WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
We hope that you are enjoying a wonderful summer and have had a chance to relax and unwind. We are very excited to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year at WJHS! We have been busy preparing for the upcoming year and our custodians have worked hard to create a clean and safe environment. We have posted some photos below - you can almost see your reflection in the floors!
Please read below for a few items that might help you and your child prepare for school to begin on August 23. We encourage you to read the D39 Parent Handbook and newsletter thoroughly and please reach out with questions.
D39 has informative parent events and we've heard positive feedback about the support it provides to families. Please visit this site for past recordings and for the scheduled events for the 2023-2024 school year.
We cannot wait for our students to fill the hallways and look forward to meeting you all soon - enjoy this last week of vacation!
Kate Dominique, Principal
Eric Resis, 7th grade level administrator
Nicole Ryan, 8th grade level administrator
Our PTO sponsored courtyards have been cleaned and look amazing!
New Wolves for 2023-2024!
Please help us welcome our new staff members for 2023-2024! We couldn't be more excited to have this dedicated group of people joining our staff, and are looking forward to working with them.
Marissa Barnette
Music Teacher
Caroline Chung
Steve DeVine
Patrick McEntee
Long-term substitute for 7C Social Studies (Mrs. Lopez)
Valerie Gabuzzi
Ben Kutilek
Jordyn LeVay
Teacher, Comprehensive Needs
Maureen Madden
Teacher, French
Nicole Ryan
8th Grade Level Administrator
Arrival & Dismissal
We love it that so many of our students ride their bikes and walk to school! There are bike racks in both the front and back of the school. You can find the D39 School Walking Routes Map at this link. Adult supervision begins at 7:55 AM.
If you are dropping off your child via a vehicle, please follow the route linked here to help keep our students safe and drop-off and pick-up efficient.
A Message from our Athletic Directors
Parents and Athletes,
We wanted to welcome you back to WJHS and let you know about our athletic offerings this fall.
7th and 8th grade Field Hockey tryouts are August 24th and 25th.
7th and 8th grade Girls Volleyball tryouts are August 24th and 25th.
7th and 8th Grade soccer practice starts August 24th and is no cut.
7th and 8th Grade Cross Country Practice will start on August 24th. Please be aware that registration is capped at 90 runners.
Please visit the athletics website for more information on practices and Coaches emails etc.. https://wjhs.wilmette39.org/students/athletics
PTO Highlights
We’re looking forward to the new school year, and like you, we are busy finalizing items on our “To Do” list. Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for more information!
Families, who are new to District 39 for the 2023–2024 school year, are invited by the PTO to attend a welcome session in the cafeteria at WJHS on Thursday, 8/17 from 6–7PM.
If you have questions, email newcomers@wjhspto.com.
The final date to order and Edukit was July 25. If you don’t remember if you ordered a school supply kit, search your email inbox for “Edukit.” The subject line is “Transaction receipt from Edukit…”
The WJHS PTO volunteers, WJHS administration, and EduKit have been working hard all summer to ensure that your child's school supply kit will be waiting for them in their classroom on the first day of school. If needed, the WJHS PTO will communicate any changes to this plan as quickly as possible.
Here is a link to the 7th and 8th grade School Supply List.
If you have additional questions, please email supplies@wjhspto.com.
District Update
Our entire District 39 community wishes to welcome you back to the start of the 2023-24 school year. We are so excited to welcome our staff to our buildings in the days ahead and for our students to return for the first day of school on Wednesday, Aug. 23!
Registration Reminder
Please make sure that your child has been officially registered for the 2023-24 academic year and that any outstanding instructional materials fees have been paid prior to the start of school. Both matters can be resolved by logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Parent Education Events
We are proud to announce that our first Parent Education event of the year, titled “Feeling Safe in District 39 Schools” will be held next Thursday, Aug. 17 at 11 am via Zoom. This presentation will feature a review of our focused and collaborative efforts to ensure safe, secure and supportive learning environments for our students and staff. In addition, we have compiled a fantastic lineup for our Parent Education series this year and hope that you find these presentations both informative and helpful as we partner to provide a terrific learning experience for our students. Registration is open for our first event and our Parent Education page provides the full schedule and registration links. The list of presenters for our first event is below:
Dr. Kari Cremascoli, District 39 Superintendent
Tony DeMonte, Asst. Superintendent for Technology and Safety
Kyle Murphy, Chief of Police, Wilmette Police Department
Val Davis, Community Resource Officer, Wilmette Police Department
Dr. Renee Dominguez, Co-Executive Director, Family Service Center
Layla Danley, Illinois Chapter Lead, Be SMART
Air Conditioning Update
We are excited to be installing air conditioning within nearly all of our classroom spaces for the 2023-2024 school year. Although our construction teams and maintenance crews have worked extraordinarily hard this summer in preparation for the start of school, supply chain and equipment delays have caused some delay in project completion. As a result, our air conditioning projects in some district buildings will not be completed in time for the first days of the school year. However, we anticipate final equipment delivery in September and are eager for our temperature-controlled classroom environments soon thereafter. In the meantime, please dress appropriately for warmer weather. Our D39 Action Plan for Warm Weather Days will remain in place until all classroom air conditioning is fully functional.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Highcrest-MSWilmette-JH-516430278443448
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family