Woodland Wildcats News
November 30, 2023
Gifted Testing Results
IF your child was tested for the gifted program this fall, results were mailed out to the home address on file on Wednesday, November 29th. If you do not receive your results by Wednesday, December 6th, please contact Mrs. Leah Smith at SmithL1@fultonschools.org.
Letter from the Principal
Greetings Wildcat Families!
Thank you for your participation in our STEM Night! We are so fortunate to have a very dedicated and competent staff investing daily in the rich experiences your children engage in daily! We would also like to thank our volunteers, partners, and activity facilitators who help make the night an extreme success.
We still need to hear from you! Our Georgia Department of Education Parent Survey is open! Thank you for helping us increase our number of completed surveys last evening. We increased from 49 to 97! We still need more families to complete the survey. It is anonymous, I only receive the number complete (not percentage)! Below is more information regarding the survey. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback to help Woodland reflect the rating of the quality experience your children receive each day!
CCRPI Survey
Your opinion matters! Tell us about your experiences with the district and our school by filling out the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Georgia Parent Survey required by the Georgia Department of Education. This survey provides a foundation for your school’s Climate Star rating score and is part of the CCRPI. These climate scores are an important indicator of culture and climate within each school in the district. Each school will receive a 1-5 star rating, with five stars representing an excellent school climate, and one star representing a school climate most in need of improvement. The surveys are anonymous and confidential and will remain open through Friday, December 15. To access the CCRPI survey, click here.
Please join us December 5th and 7th for our Math Parent Academies!
Ms. Toomer, Principal
**Reminder - Picture Retake Day is Wednesday, December 6th. If your child was absent on October 25th or if you are requesting a new picture then please contact your child's homeroom teacher so you can make sure they can have that retake opportunity.
Fulton County Schools is providing self-paced and interactive parent/family learning to support early literacy development at home through a series of engaging online experiences. These Parent Units are no more than 20 minutes from start to finish to complete. In the unit, an easy-to-replicate strategy is provided for parents/families to use at home to support literacy development.
Each Parent Unit will launch one at a time throughout the school year beginning in October. These units are designed to support parents and their families, and will focus on different topics:
Unit 1: Oral Language
Unit 2: Vocabulary
Unit 3: Reading with your child
Writing :
Unit 4: Early Writing Development (PK – K)
Unit 5: Beginning Writing Development (1st – 2nd)
Unit 6: Transitional Writing Development (2nd -3rd)
Unit 7: Advanced Writing Development (4th / 5th grade and above)
Multiple languages will be provided as well as additional supportive resources. The units and resources can be found on the district website www.fultonschools.org/parentunits and are also linked at the bottom of all elementary school websites. Parents will have the opportunity to earn a certificate for completing each unit.
Did You Know?
· Regular school attendance in elementary school improves the chances that your child will read on grade level.
· Chronic absenteeism (missing 18 or more school days per year) is a primary cause of lower academic achievement even when the absences are "excused" or understandable.
· Students who attend 90% or more of the school year are more likely to graduate from high school on time.
· Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with peer conflicts or facing some other potentially serious difficulty, and help is available.
Fulton County Schools Attendance Policies
JB Attendance Operating Guidelines
We are noticing students are being released from vehicles in undesignated areas for unloading. Please ensure you are allowing students to exit the vehicles in the
designated areas only! Help us by ensuring you are engaging in safe and timely arrival and dismissal practices. Students may begin entering the building as early as 7:05am. Our carpool traffic is not heavy, at this time. You may also consider utilizing the buses and alleviating the traffic, in and around our campus!
Other reminders include:
· Pick up and drop off occur in the front of the building.
· Getting in the carpool lane, parking, and walking your student to the sidewalk contributes to the congestion of our carpool line.
· Students are safe (and dry on rainy days) and not marked tardy when they arrive on the bus.
Thank you for helping us keep our students and staff safe!
Lunch visitors will be permitted beginning Monday, September 11, 202. If eating lunch
with your child, please use the designated area available outside of the cafeteria. No other
student(s) other than your own, is allowed to accompany you and your child at lunch. There is a sign-up process for attending lunch with your child. You will need to sign-up for the day and time you wish to visit. If you will not be able to attend on a day reserved, please remove yourself from the sign-up to allow others to reserve a day and time. The sign-up process is on a first-come-first-serve basis due to our limited space to accommodate lunch visitors.
Steps to follow:
· Arrive at least 5 minutes before time.
· Check in at the front desk. You will need to provide your identification if you are checking in for the first time.
· You are highly encouraged to refrain from bringing in fast food items.
· At the end of your lunch time with your child, you will check-out at the front desk.
Please use the links below to reserve a time!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-1stgrade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-2ndgrade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-3rdgrade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-4thgrade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-5thgrade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-kindergarten https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-prek https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA5AD2FA0FA7-moid
Just a reminder, Woodland ES follows a uniform policy for dress code. Please ensure your student is dress in uniform each day. Crocs and ripped jeans are not appropriate or in the uniform policy listed below.
