Hawk Happenings!
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Message from the Principal - Nov. 15, 2018
Happy Thursday!
We are quickly heading towards the Thanksgiving break. Can you believe it?? Tomorrow, we are sending home report cards. You will have an opportunity to review them before meeting with the teacher(s) on Monday or Tuesday for Parent-Teacher Conferences. It is not too late to schedule a conference, if you haven't already done so. The links are listed below. We have noon dismissals on Monday and Tuesday for conferences and no school Wed - Fri for the break.
Please join us for Mass tomorrow in the auditorium for our first school Mass...in the school! It is still at 9 am. Also, thank you for your generosity with the St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive. We brought a lot of bags over to the parish building today and will bring the last bags tomorrow. Feel free to still drop off bags tomorrow morning. The families who benefit from these are very grateful!
Katie Dempsey
Upcoming Events:
Next Week:
Monday, 11/19 - Noon Dismissal with Book Fair and Parent-Teacher Conferences in the afternoon! Extended Care is available.
Tuesday, 11/20 - Noon Dismissal with Book Fair and Parent-Teacher Conferences in the afternoon! Extended Care is available.
* VERY IMPORTANT: People who have an outstanding tuition balance for November and are not on FACTS will not have Report Cards released until the acct balances are paid.
- 1 means that the student is lacking adequate progress towards the standard or that the concept is new and the skill is just emerging.
- 2 means that the skill level is progressing toward the goal of meeting the standard.
- 3 means that the standard has been met sufficiently (and consistently).
- 4 means that the student's skill level far exceeds the standard (this is rare).
It is not uncommon for skills to still be emerging early in the year and for students to have 2s instead of 3s at this point. Please do not be concerned if this is the case. The purpose of Standards Based Grading is to give more specific information and feedback. You should definitely check in with the teacher at the conferences if you have any questions on the report cards. Also, the teachers will be giving out MAP data for grades 2 - 8, as well.
Potluck for Staff during Conferences!
They will say goodbye to the kiddos by 12:15 and have from 12:15 until 1 pm (when conferences begin) to eat lunch. If you have any questions, please contact Nina Tatum at nina.tatumm@gmail.com. Thank you to Nina and our Parent Service Committee for supporting the staff with these special events!
From the Development Desk
Annual Fund
Please show your support with a donation to the school’s Annual Fund Appeal! We have a lofty goal as we hope to raise $100,000. Many thanks to an anonymous donor who contributed $20,000 in matching funds. This is a great time to get your donation in as the funds will be matched dollar for dollar. We need 100% participation from our families and staff to make this goal. This fund is important to our school as it helps fund curriculum, staff training, financial aid, and many other initiatives. A fee of $50 will be billed to any family who does not make a donation by January 1, 2019.
You can easily make a donation online at:https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/o5kPfZnwU-9YPZxE8gatew or you can fill out the pledge envelope and return to the office. Any questions, please email:smckinney@holyrosarybilingual.org.
Thank You!
Finally, we want to thank the families/staff who have already sent in their pledges/payments.
Desde la Mesa de Desarrollo
Fondo Anual
¡Por favor muestre su apoyo con su donación a la campaña anual del colegio Annual Fund Appeal! Tenemos una meta ambiciosa ya que esperamos recaudar $100,000. Muchas gracias a nuestro donador anónimo quien aportó $20,000 dólares en fondos coincidentes. Esta es una gran oportunidad para donar y que cada dólar de su donación sea multiplicado. Necesitamos una participación del 100% de las familias y el personal del colegio para llegar a la meta. Este fondo es importante para nuestra escuela porque ayuda a financiar el plan de estudios del colegio, la capacitación del personal, la ayuda financiera y muchas otras iniciativas. Cada familia que no haga una donación antes del 1ero de enero de 2019 recibirá un cargo de $50.00 a su cuenta.
Usted puede hacer una donación fácilmente en línea en el enlace https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/o5kPfZnwU-9YPZxE8gatewo puede llenar el sobre de compromiso de recaudación y regresarlo a la oficina. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribale a Sarah asmckinney@holyrosarybilingual.org ¡Gracias!
Finalmente, queremos agradecer a todas las familias y al personal que han enviado su donación.
