RPS Update
May 19, 2023
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
End-of-year excitement is here—proms, concerts, shows, field days, and our seniors are off completing their spring internships. Ridgefield is a great place to be at any time, but most definitely in the spring!
We are looking forward to the Board of Education meeting on Monday when members of the leadership team will be discussing ChatGPT, and all the other gadgets that are coming out faster than I can write this letter. What we know about all of these technologies is that our kids learn them pretty quickly so we need to get out ahead of the technology to understand impact and influence!
In the upcoming weeks, we are inviting small groups of current families to engage in feedback sessions with me and members of the Board of Education. If interested, scroll to the article in this newsletter to sign up at your assigned school.
Have a great weekend and I hope we can all enjoy time outdoors.
Dr. Susie Da Silva
Photo Caption: Quote of the Week comes from the Ridgebury Elementary art show.
May Calendar
Please Check Your School Calendar
Please check your school's calendar to keep on top of important dates and events. Note the following important district dates.
Tentative Last Day of School
The tentative last day of school for students is Monday, June 19.
It is an early dismissal day for students.
The tentative End-of-Year PD Day for Teachers is Tuesday, June 20.
NEW! Security Reminder, Ethan's Law
On last week’s episode of Tiger Talk, Ridgefield Public School’s new Director of Safety and Security, Josh Zabin touched on Connecticut's gun laws, including Ethan's Law and other important safety reminders. Ethan's Law, named for Ethan Song who died at 15 years old while handling a firearm at a neighbor's house, covers the safe storage of firearms and ammunition with minors in the house. Please review the law here and join RPS in keeping schools safe and secure.
Photo Caption: Kristin Song holds photo of her son, Ethan
NEW! Tiger TV on This Week's Podcast
On this week’s episode of Ridgefield Tiger Talk, we are excited to have Katie Blake, a Family Consumer Science teacher from Ridgefield High School. She discusses with us her work in reviving Tiger TV. Many years ago, the high school used to host a few television shows, but as technology moved on, and some priorities changed, it was mothballed. But now, with the introduction of media production next fall, and some very passionate students, Tiger TV is ready for a modern comeback. Thanks for listening!
Check the e-Backpack for New Flyers
Please help us in our effort to go green by checking students' e-Backpacks! Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to cmelagrano@ridgefieldps.net. Thank you!
NEW! Best Buddies Grades PreK-12 Needed This Summer
We're excited to continue our Best Buddies program for its third summer! The Best Buddies program is a week-long opportunity for children to engage and play with peers who receive special services. The goal of the program is to promote social skills development, build understanding, appreciate neurodiverse learning, and make new friends. Program activities include sports, games, arts and crafts, music, dance, community trips, and other special events.
Mon. July 31 to Fri. August 4
Program hours - 9 am to 3 pm
Location: Barlow Mountain Elementary
Applications will be reviewed for matches with students recommended through their Individualized Education Programs (IEP), and will be determined by similarity in age/grade, gender, and school, when possible/appropriate. Students of any grade level PK-12 may apply.
Space is limited.
Please complete one form per child.
If accepted, we will make contact before the end of the school year with registration information.
Please email any questions to ashowah@ridgefieldps.net.
Anthony Showah, Ed.D., Assistant Director of Special Education
NEW! RPS Promotes Dr. Kara Tanner to New Role
Ridgefield Public Schools announced the appointment of Dr. Kara Tanner as the Veterans Park Elementary Supervisor and new RPS K-12 English Language Learner Coordinator.
Dr. Tanner has been a literacy coach at Veterans Park for the past seven years and a lead teacher at Veterans Park this past year, as well as the TEAM (Teacher Education And Mentoring) Program District Coordinator, a state program for supporting beginning teachers.
She was VPES Teacher of the Year in 2020. She holds a doctorate from Western Connecticut State University and is an adjunct professor at Sacred Heart. Prior to Veterans Park, she was a literacy coach at Farmingville Elementary for four years and was a classroom teacher in Wilton and Greenwich.
Dr. Tanner writes, “Throughout my time at Veterans Park, I have come to know the wonderful school community that has become my second family. Each day, I enter the building feeling invigorated and excited about the school day ahead, where I have the privilege of teaching students, supporting parents, and working alongside phenomenal educators. I feel honored to continue to be a part of the outstanding VP community as the elementary supervisor.”
In addition to assuming the VPES Elementary Supervisor role currently held by Chris Olson who will move to Farmingville full-time, Dr. Tanner will lead the district’s K-12 English Learner department, a new role that will streamline the growing ELL department.
Veterans Park Principal Dr. Sheri Prendergast describes Tanner as being “an outstanding instructional leader and an extraordinary individual.” Dr. Prendergast writes, “She is incredibly knowledgeable, extremely efficient, kind, trustworthy, and possesses a true passion for her students and staff. Dr. Tanner works tirelessly to further district and school-wide goals and is the type of leader that makes other individuals want to grow professionally and personally.”
We Speak French, Mandarin, Spanish, and...Latin
Students Earn Seal of Biliteracy
World Language Chair, Allyson Power, reports that 113 RHS students earned the Seal of Biliteracy this year. According to the website, "the Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. The vision is to help students recognize the value of their academic success and see the tangible benefits of being bilingual."
