Corbett School e-Newsletter
October 2023
Calendar Dates to Remember
- October 5 - Midterm
- October 10 & 11 - CAPS/MS/GS Conferences
- October 12 - HS Conferences
- October 16 - Site Council Meeting
- October 18 - School Board Meeting
- October 20 - Homecoming Game & Dance
- October 22-27 - CAPS Outdoor School
- October 24 - HS/MS Picture Retake Day
- October 26 - Middle School Dance
Multicultural Calendar
- Global Diversity Awareness Month: aims to promote knowledge and respect for various cultures
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month: advocates for people with disabilities, and their inclusion in the workforce
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month: aims to increase awareness of the disease, one of the leading causes of death in women
- National Polish American Heritage Month: dedicated to honoring Polish heritage, October was chosen because it was when Polish settlers first arrived in Jamestown, VA in 1608
- 10/10 – World Mental Health Day (People with Disabilities): promotes mental health awareness and education, and advocates against social stigma relating to mental health
- 10/10 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day (United States): formerly called Columbus Day, honors the indigenous people of North America
- 10/14 – Defender of Ukraine Day – honours all who have fought for the sovereignty of Ukraine
- 10/21 – Spirit Day (LGBTQ+): wear purple on this day to support LGBTQ youth and speak out against bullying
- 10/24 – Diwali (Hindu): significant celebration in the Hindu faith in which they praise diverse deities
Video Message from Superintendent Dr. Derek Fialkiewicz
Corbett was better across the board from 21/22 to 22/23, outpacing the state rates
On September 13, officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the names of more than 16,000 Semifinalists in the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,140 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship® award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 95 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and approximately half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar® title.
Corbett High School had four students named Semifinalists: Sophie Bergkvist, Gentry, Isaiah Irving, and Olivia McGrew. Corbett was the only high school east of 205 in Multnomah County that had any students named as Semifinalists.
School Based Mental Health
School District Public Meetings
Site Council Meeting
The meeting agenda will be posted here 3 days prior to meeting: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1554
Monday, Oct 16, 2023, 05:00 PM
Grade School Longhouse
Regular School Board Meeting
- This meeting will be offered hybrid: in person and via Zoom.
- The meeting agenda including the Zoom link will be posted here 3 days prior to the meeting: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1554
- Everyone is welcome, and each meeting includes time for public comment. The agenda will provide instructions for public comment.
- 2023-24 School Board Members: Michelle Vo - Board Chair; Todd Mickalson- Board Vice Chair, Bob Buttke, David Granberg, Dylan Rickert, Leah Fredericks, Ben Byers.
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023, 07:00 PM
Pink out!
Middle School Dance
Cardinal Athletics Weekly Huddle
- CSD Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/corbettschools
- Corbett High School Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbett.hs/
Corbett volleyball’s Taylor Young scores five late in statement sweep of Warrenton on her birthday
Corbett Cross Country has started a new tradition we call the Corbett Baton. The recipient of the Corbett Baton is an athlete who embodies our values of Passion, Purpose and Perseverance.
The first recipient of the Corbett Baton was Olivia McGrew. She was recognized for her outstanding leadership, her positivity and the encouragement she offers both teammates and competitors.
Olivia then recognized one of her teammates. She highlighted Anna Rondema’s team spirit, her willingness to fully engage and the fact that she set a Personal Record at Ultimook.
Anna passed the Corbett Baton to Joey. She mentioned his role as a team leader, the phenomenal effort he puts into training and his ceaseless encouragement.
We’re excited to see who future athletes recognize for their Passion, Perseverance and Purpose.
Woodard Middle School Project Update!
District Wide News
Music Trip Fundraiser
Trunk or Treat
CAPS Teacher of the Month
Jessica Lieuallen was named CAPS teacher of the month for September. Ms. Lieuallen has been teaching K-2 at Springdale for the past 10 years. She is a highly organized, passionate teacher and colleague. Students describe Ms. Lieuallen as enthusiastic, a hard worker, an excellent dancer, and easy to talk to. Colleagues appreciate her straightforward, problem-solving attitude and how she is always willing to listen. Congratulations, Jessica!
CAPS Classified Employee of the Month
CAPS’ classified employee of the month for September was Brandi Bergkvist. Ms. Bergkvist has been working as an educational assistant at Springdale for the past three years. Students described Ms. Bergkvist as extremely helpful, smart, and kind. Ms. Bergkvist is always there to lend a hand, lend an ear, and offer solutions to problems anyone in the building has. Her colleagues appreciate her go-getter attitude and her dedication to helping students grow and learn. Congratulations, Brandi!
Interview of Erica Boykins
By Michelle Carter Smith
In April 2023, Erica Boykins began working in the Corbett School District as a SBMH (School-Based Mental Health) Social Worker. Currently, the school district has a team of nine mental health and academic counselors, and this resource is available to all students and their families. The daughter of two Dominican immigrants, Erica was born in New York City in 1992 and has both an older and a younger brother. Her parents are celebrating 40 years of marriage this year! Erica is very proud of her Dominican heritage as well as being born and raised in New York City. Erica is bi-lingual, having been raised alongside her Spanish-speaking grandparents. As a child, she attended a charter school from K-8th grade in NYC and then attended and graduated from the all-girls Catholic high school, The Mary Louis Academy in NYC. Growing up, she was involved in a variety of sports that included basketball, ballet, and karate. She also played the piano and violin. Erica describes her younger self as being a bit sassy and inquisitive, questioning everything! She says she has always had a deep care and concern for justice, fairness, and equity. She continues to have a deep care and commitment to community. Erica's father works in the auto industry and her mom is a teacher. Growing up, her parents felt it was important to visit the Dominican Republic every year to visit extended family as well as travel internationally and in the US to experience different cultures, food, and history. Erica loved the opportunity to experience so many different ways of life as a result of travel. For college, Erica attended Siena College in Loudonville, New York all four years and was the captain of the Step Dance Team while there. Erica majored in Social Work and minored in Psychology. Although Erica met her husband Austin while in college, they did not begin dating until graduation day! They dated for two years, became engaged, and were married on October 11, 2019. Austin works for Adidias and they were transferred to Portland in Dec. 2021. Erica worked in child welfare when in NYC after college and when she moved to Portland with Austin and their dog Turbo, she began working for Albertina Kerr Outpatient Clinic. While at Albertina Kerr, Erica found out about a job opportunity in Corbett, applied, and was hired. She feels thankful that everything worked out for her to be in the Corbett community. She said she can see and appreciate the value that folks have for their pioneer heritage and is excited to learn more about Corbett's history and pioneer families. Erica wants to be a support for all of the kids in the Corbett School District, bringing her experience and knowledge to best serve the kids in her care. She is here to learn and grow and says that best happens when there can be an exchange of experiences.
CHAMPS Fundraiser
- Fundraiser: Poinsettia sales coming later this month
- Next meeting: October 10th at 4:30 pm in the Grade School Cafeteria.
Can and bottle donations: The collection bins are located across from Corbett Water District. PLEASE only drop off OR 10 cent beverage containers. No wine bottles, pickle jars, or hard liquor bottles.
Thank you for all your support!!!
The district will practice the following nationally standardized emergency response language and procedures
Corbett PTA News
Happy Fall from the PTA!
We will have our general meeting at Pelines' in Troutdale 10/12/23 at 6:30pm. This meeting will be full of opportunities both at the school and at home to help with Jog-A-Thon. We encourage you to attend and see what is going on in the grade school, middle school, as well as CAPS.
We have some opportunities for volunteering this month. We have some pieces of art that ECO and our students did that need to have some Mod Podge done and then we will hang them up to celebrate and appreciate all their hard work.