Prana Briggs
Matt & Janelle Costanti
Peterson/Failla Family
Josh & Patrea Fernandez
Justin & Rebecca Inouye
Patrick & Sarah Johnson
Casey & Sarah McKinney
Michael & Julie Milasich
Jesse & Amanda Schweickert
Katie Dempsey
Amparo Farias
Kelly Robertson
Gabriel Farias
Richard & Cheri Brandt
Catlin/Houk/Manning Family
Alissa Farias
Monika Filipova
Jesus & Gloria Gomez
Jared & Christina Matheson
Efrain & Patty Montes
William & Jennifer Pickles
Foanuu Setefano & Tiffiny Yi
Jeff Smith & Bridget Yaden
Daryl & Raquel Lambrecht
Travis & Jennifer Perkins
Sofia Zapata
Robert Tran & Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Rodney Wilson & Johanne Pozas
Ken Clifton & Heather Young
Hugo Bernal & Nina Tatum
Archer/Carroll Family
Dave Boynton & Melissa Kennedy
Diane Follett
Daniel & Bridget Proctor
Melissa Prusinowski
Sonia Ceballos
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Ups!!
Ms. Marseille (Pre-K 3): http://signup.com/go/dErgQYj
Ms. Juliet and Ms. Wendy (Pre-K 4A): http://signup.com/go/ZRovnSp
Ms. Patty (Pre-K 4B): http://signup.com/go/VLAUtJc
Señora Raquel and Señora Nilsa (KG): http://signup.com/go/gbOFRKB
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Allen (1st): http://signup.com/go/wufEWhh
Mr. Kelah (2nd/3rd English): http://signup.com/go/GzVQSRX
Señora Sonia (2nd/3rd Spanish): http://signup.com/go/XosVJvr
Señor Ivan (4th/5th/6th Spanish, 8th Math): http://signup.com/go/pDXDRYV
Mr. Anderson (4th/5th/6th English, 7/8 Spanish): http://signup.com/go/RaGSiEr
Mr. Farias (7/8 Homeroom and 5/6 Religion): http://signup.com/go/yJaZEQf
Thank you for signing up. It is important to keep communication open and for teachers, students, and parents to all be working together as a team!
Late Charges for Tuition and Fees!
******To register for FACTS, visit:https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/4CD0S********
Last spring, due to a large number of people frequently making late payments, we added language to the registration packet which included a late fee. This fee is $50 for any payment made after the 10th of the month, unless you are on FACTS. Some people seem surprised by these late fees, so here is a reminder of the language from the Tuition Payment Preference Form in the registration packet families completed for enrollment/re-enrollment:
Important Information Regarding Late Payments:
- Tuition payments received after the due date (10th of the month, unless you are on FACTS) will be assessed a late fee of $50.
- Any family who is late 2 times during the contract year will be required to use FACTS for their payment of tuition/fees.
- Extended Care and meal charges are due within one week of statement (emailed/sent home in the weekly envelope). Parents who are more than one month behind on either of these will lose those privileges.
- An early termination fee of $150 will be required of all contracts that are terminated before the end of the contract.
- Families with checks returned for insufficient funds are required to pay any fees incurred by HRRS and the account will be considered late.
- Families who have an account that is past due 60 days or more will be unenrolled from the school. Written notice will be provided to the family at least 2 weeks prior to unenrolling the student(s).
We hope that people understand that when you are a small school who has to pay all bills on time (and especially our staff salaries), we need to make sure that people fulfill the commitment that they agreed to when they signed and submitted the registration documents. So, if you would like to pay after the 10th of the month, please sign up for FACTS and you are welcome to pay on the 25th. If you have any questions or concerns about your account, please contact Kelly our Bookkeeper at finance@holyrosarybilingual.org. If you have questions about this policy, please contact Katie Dempsey.
Noon Dismissal for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, Nov 19, 2018, 12:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Parent-Teacher Conferences and Book Fair
The Book Fair will be held in the portables
Monday, Nov 19, 2018, 01:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Noon Dismissal for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, Nov 20, 2018, 12:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Parent-Teacher Conferences and Book Fair
The Book Fair will be held in the portables