Summer Office Hours
Seats Available! Come SOAR with us!
Have a neighbor, family or friends Interested in applying for the 2023-24 school year? We have seats available! To start the enrollment process, please have them complete our easy, online application on our website at: https://kestrelheights.org/apply-now/
Summer Maintenance Powerschool
If you are a new Kestrel family, parent portal log in information will be shared to the email you provided when enrolling over the next few weeks.
2023-24 Kestrel Bus Transportation Application
Complete this form to sign up for bus transportation. Those who secure a seat will be emailed directly before the start of the school year with specific information. Those placed on the waitlist will also be notified.
If you have any questions and/or concerns please visit our website to review FAQs or you may email jamesprice@kestrelheights.org.
2023-24 Transportation Application: https://forms.gle/b1rzG9cRKpz4o5sT9
Kindergarten Assessments
During the week of July 17th, our kindergarten scholars will take their kindergarten assessments. The assessment will help us know our kindergartners relative strengths and potential areas of growth and allow our teachers to prepare instructional plans.
If your Kindergartener is attending Camp Kestrel, no further steps are required.
If your child is not attending Camp Kestrel, and you have not already sign up, please click the link to schedule your child's assessment: Kindergarten Assessment Sign Up Form
For more information about the assessment, please contact Mr. Touchette, Director of the Elementary School at andrewtouchette@kestrelheights.org
2023-2024 Calendars
The Kestrel Heights School Calendar and the Parent and Family Engagement Calendar are located on our website at https://kestrelheights.org/calendar/
Please make sure you check it often to stay informed of all the amazing events taking place within our Kestrel Community!
Immunizations and Health Assessment Forms - Due August 23rd
7th Grade scholars - All 7th grade scholars are required to submit an updated immunization record showing receipt of the Tdap and Meningococcal (MCV) immunizations.
Scholars who are enrolling into a public school for the 1st time are required to submit the NC Health Assessment Form
Immunization Records and the NC Health Assessment form may be scanned and emailed to Vargas@kestrelheights.org, dropped off to the front office, or faxed to 919-375-2479
Supply Lists
Updated Middle School Elective Choices
After our initial elective information was shared with families we received feedback about some of the limits of the new elective structure. We appreciate our partnership with parents and families and their willingness to share their thoughts with us. Based on some of the feedback and suggestions received from parents, we have made a slight modification to the initial elective structure. This will allow some additional options for our scholars, especially those who would like to take band or NCVPS courses.
In light of this change, a new elective request form has been created. Please re-submit the elective form based on this new information.
You can make your selections using the elective selection form. Please complete the form once for each middle school scholar. To go to the form, type the following URL into your browser: https://bit.ly/khselectives23
From the Desk of the Elementary School Director
Greetings KHS Families.
I hope this finds you enjoying a happy, relaxing, and rewarding Summer! We approach the 2023-2024 school year with much to be proud of. Our Scholars demonstrated a great deal of growth on the iReady, as well as on their EOG exams. We had a strong end to our school year, which included a sneak preview of the classrooms in the new building that our K-5th grade scholars will inhabit beginning on August 23!
Camp Kestrel is off to a great start, with Ms. Marrow and the team delivering a fun Summer experience to our campers. While our entire staff is getting some much deserved rest this Summer, we are excited to get back to the our mission of empowering Scholars to sharpen academic knowledge, demonstrate creative expression, and develop leadership abilities to prepare for success in high school, college, and beyond.
Please reach out with any questions about the upcoming school year.
Andrew Touchette
2023-24 Returning Scholar Information
Good Afternoon Kestrel Families!
I hope you and your family are safe and healthy and enjoying your Summer break! It's hard to believe the new school year will begin in a just over a month!
To assist us with having the most up-to-date contact and health information for your child, please complete the below Returning Scholar Information Form by August 1st. If you have more than one scholar attending Kestrel Heights School, please complete one per scholar.
Returning Scholar Information Form: https://forms.gle/3aPt5M8fTWyUSjBJ8
For questions/concerns, please contact Ms. Vargas at Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Fall Sports Information Meeting - Fall Tryout Dates
The Fall Sports Meeting for potential student-athletes & parents (optional) will take place on Monday, Aug. 7th at 7:00pm virtually, at the following link; meet.google.com/rpc-rsct-dbg.
If you cannot make it to the meeting and have questions about the registration process, please email hess@kestrelheights.org. Scholar athletes are eligible for tryouts when all registration paperwork is submitted (physical examinations are good for one calendar year, other registration paperwork is valid for the 23-24 school year). Scholars are expected to attend each day of tryouts.
See registration packet form attached or you can find it on the Hawk’s athletic website under “files and links” (spanish/ Español available) https://kestrelhawks.bigteams.com
Fall Tryout Information
Boy's Soccer
August 23, 24 & 25
3:30 - 5:00
Chandler Rawllins
Co-ed Cross Country
August 23, 24 & 25
3:30 - 5:00
Kestrel Heights School
Reginald Stewart
Girl's Volleyball
August 23, 24 & 25
3:30 - 5:00
Kestrel Heights School Gym
Dale Edmonds
Kestrel Heights School PTA
The PTA consists of parents/caregivers and school staff. As an organization, the PTA takes an active role in supporting the school and providing special funds for the school. We aim to enable and support a partnership between parents and staff; home and school.
How does the PTA benefit my children?
The PTA funds and supports school projects such as: purchasing equipment for our music and athletics programs as well as classroom technology and furnishings. We also organize events and social functions such as: Book Fairs, Spirit Nights, and School Festivals.
How can I keep up with the PTA?
If you would like additional information or if you are interested in joining the PTA, please email us at pta@kestrelheights.org
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @khcspta
French Toast - Online Uniforms
To order items through French Toast:
Follow us on Social Media!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KestrelHeights
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kestrelheights/
NextDoor: https://nextdoor.com/pages//pages/kestrel-heights-charter-school-durham-nc/recommend/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/school/kestrel-heights-school
Email: Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Website: www.kestrelheights.org
Location: 4700 South Alston Avenue, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-484-1300
Facebook: facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool
Twitter: @kestrelheights