A5 Grants & Special Projects News
November/December 2023
'Tis the Season
The holidays are almost upon us which means it's also time for those who have written grants to find out if they were awarded. Kudos to all of you working so hard with your students to make great achievements and taking after-school time and weekends to write grant proposals. Some of you have been waiting a LONG time for news due to turnover in state personnel. (Keep the faith - they will be announced soon!) Others just pushed the send button a few days ago and we all have our fingers crossed for you.
Whatever you may celebrate, here's hoping your holidays are REALLY GREAT! Enjoy your well-earned time off with friends and family🥧🍗
Our Bosch Friends Support STEM in Multiple Ways
Fifteen teachers are candidates for the Bosch Eco-Stem Teacher (BEST) grants this year. The competition is fierce and that weekend deadline was hard to beat, but Anderson Five has historically been at the top for funded projects. Best wishes to all!
Meanwhile, Bosch also supports our District with a grant that has enabled A5 to bring robotics to the classrooms after being a very successful after-school club. Check out our Glenview students coding robots for tasks on the playing field. There's no doubt the robotics competition in January will be dominated by A5 students!
Thanks Dabo!
Dabo Swinney's "All In Foundation" once again chose to support the #A5Reads2Babies and made a donation that will enroll the district's future students age 0-5 into the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. The Foundation supported 277 nonprofits this year, gifting more than $7.3 million since 2012.