Middle School Message
September 16, 2022
Our mission: We are a community of learners inspiring each child to explore, grow, and achieve.
Message from the Principal
Wednesday is a planned 2-hour delay for professional development. Our staff will spend that time looking at beginning of the year data and planning for how individual students might need more support or more enrichment this year.
Parent Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching. Our conferences will be offered on two nights--Sept. 28 and Oct. 4. Parents who wish to schedule conferences can reach out to Mrs. Robinson, our secretary, by phone (740-928-8330) or email (carobinson@lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us). You may see papers coming home from teachers requesting that you set up a conferences. 6th grade in particular will be sending home notes for parents they really hope to see during conferences.
ICU is up and running. As I mentioned previously, ICU is a program we utilize to help students complete all assignments. We have adults in the building who we call "Lifeguards" whose role it is to help the kids make a plan to get caught up. It is possible you may receive a phone call from a Lifeguard. If this happens, it means your child has multiple missing assignments and is not progressing during the time offered here in the building. The Lifeguard will be reaching out to make sure you are aware but also to offer our after-school ICU time for your child. There is link below to sign your child up for after-school help anytime you think he or she might benefit from that.
ICU--After School Help
Building Goal: 100% of students will complete 100% of their assignments
This week 6th grade did an outstanding job getting all of their work done!
Lakewood Local Schools Seeks to Pass Renewal Levy on November 8
On November 8, 2022, Lakewood Local Schools has a renewal levy on the ballot. This
levy renews two existing levies into one ten-year emergency levy, and results in NO
NEW TAXES for our taxpayers. The levies make up 24% of our annual budget and are
crucial for the District to continue providing great educational and extra-curricular
opportunities for our students, while also helping us maintain things like salaries, utilities
and maintenance. The District works very hard to spend the money provided by our
taxpayers responsibly, as evidenced by revenues exceeding our expenditures in the last
fiscal year. To learn more about the upcoming Levy Renewal for Lakewood Local
Schools, contact Superintendent Mark Gleichauf at
mgleichauf@lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us, or Treasurer Glenna Plaisted at
gplaisted@lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us. Both also can be reached at our District Offices at
(740) 928-5878. If you are interested in supporting the Lancer Pride Levy Committee,
please contact them at lancerprideteam@gmail.com.
Parent Survey
Parent Teacher Organization
There will be an Kick Off meeting, Pizza with the Principal, on Wednesday, October 19th at 5 pm, to brainstorm ideas for the year. If you haven't already expressed interest in the PTO, please use this link.
If you have previously expressed interest, you should be receiving an email with details for Pizza with the Principal.
Staff Spotlight
Mr. Geoff Smith
Mr. Smith is our Pre-Engineering teacher. His classroom is located in the former "Shop" room.
What is Pre-Engineering?
In Pre-Engineering, students get to solve problems and bring their ideas to life using the Engineering Design Process. They learn the basics of CAD and 3D Printing. They also get to fly and program drones, build bridges and towers, launch rockets, and design CO2 dragsters to race against their classmates.
How long have you worked at LMS?
This is my 21st year. It is my 4th year teaching Pre-Engineering. Before that I taught 6th grade Science.
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
On the weekend I enjoy watching football and being on the lake with my friends and family .
Mrs. Pam Swart
Mrs. Swart is our Art Teacher. It is her 26th year teaching at LMS.
What do students gain by taking Art in middle school?
Students taking Middle School Art gain self confidence in their art skills and relax. Students have the opportunity to not only improve their skills, but to also appreciate how fun and beautiful their different approaches to an art assignment can be. Personal expression is important.
What is your favorite thing to do on weekends?
My favorite weekend activities are to attend my grandson's games, garden and unwind.
Upcoming Events
September 20-- Fall Picture Day
September 21-- 2 hour delayed start, drop off after 9:15 am, school starts at 9:30 am.
September 28/October 4--Parent Teacher Conferences, 2:30 - 6 pm
September 28-- 5:30 pm, Parent Meeting for 8th Grade DC Trip
October 7--8th grade visitation to CTEC
October 19--5 pm, Pizza with the Principal (PTO)
Table Talk: Questions to Get Your Kid Talking
What is your math homework?
Our students have Envision Math Workbooks and should be able to show or tell you what they are doing in their workbook.
Tell me about...
6th graders....MathBlast
7th graders w/ Mr. Hawk.....The Great 8
7th graders w/ Mrs. Goins...Simple Solutions
8th graders....Simple Solutions
All of our students do some form of spiral review daily. These are math concepts that are most important for moving on to the next grade level or for the state test in the spring and therefore we review them briefly throughout the year to keep the fresh or to make our understanding better. Our various teachers call them different things but they all serve the same purpose: reteaching and reinforcing those "most important" concepts that the kids will need to use later in math.
Repeat Information (everything below was shared last week)
7th Grade Immunizations Required
There are several mandatory immunizations that your child is required to receive prior to 7th grade. Please turn in an updated vaccine record for your child to the school office, attention Amy Morrison, district nurse.
Lakewood Middle School
Office Staff
Mrs. Corum--Principal, jcorum@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Boland--Assistant Principal, jboland@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Robinson--Secretary, carobinson@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Raymond--School Counselor, jraymond@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Morrison--District Nurse, amymorrison@lakewoodlocal.org
Email: jcorum@lakewood.local.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us/lakewoodmiddleschool_home.aspx
Location: 5200 National Road Southeast, Hebron, OH, USA
Phone: 740-928-8330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakewoodMSLancers
Twitter: @LakewoodLSD_MS