BCCA MESSENGER September, 2022
Harmoniously blending the work of redemption and education
Welcome Back BCCA Families
SEPT 5 - Labor Holiday (No school in session)
SEPT 6 -16 - Map Testing
SEPT 9- Car Wash Fundraiser
SEPT 12 - Garden Class (Every 2nd Monday of the Month)
SEPT 19- 23 Week of Prayer
SEPT 26 - School Spirit Night, Donatos, 4-10pm
SEPT 28 - Oct 2 - Fall Break
OCT 9 - BCCA Yard Sale (See below for more details)
Oct. 21-23 - Alumni Weekend (More details to come)
If you know of anyone who attended BCCA in the past, please forward them this announcement!
YARD SALE Fundraiser (SUNDAY, OCT 9), 8:00AM - 2PM
Second Car Wash Fundraiser, Sept 9
STOP BY for our second (and last) car wash for this fall on Friday, September 9th. All funds raised go towards the 7th & 8th grade class trip and graduation. During the first car wash $737 was raised! Let's keep up the momentum!
Join us for some delicious pizza and fellowship! Donatos will doante 15% of total sales, 4-10pm, to BCCA. Spread the word!
Need Aftercare?
MAP Testing, Sept 6-16
IT'S TESTING TIME! Grade 3 and up will begin their MAP testing next week covering all the subjects. Grade 2 will cover only 2 subjects. Please help students get good a breakfast, rest, and LOTS of prayer.
Music Lessons (Piano & Guitar)
We are happy to announce that Jodi Perkins (local Music Teacher) is offering private piano (or other instrument) lessons every Friday during school hours for 30 minutes. (Students would miss 30 minutes of PE, community service, or other extracurricular class offered on Fridays).
Additional lesson offered are: ukulele, voice, and mandolin lessons.
Students will need to bring an instrument for all lessons other than piano. They will also need music books to go along with the instrument (Please discuss with Jodi).
Please let Mrs. Fristoe know if you are interested in signing up your child(ren). There is a monthly fee. Spots are limited, and lessons will be scheduled on a first-come basis!
Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed!
When hot lunch is not provided, we will be offering pizza lunches.
Garden Club (Every second Monday of the month)
Learning outside the classroom
Below are some ways of helping our school without lifting a finger! If you shop at any of these places, please choose Big Cove as your school, and the funds go directly to the school. Thank you for your generosity!
Download the Box Top$ app and shop as you normally would, then scan your store receipts. The app will automatically credit the amount under BCCA earnings online. https://www.boxtops4education.com
Sign up at Publix.com for and account, select BCCA, then enter your phone number at checkout. A percentage of each eligible transaction made using your Publix Partners account is allocated to BCCA. https://corporate.publix.com/community/corporate-campaigns/publix-partners