I-29 Moo University
A newsletter for dairy producers - April 2016
LOOK, LISTEN, AND FEEL : A LIFESAVER! for Milking Equipment
LOOK, LISTEN, AND FEEL! Critical words and concepts you learn in first aid and CPR that are imperative to assess a person's well being who's been traumatized. LOOK at their position, complexion, vital visual signs; get close and LISTEN for airflow and breathing; and FEEL for a pulse which assures blood flow.
These same words are critical and are the basis for assessment and health of your milking equipment and routines. Continue...
Email: ltimms@iastate.edu
Website: www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam
Location: Ames, IA, United States
Phone: (515) 294.4522
Facebook: facebook.com/ISUDairyTeam
Twitter: @ISUDairyTeam
USDA Announces Improvements in Dairy Margin Protection Program
ARLINGTON, VA – Several important improvements in the new safety net program for dairy farmers were announced Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, following recommendations made to the agency by the National Milk Producers Federation to enhance the value of the dairy Margin Protection Program (MPP). Continue...
Understanding Milk Classification Labels
By Tracey Erickson, SDSU Extension Dairy Field Specialist
Within today’s society there is a lot of confusion about the food we consume. We, as consumers, need to truly take the time to understand “what” the label is telling us and the “why” behind the way a product is processed and given a particular label before it is presented to us as consumers for consumption. Continue...
Email: Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu
Website: iGrow.org/livestock/dairy
Location: Watertown, SD, United States
Phone: (605) 882.5140
Synchronization 101
Good reproduction results in more calves and higher milk production and more profit!! Good reproduction can be achieved by transitioning cows into the miking string healthy, inseminating cows shortly after the VWP (voluntary waiting period), and rapid identification and re-insemination of open cows. Continue...
Email: rmbreuer@iastate.edu
Website: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam/
Phone: (712) 737.4230
Facebook: facebook.com/ISUDairyTeam
Twitter: @ISUDairyTeam
Beta-agonists in the Spotlight
The use of beta-agonists in beef cattle production has been highly scrutinized following concerns of animal welfare, which has led to the removal of Zilmax® (zilpaterol hydrochloride) from the market by the manufacturer. Improving animal well-being through careful use of these feed additives and managing the animal’s environment to minimize stress has remained a focus of much research. Continue...
Email: Heidi.Carroll@SDState.edu
Location: Brookings, SD, United States
Phone: (605) 688.6623
Calendar of Events
29 - Nebraska dairy survey due; complete online or return the mail-in survey
18-20 - Minnesota Dairy Health Conference; Bloomington, MN
18 - SDSU Extension Dairy & Elanco Bilingual Lunch & Learn Workshop; Reading Your Cow's Body Language; Royal River Casino and Hotel; See flyer below
2-4 - Dairy Fest, Swiftel, Brookings, SD
4-5 - Moo at the Zoo; Omaha, NE Henry Doorly Zoo
7-9 - A.I. training; Northeast Iowa Community College; Calmar, IA
11 - Classic Dairy 25th anniversary Open House; Jansen, NE
11 - Dwane, Joan & Jeremy Wanzek Dairy farm tour; Cleveland, ND
14 - Water Quality: The 1% That Counts Webinar at 10 AM
14 - Dairy Iowa meeting; Waverly, IA
15-16 - Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference; Dubuque, IA
About Us
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: I29 Corridor
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29DairyOutreachConsortium
University of Minnesota Extenstion
Jim Salfer (Extension): salfe001@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6093
Jim Paulson (Extension): jcp@umn.edu; phone: 507.251.4694
Betty Berning (Extension): bberning@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6104
Keela Fick (Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region): Keela.Fick@co.pipestone.mn.us; phone: 507.290.0576
South Dakota State University Extension
Tracey Erickson (Extension): Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu phone: 605.882.5140
Maristela Rovai (Extension): Maristela.Rovai@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.5488
Heidi Carroll (Extension): Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.6623
Roger Scheibe (SDDP): SDDairyProducers@gmail.com;
phone: 605.692.1775
Nebraska Extension
Kim Clark (Extension): KimClark@unl.edu; phone: 402.472.6065
Robert Tigner (Extension): Robert.Tigner@unl.edu; phone: 308.345.3390
Paul Kononoff (Extension): PKononoff2@unl.edu;
phone: 402.472.6442
Rod Johnson (NSDA): Rod@NebraskaMilk.org;
phone: 402.261.5482
North Dakota State University Dairy Extension
JW Schroeder (Extension-Emeriti): jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu; phone: 701.231.7663
Iowa State University Dairy Extension
Ryan Breuer (Extension): rmbreuer@iastate.edu;
phone: 712.737.4230
Leo Timms (Extension): ltimms@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.4522
Hugo Ramirez-Ramirez; hramirez@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.2160
Sue Ann Claudon (ISDA): sueannc@iowadairy.org;
phone: 515.965.4626
Allied Partners
Midwest Dairy Association: MidwestDairy.com
Minnesota Milk Producers Association: MNMilk.org
Nebraska State Dairy Association: NebraskaMilk.org
South Dakota Dairy Producers: SDDairyProducers.org
Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region