Carman Paw Print
October 17, 2021
Dear Carman Families -
On Monday, October 18th, there is No School -- we hope you enjoy the long Fall Break weekend!
Our very own "Trunk or Treat" will take place here at Carman on Friday, Oct. 22nd in the South Parking Lot! Set-up begins at 6:30; you can RSVP here as well as sign up for a spot to have your decorated car trunk ready for the trick or treaters: https://carmantrailspto.membershiptoolkit.com/home
(to help us get a better idea of how many families to expect). Donations of candy can be dropped off in the "Monster Box" just inside the front doors to the school. Please be sure to label the bag of candy with your students' name in order for them to be entered into the raffle!
On Saturday, Oct. 23rd, our PTO will be hosting a Dine-Out at Ballwin Sno-Cone from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. See the flyer below in the Paw Print for details!
Flu Vaccinations will be made available here at Carman on Tuesday, October 26th for our students as well as our staff! The necessary consent forms (two pages) as well as information about the vaccine are attached below; they were also emailed to parents in PDF form.
More information on insurance coverage, etc. is listed further down in this Paw Print under our Nurse's Notes.
Flu Shot Consent Form Page 1
Flu Shot Consent Form Page 2
Information Regarding the Flu Vaccine
One Book, One School Is a Hit!
"One Book, One School" with guest teacher readers is going great! The book we are reading together is Cleo Edison Oliver - Playground Millionaire.
There are also optional activities for you to try each night. At school, have your student be on the lookout for some trivia questions related to the book! Please refer to the schedule link below for activities! We hope you enjoy the book!
Regarding Concerts This Semester
Hello Carman Families,
I wanted to give an update on concerts this semester/year. With visitors not being allowed in the building right now, we unfortunately will not be having grade level programs this semester. We will share videos of classes performing songs for special occasions such as Veterans Day and before Winter Break though. I will send an update after Winter Break about what programs/concerts might be able to look like for the spring. I am hoping to start Cougar Chorus back up in February and will send more information about that after Winter Break as well. It has been a great start to the year in music and I look forward to sharing some songs with you soon!
Mrs. Rebecca Carroll
Thank you for all of your donations - we're looking forward to a fun evening!
Bingo for Books!
Save the Date!
Bingo for Books is back! We are going virtual with our Bingo this year! The flyer you see on the right will be sent home soon so be on the lookout.
For now, mark your calendars for a night of free family fun!
Leah Manley
lmanley@parkwayschools.netLibrary Media Specialist
Carman Trails Elementary
Come be a part of our character recognition efforts!
Dr. Love and Dr. Villigram have completed their Character Kick-Off tour of classrooms at Carman Trails. Now that students are experts in our five core values (Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Perseverance, and Integrity), we want to spotlight our Champions of Character both inside and outside of school. Therefore, we are introducing our Cougar Community Spotlight! Now, whenever you see a student (or staff member) demonstrating character outside of school, you can nominate them using this Google Form - linked here: https://forms.gle/rtmmbkxByyZBRDR17
Nominees will be randomly selected and spotlighted in future Paw Prints and possibly other school communications. By submitting a photo (by choice, not required), you are granting permission for us to use the photo in school-related communications. Thanks for your help in recognizing and spotlighting character in our students!
Notes From Nurse Connie Connelly
Flu Season and Vaccines
Dear Carman Families:
Flu season is coming up quickly and the best way to prevent influenza is with the yearly flu vaccine. Parkway will be parenting with the Visiting Nurses Association again this year to provide flu shots to all students and families ages 3 and older on Tuesday, October 26th. Receiving your influenza vaccine at school is not required, but it is easy and convenient. If you're interested please see the information below, as well as the necessary 2-page forms to fill out in order to sign up for the flu vaccine, located at the top of this week's Paw Print.
Additional Information
Accepted Insurance Companies
Accepted Insurance Companies
Adventure Club News of the Week
Happy Fall everyone!
We are starting to settle in and are getting to know each other well. Over the last couple of weeks the students have discovered the fun of rubber band looms and have made all sorts of beautiful bracelets, necklaces, and rings. This past week the students created duct tape projects such as pencil roses and kindness bracelets. We also started a Color Change Flower Experiment this week. We placed Daisies in a container of water and added food coloring. The students observed the flowers and containers and then hypothesized what they thought would happen. We had a lot of great observations and I look forward to seeing how it turns out!
Mr. Foushee & the Adventure Club Staff
Sustainable Schools Challenge
What is the Sustainable Schools Challenge?
This is an annual Parkway program for all students, staff, and families to participate in sustainability activities while competing for prizes for their school running Sept 1, 2021 - April 29, 2022. It's designed to connect our district mission of preparing students to respond to an ever-changing world with our district sustainability goals incentivizing actions that reduce our environmental impact.
What you can do:
- Share and watch the 21-22 Sustainable Schools Challenge video presentation (6 mins) introducing the program, new updates, and a walkthrough of the website.
- Sign up now! Each student, staff, and family can sign up to earn a point for their school and receive the monthly newsletter with activities.
- Get the word out - schools have had success encouraging participation through their school newsletters and websites
Updates to the program include:
- Monthly prize winners will be selected through a drawing
- 50 points = 1 drawing entry
- New Mini-Grant program to fund projects up to $400
- Virtual Elementary, Middle, and High added as competing schools
Sustainable Schools Challenge homepage
Stay Connected with These Updates
October - National Disability Awareness Month
18th - No School -- Fall Break
22nd - 6:30 setup, 7:00 start -- Trunk or Treat on Carman's South Lot
23rd - 12:00 - 4:00 PTO Dine-Out at Ballwin Sno-Cone!
29th - Fall Class Parties (Trunk or Treat Rain Date) -- Half-Day Early Dismissal at 1:05 PM
November - National American Indian Heritage Month
1st through 15th - VIRTUAL BOOK FAIR!
8th through 11th - Parkway Food Drive
11th - Veteran's Day
12th - No School (Professional Development Day)
17th - Early Release - Dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
18th - PTO Sponsored Dine-Out Night at Panera Bread
24th - 26th - No School
25th - Thanksgiving Day
30th - PTO General Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
December - National Month of Giving
9th - PTO Sponsored Dine-Out Night at Red Robin
15th - Early Release - Dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
22nd - Half-Day - Dismissal at 1:05 p.m.
22nd - Winter Class Parties
23rd through January 4th - No School (Winter Break) - Return on January 5th
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman