Family Newsletter
Cleveland STEM High School
February 2, 2024
Hello Cleveland Families,
As we enter the month of February and the start of 2nd semester, we are excited to recognize and celebrate Black History Month and Black Lives Matter at School Week through this year's theme of collective value. I celebrate the many educators at Cleveland who teach into Black history as inseparable from US history as a year-round practice, and I am eager to learn alongside our students what it means that "none of us are free until we are all free."
The turn of the semester also marks a great time for students to take a step toward receiving mental health support. If your student is struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health needs, please encourage them to stop by our counselors office to get connected to one of our many resources. We are launching new small group counseling sessions this semester facilitated by trained facilitators from community-based organizations and want to invite as many students who could benefit from this support as possible.
We hope you have a restful and restorative weekend!
Principal Jeff Lam
Assistant Principal Jacklyn Cable
Assistant Principal Laura Roesener
Admin Intern Jenn Kekuna
Admin Intern Trisha Pilapil
Important Dates and Events to Know
- 2/3 | CHS Open House for Prospective Families (learn more below)
- 2/3 | Winter Formal Dance
- 2/13 | Cultural Night hosted by ASU
- 2/19 - 2/23 | Mid-Winter Break + Presidents' Day
- 2/27 | Eagle for a Day (for prospective 8th graders)
- 3/22 | CHS Talent Night!
Cleveland Athletics
Check out the document below that includes our full winter athletics schedule, and come check out some games!
Important Info to Know
Winter Formal is on February 3!
Students can buy tickets during lunch.
Remind your student to park on side streets
We have limited space in our parking lot, but plenty of parking options surrounding the school. Please remind your students to use the many options for parking around Cleveland. We need to reserve the main parking lot for staff, visitors, and families only.
Start of 2nd Semester
1st semester is ending Jan 31st and second semester will start on Thursday, Feb 1th. . Student schedules for second semester will be available in the source Jan 31st and report cards along with transcripts will be sent home to families the week before mid winter break.
Schedules generally stay the same, except for electives. With the exception of error or academic misplacement, schedule changes do not happen in second semester. Requests for switching teachers or academies will require family to reach out to administration.
Here are the procedures for the first 10 days (Feb 1-Feb 14) of the semester for dropping or adding classes. During this time students do not receive a W on their transcript for dropping or switching a class.
- To change a schedule, students will fill out a schedule change form found in the Student Hub, under schedule change forms. Preferred method is to fill out the form electronically and have the parental guardian sign it and email the form. Forms will also be available in the Counseling Center.
- Students email completed schedule change forms to their assigned School Counselor:
- Napsiyah Sallee àStudents ( A- He )
- Claire Abe à Students ( Hi-Ng )
- Chloe Kimiai à Students ( Nh-Z )
CHS open house for prospective families - 2/3/24
Do you know any families who are interested in coming to Cleveland High School?
We will host a open house Sat Feb 3, 2024 from 10:30am-12pm. Click here for more details.
Cleveland STEM is a school Choice School and incoming siblings will have to submit a form.
The School Choice process for 2024-25 will open on February 1, 2024. Visit the district School Choice and Open Enrollment page for district enrollment information.
Enrollment Key Dates
January 2, 2024: New registrations for Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year begins. New students to SPS must register before participating in Open Enrollment.
January, 27, 2024: District Admissions Fair and SPS Open House from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
February 1 – February 29: School Choice priority applications will be accepted (tiebreakers apply).
March 1 – May 31: School Choice late applications will be accepted (tiebreakers will not apply).
April 16: Open Enrollment results will be available online.
If you have any questions please reach out to our School Counselor: Napsiyah Sallee at and explore our School Website to learn more about our school too!
Take 5 minutes to complete the Family Income Survey
Finally, if you have not already, we are asking that all families complete the Family Income Survey. The data collected from this is directly connected to our school's funding. Please take five minutes to complete a form out today, if you did not already complete one at the start of the year.
- Family Income Survey in English
- Chinese Family Income Survey
- Somali Family Income Survey
- Spanish Family Income Survey
- Vietnamese Family Income Survey
We hope you have a restful and restorative weekend!
Graduation is June 17, 8:00 pm, at Memorial Stadium
Mark your calendars for June 17th!
Access for mental health services
Joon is a Seattle-based company that provides online therapeutic services for 13-24 year old clients. When students are signed up for services, they are matched with a therapist with expertise in their particular areas of need.
If this sounds like a service your student might benefit from, you can refer them right now, using this link. This service is free for Cleveland students and it is available through, at minimum, the end of this school year.