All students wear the Woodland uniform. Please see the details below about the uniforms:
· Shirts: Collared shirt, long-sleeved or short, with or without the Woodland logo. Colors are red, white, or navy. Turtlenecks are acceptable.
· Pants: Navy or khaki shorts or pants. Shorts should be mid-thigh to knee length. Pleated or elastic waist pants are acceptable. Jeans, sweatpants, or tight leggings are not acceptable. Girls may also wear navy or khaki skirts, skorts, or jumpers, provided they are mid-thigh to knee length. During colder months, tights of uniform color (red, white, or navy blue) may be worn underneath skirts.
· Shoes & Socks: Closed-toed athletic (sneakers) with red, white, or navy socks will ensure that students are properly dressed for P.E. and recess. Shoes should be in neutral colors such as black, brown, or white. Small colored accents are acceptable but should not be the primary color of the shoe.
· PE: Athletic style shoes are required for PE. Students will not be allowed to participate in PE if they are not wearing appropriate shoes and their grade may be negatively impacted for failure to participate.
· Accessories: Purses, caps, headphones, etc. are not permitted at school unless authorized by principal or teacher.
We look forward to seeing all students arrive dressed in school uniform and ready to learn!
Every effort is made to ensure open communication between home and school. Teachers and parents should communicate regularly regarding questions or concerns that arise during the school year. To stay connected, please read all correspondence that comes home with your child and/or is sent electronically. It is extremely important that your email is up to date in Infinite Campus. Most of the communication from the school will be sent using the email address we have on file. You can update this information by logging into your parent portal account. We are committed to providing all stakeholders with clear and transparent communication. Please see below for our forms of communication.
➢ Principal’s Newsletter a direct communication from the principal sent on Thursdays. Please be sure we have your email on file so that you will receive this communication.
➢ PBIS Rewards helps you stay informed about what is happening in your child’s classroom. Each teacher will observe a quiet hour notification between the hours of 8:00am – 2:30pm, during instructional time. During this time, they will be unable to respond to messages. In most cases, you will receive a response within 24-48 hours
➢ Samples of Work are sent home to keep you updated on your child’s progress. All classroom teachers will send Thursday folders for graded work.
➢ Infinite Campus/Parent Portal is available for you to monitor your child’s grades. We encourage you to utilize this system to stay current with your child’s progress. Usernames and passwords are valid from year to year for continuously enrolled students.
➢ Written Notes: Most communication can be handled through written notes. Please be sure to let your child know that he/she has a note for the teacher.
➢ Email: All teachers have county provided email addresses. Please note that teachers are not able to check email during instructional time. In most cases, you will receive a response
➢ Phone Calls: Teachers are unavailable to take phone calls during instructional day. Please be aware that it may be late in the afternoon before your message is received and your call returned. In most cases, you will receive a response within 24-48 hours.
➢ Conferences: We encourage regular communication to discuss your child’s progress at school. Conferences may be initiated by the parent, teacher, or administrator and held at a mutually agreeable time.
➢ Website – the school website is https://www.fultonschools.org/woodlandes. Please visit our site regularly for the most current information and resources.
· If your student is a car rider for dismissal, please remain in your car, for the safety of your students and our staff members. Exiting your car to meet your child delays our ability to expedite the dismissal process and keep students and staff safe.
· Our school day begins at 7:40 am and ends at 2:20 pm daily. Students may begin arriving at 7:05 am and should be in the classroom at 7:40 am. Students arriving after 7:40 will be marked tardy. Parents will need to escort your student in for check-in at the front desk, if arriving after 7:40 am. Let’s work together to establish a consistent, timely routine for your student.
· If you are riding the school bus, please make sure you arrive at your bus stop at least 5 minutes before the pick-up time. Your bus information may be found at https://www.fultonschools.org/transportation.
Our Cafeteria may provide, at a cost to the parent, frozen treats, $1.25 each for your child, and their class. All treats are big 9 allergen-free, unless indicated. There are a variety of flavors and a non-dairy option. The birthday treat meets USDA requirements for smart snacks in school, and the Cafeteria Staff delivers to your child’s class for all to enjoy!! Be sure to sign-up and pay for this convenience through our cafeteria.
Fulton County Schools Attendance Policy
Attendance Matters- Click here to learn more!
Documentation when a child is absent
· Parents should email or send a note in to the child’s school letting them know why their child was absent.
The following must be included in the note/email:
✔ Student Name ✔ Student FCS ID Number (Lunch Number) ✔ Parent/Guardian Name ✔ Parent/Guardian Email & Phone Number ✔ Reason for Excuse
A school may request additional documentation if a student has reached the following benchmarks.
· After 3 consecutive ill absences, a doctor’s note will be required
· 7 or more days for any reason (not including assigned remote)
· 10 or more late arrivals or early checkouts
2023-24 Community Meetings with Board Members
Woodland Elementary School
Email: joneshj@fultonschools.org
Website: http://school.fultonschools.org/es/woodland/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 1130 Spalding Drive Sandy Springs, GA 30350
Phone: 470-254-5890
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WoodlandWildcats13
Twitter: @weswildcat