Congratulations to these students!
Toutes nos félicitations!
French students receiving Seal of Biliteracy.
Latin students receiving Seal of Biliteracy.
Mandarin students receiving Seal of Biliteracy.
Spanish students receiving Seal of Biliteracy
Calling the Class of 2036, Please Register for Kindergarten
Kindergarten registration for the fall of 2023 is open. Please remind your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances to register their children for kindergarten ASAP so they can take full advantage of all the orientation programs and so RPS can plan to welcome our youngest students.
In the Classroom
Aldrich Exhibition Inspires Lesson in Chemistry
Teachers and students looking at the same artwork at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum.
Diversity Day at BMES
Last Friday was Diversity Day at Barlow Mountain Elementary. Through a series of engaging activities and presentations, students and staff learned about neurodiversity and considered what inclusion means in a classroom as well as how to choose to be an inclusive school. In the morning, members of the Prospector Theater came to work with students on understanding differences. Prospectors talked to Grades K-2 about "Dropping the Pencil," which is another way to think of dropping the "label" to embrace differences. A series of activities presented by Ridgefield Intensive Special Education teacher Kira Rock helped students experience briefly what it might feel like to be visually impaired, have low fine motor skills, or use a communication board as their voice. To see a slideshow of the various activities and a BMES Bookshelf of Inclusive Titles with YouTube read-alouds, click here.
Ridgebury Puts on a Show and Unveils a Stair
Last night was Ridgebury Elementary School's art show. Thank you to everyone involved in this showcase of student creativity and talent, especially RES art teachers Megan Kounnas and Rachael Penney.
The RES PTA Beautification Committee unveiled its stunning staircase.
The Next Steven Spielberg? Wes Anderson? Coppola?
Farmingville Filmmakers at the Ridgefield Film Festival
Farmingville librarian Laura Kosky reports that it was Standing Room Only at the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival screening of the fifth-graders' stop-motion films. Kosky's students had the opportunity to share their adorable creations with the public at the Ridgefield Library last night in this fun celebration of creativity and hard work. What a great experience! Here is a trailer of the students' films, RIFF_FES Film Fest Trailer.
Beyond the Classroom
RHS Senior Internships Have Commenced!
Asian American and Pacific Heritage Month in the RHS LLC
In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the RHS Librarians have assembled a great collection of books and resources. See their feast below, and if you are an RHS staff member or student, please visit the LLC to see the well-curated selection.
RHS Junior Running Phenom Donates to Kicks for Kids
Varsity Dance Team Tryouts Start Next Week!
Help Spread the Word
Tryouts for the champion RHS Varsity Dance Team are around the corner.
May 24 + 26 (Mandatory); May 25 (Make-up)
Ridgefield Recreation Center, Charter Oak Room 1 + 2
6:15 pm-8:30 pm
Wear all black and sneakers
Questions: Contact Head Coach at taylorjane5599@gmail.com
Flowers for Believe in Brooke Scholarship
Brooke Blake, an Scotts Ridge student who passed away in 2020 after a courageous battle with a rare form of cancer, left a legacy of love an inspiration. Her friends are ninth graders now and spearheading, with her family, this fundraiser.
Pride in the Park Perk Cards Available
The RPS Gay Straight Alliance clubs are hosting the Fourth Annual Ridgefield Pride in the Park Celebration on June 3 from noon -3:00 pm at Ballard Park. As a fundraiser for the event, they are selling Pride Perks cards for $5. The card allows the holder to receive discounts from area merchants. New offers are being added all the time. A perk that many families enjoy is the Martin Park Beach pass discount. People can order them by going to the website ridgefieldctpride.com.
Author Event—JUNE 6!
RPS District Communications Manager Alison Pratt will introduce novelist Eliza Minot at the Ridgefield Library on June 6 at 7 pm. Minot, a mother of four, will read from her new book, In the Orchard, which is a novel about womanhood, modern family, and the interior landscape of maternal life, as seen through the life of a young wife and mother on a single day. Register here.
Photos from the Week
RHS Interns Learn Skills for Life
How great for seniors to spend their last weeks at RHS out of the classroom and in the community.
In Government...
The Ridgefield Registrar of Voters posted this photo of Matt and Ben getting sworn in as assistant registrars. Let's get out the VOTE!
In the Community...
On Monday, Evan Ralph shared his passion for Cornerstone Gardens with the Nutmeg National Charity League moms. The photo below shows Evan with Meg Campbell, who is trying to help him secure office furniture the charity needs for its new location, and NCL President Norma Bernard. Cornerstone Gardens employs autistic people to grow food for other local charities like Meals on Wheels.
In Schools...
RHS Interns share their skills with future generations...and maybe help Jesse Lee preschool students learn to share.
On the job...
Seniors working at a farm, using power tools, and serving waffles (and smiles) at a food truck.
And taking students to new heights...
Tristan's got your back!
And new lows...
Just kidding! Can't help sharing this classic from last week in the Senior Internship gallery. These helpful, law-abiding RHS senior interns put themselves in the back of the police car during recess at Scotts Ridge Middle School with full permission of the officers on duty.
We would love to hear from you! Families and staff can submit stories, comments, or corrections to RPS Communications. Please follow us on Social Media with links below.