Pearl S. Buck Elementary
February 24, 2017
Important Dates
March 8th - Operation Helping Hand food drive collection.
March 9th - PTO meeting @ 9:45 AM.
March 10th - Pearl Buck's Got Talent! 7-9 PM at Maple Point Middle School. Due to seating capacity, tickets will be limited to the immediate family of each participant.
PSSA Testing Dates for 3rd and 4th Grades:
- Monday, April 3rd, through Thursday, April 6th (ELA)
- Monday, April 24th, through Wednesday, April 26th (Math)
- Tuesday/Wednesday, May 2nd & 3rd (Science - 4th grade only)
Testing will occur throughout the morning of each testing date. Please do not schedule appointments or vacations for your child on testing dates.
Science Fair and Book Fair a Huge Success!
Last night, 2/23, Pearl Buck hosted two big, annual events - our Scholastic Book Fair and our Science Fair. Both events were well-attended and very successful! We'd like to extend a sincere 'thank you' to our families who were able to attend and support our young scientists as well as our young readers.
Congratulations to the teams recommended to present their projects at the STEAM Expo at Neshaminy High School on April 20th. The winning projects were selected by our Science Fair audience. After a tally of the votes, we'd like to congratulate the following students:
- The Compost Experiment: Preston Christie, Pietro Gatta
- Candy Crystals: Hope Angelini, Sydney White
- Dirt Shirt: Keira Callahan, Grace Schott, Katelyn Sullivan
- Fake Snot: Anthony Kurley, Andrew Kuznicki, Christopher Pirolli
- Grow a Frog: Bridget Dykty, Gianna Laino
- Balloon Explosion: Maia Smiler
More information about the STEAM Expo can be found here. A flyer will also be coming home, soon.
Our principal, Mr. Kern, would like to personally express that all of our scientists did a great job, and "upped the ante" over last year's event. "Each scientist should be very proud of the quality and scientific value of his or her project. I'm looking forward to next year's event!"
We apologize - some difficulties occurred with transferring photos of the Science and Book Fairs from our source device. We'll work on it and publish photos in next week's newsletter.
Office Reminders
Please remember to bring I.D. with you when picking up your child. If someone else routinely picks-up your child, please make sure to list them as an emergency contact AND remind them to have proper I.D. when they arrive.
Please be sure to write your child's teacher a note regarding ANY changes to your child's afternoon routines. For last-minute changes, please call the school office at 215-809-6300 and speak with one of our secretaries.
Our lost and found is growing. It is full of coats, fleece jackets, hats, scarves, etc. Please have your child check for lost personal items. Parents may also visit the lost and found. Please check-in at the office first.
Be Food-Allergy Aware!
Due to varied allergy and dietary needs, please contact your child's teacher before sending in food for students other than your child (e.g. for birthday celebrations, class parties). Do not send in any items until the teacher has responded and confirmed the appropriateness of your request. Also, students should not share food at any time during school - even with a close friend. A seemingly harmless food item may unexpectedly contain allergens, or interact with other medical conditions. Depending on the health needs in the classroom, teachers may choose to avoid food-oriented experiences altogether.
Please see our guidelines for more information.
Mind Benders
Swaff is sitting at his desk, being cool, when his younger brother Geemiee walks up. Geemiee had recently been practicing his (fake) magical powers, trying to turn cheese into more cheese, so he believes he can beat Swaff in anything. He sets up a little competition, the first to get 5 ounces of water to freeze, will be proclaimed the coolest guy in their home.
They set up some rules, as follows:
-They both can only use normal water that comes out of their stainless steel faucet.
-They both use identical containers
-They both must use the same freezer, at the same time.
Now, Swaff realizes that if he were to lose, he would become less cool, he just doesn't roll like that. So, how can Swaff have the best chance of winning over Geemiee?