Jog-A-Thon is at the end of October! We can't wait to host our favorite fundraiser! There will be many volunteer opportunities so please reach out to Amy Mowlds, Emily Perkins, or email corbettcardinalspta@gmail.com.
If you are interested in being a member or a room parent please reach out to corbettcardinalspta@gmail.com.
From the Health Room
Happy Fall!
I hope you are enjoying the changing colors and cooler temperatures.
October is a great time to check your student’s immunizations and see if they are up to date. If you are not sure what immunizations your child may be missing, please call or email Cheryl Reams, School Health Assistant at Corbett. She can be reached at creams@corbett.k12.or.us The Health Room number is (503) 261-4258.
I am including the Oregon Health Authority information for immunizations that are required for school and childcare attendance in Oregon.
Oregon requires immunization against eleven vaccine-preventable diseases:
• Diphtheria • Tetanus • Pertussis (whooping cough) • Polio
• Varicella (chickenpox) • Measles • Mumps • Rubella • Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis A • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) – only for children under 5 years of age”
Please talk with your Health Care Provider about any questions you have regarding the vaccines.
The Multnomah County School Based Health Center has five great tips to encourage your students to try:
Eat five or more fruits and vegetables a day.
Limit yourself to two or less hours of recreational screen time.
Exercise for at least 1 hour a day. This does not all have to be done at one time.
Drink zero sugary beverages.
Sleep for nine hours if you are a teen.
Please reach out to me @ jnakamura@mesd.k12.or.us with any school health questions or concerns.
Stay Strong and Healthy!
Julie Nakamura, RN
When to stay home
Corbett School-Based Mental Health Services
The School-Based Mental Health center provides mental health services to children, teens, and families in Corbett School District.
If you’re experiencing a change in mood or your regular routine, we can help. Reach out to your school counselor/social worker or call 503-261-4246. They’ll connect you with a professional program who you can talk to privately.
Need immediate help? Contact Multnomah Mental Health Center.
When you call the Call Center at 503-988-4888, you get:
Free, 24/7 mental health support
Interpretation services for non-English speakers
Referral to low-cost or sliding-scale agencies
Information about non-crisis community resources
Urgent Walk-In Clinic
Need to meet face to face? Stop by our Urgent Walk-In Clinic.
The clinic can help anyone experiencing a mental health crisis at no cost.
Receive immediate care during a mental health crisis
Speak to a psychiatrist or a mental health nurse practitioner
Get help with medication and treatment
Location: Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Urgent Walk-in Clinic
4212 SE Division St, Portland
Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 am-10:30 pm, Sunday 9 am-9 pm
If someone is in danger, dial 911.
For questions about access to mental health resources at Corbett School District, please call Helen Leedom at (503) 261-4246.
SBMH Contact List
Erica Boykins- High School Social Worker (eboykins@corbett.k12.or.us)
Anna McNeely-Miles: Grade School Social Worker (amcneely@corbett.k12.or.us)
Tiffany Dennis: Special Education/504 Social Worker (tdennis@corbett.k12.or.us)
Holly Roach: Middle School Counselor (hroach@corbett.k12.or.us)
Vanessa Knight: CAPS Counselor (vknight@corbett.k12.or.us)
Click here to see the most up to date listing and to Apply:https://corbett.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
Stay Connected:
Here are a few ways to stay connected with what is happening within Corbett School District.
- Corbett School District Website: https://corbett.k12.or.us/
- CSD Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/corbettschools
- Corbett Grade School Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbett_grade_school/
- CAPS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbettartsprogramwithspanish/
- Corbett High School Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbett.hs/
- Corbett Athletics Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbett_athletics/
- Monthly District Newsletter: https://corbett.k12.or.us/parents/parent-news/
Stay Connected
Email: bwindust@corbett.k12.or.us
Website: https://corbett.k12.or.us/
Location: 35800 East Historic Columbia River Highway, Troutdale, OR, USA
Phone: 5032614268
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corbettschools
Twitter: @CorbettSchools