the Adamsville PTO Invite You to Parent Academy
Stay Tuned for Details Next Week on our Upcoming Clothing Sale
Dates to Remember
- Sept. 24 - Final Day for Class Parent Entries
- Sept. 24 - 28 - Book Fair
- Sept. 26 - 6-8 PM - Book Fair Family Shopping Hours
- Sept. 26 - 6:30 PM - Class Parent Info Session
- Sept. 26 - 7 PM - PTO Meeting
- Sept. 27 - Class Parent Lottery Drawn
- Sept. 28 - School Spirit Day
- Oct. 3 - 6:30 PM - Parent Academy - Why Don't My Kids Listen to Me? (Adamsville School)
- Oct. 4 - 6 PM - Back to School Night
- Oct. 5 - School Spirit Day
- Oct. 20 - $1, 2, 3 & Up Clothing Sale
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, Co-President
Kelly Schmidt, Co-President
Follow Us on Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard
Like Us on Facebook: PTOBradleyGard