Walker Elementary
December 18-19, 2023
Dear Walker Families,
Important Dates
Monday, December 18th- NO ROAR
Monday, December 18th- Gingerbread House for the following grades:
8:15-9:00 3rd Grade
9:15-10:00 Kindergarten
1:00-1:45 4th grade
2:00-2:45 5th grade
Tuesday, December 19th - Gingerbread House for the following grades:
8:15-9:00 2nd Grade
9:15-10:00 1st Grade
Tuesday, December 19th - PJ Day and sing along
Tuesday, December 19th - NO ROAR
December 20th-January 3rd- Christmas Break - No School
Thursday January 4th- Students return to school
Thank you for your partnership,
Mrs. Lynn Ryan, Principal, lryan@sdale.org
Mrs. Katherine Wilson, Assistant Principal, kwilson3@sdale.org
December Generosity
Watch this book called George the Generous Giraffe. In what
ways did George show generosity to the other animals? How did this make the other animals
feel? How did it make George feel? Discuss ways that you could be more like George and
show generosity to others.
About Walker Elementary
Email: lryan@sdale.org
Website: http://walker.sdale.org/
Location: 1701 S 40th St, Springdale, AR 72762, USA
Phone: (479)750-8874
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