Board Meeting Summary
November 15th, 2023
General Information
President Snider called the November Regular BOE meeting to order at 6:31 pm. After roll call, the Board approved the meeting agenda and consent agenda, consisting of the minutes from the October meeting, bills, payroll and the treasurer's report.
During Board Input, Auditor Kyle Polhill presented a summary of the district's most recent audit and annual financial report (AFR). He complimented the district on their work and commented on how this is a complicated process each year. Mr. Polhill highlighted the district's internal audit procedures, fund balances, equalized assessed value and tax rates since 2016. Dr. Kashner thanked Mr. Polhill for their work and stated that he was really proud of bookkeeper, Mrs. Hartman, and payroll specialist, Mrs. Janssen, for their work to ensure another clean audit.
Teacher's Sara Swart and Lindsay Petty, and community members Jeremy Flikkema and Tim Kaus were welcomed by President Snider and asked if anyone wanted to address the board. No public comments were made.
During communications the PreK board report was shared including information on upcoming professional development sessions, 5K Turkey Trot, school board conference information and school board member recognition. Dr. Kashner shared that November 15th is "thank a school board member" day in the state of Illinois. He thanked the members and shared that 5th graders wrote why they were thankful for school board members and shared them with the BOE.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm.
Old Business
- approved the FY2023 Audit and Annual Financial Report.
- approved a field trip for the Annual Youth Concert @ Rockford Symphony Orchestra for 4th graders in April 2024.
- approved annual 3-year facility plan. Dr. Kashner shared that his plan is utilized to guide facility budget planning and is reviewed regularly. He stated that in the next three years we can expect flooring updates, updates to the FACS and Media Center at EJSHS and roof at EES. Highlights of the scheduled work for FY25 include classroom renovations in some areas (adding desks, carpet and LED lighting), safety camera upgrades, door locks, fire alarm panel updates, and adding safety padding in the large gym at EES and small gym at EJSHS.
New Business
- approved a tentative levy for December 2023 and having a levy hearing on December 20th, 2023 at 6:30 pm. Dr. Kashner presented on the tax levy with information on what a levy is, how it is calculated and utilized by schools, and what the school is allocating the additional funds for. Dr. Kashner shared the additional funds gained will be utilized to replenish fund balances in the education and operations and maintenance funds that were spent down to build the elementary addition, as well as to allocate funds for the possibility of additional staff to best serve our student and community needs. He stated that the O/M fund balance at the end of this fiscal year will be less than 50% of the annual budget, and the education fund will be at 75% of the annual budget. Those two amounts fall short of the strategic goal of having at least one year of reserves in those funds. Dr. Kashner anticipates that the tax rate will be in the same range or slightly less than last year's rate depending on EAV. Last year's tax rate of 3.98 is the second lowest of the entire NW unit school districts, and is substantially under the average of 5.55 for school districts in the NW.
- heard a first reading of board policies as recommended by PRESS plus.
- approved workers' compensation renewal through Clark Carroll Insurance agency.
- approved school maintenance grant. Dr. Kashner stated that the state provides an annual grant amount of $50,000 as long as the district applies and allocates a matching amount at minimum. This year the district will be applying to put towards the cost of security cameras.
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The following personnel options were approved:
Resignation: Carly Dorman - PreK
Resignation: Lindsey Baker - Football Cheerleading Coach
New Hire: Stacy Lamoreux - PreK
Job Posting: Football Cheerleading Coach
Eastland CUSD #308
Email: akashner@eastland308.com
Website: www.eastland308.com
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301