Mustang Messenger
April 2023
Mustangs of the Quarter!
From the Principal's Desk
Greetings Mustang Families!
Welcome to April! What a joy it is to celebrate the coming of spring...and spring break....with warmer weather, trees budding, flowers blooming, and the return of baseball! I hope you enjoyed our month-long One Book, One School event in March. I think the kids LOVED the book, and we had a lot of participation in the at-home activities
Along with April comes the "big" test: ILEARN. It's over the course of multiple days for each grade level (3-5), and tests students in their knowledge of English/Language Arts, Math, and Science (gr. 4) and Social Studies (gr. 5). We had 97% attendance during IREAD-3, and we hope to keep that rate or better for ILEARN.
The testing window is April 17 - May 12. A more specific schedule for each grade level will be communicated by your child's teacher after spring break. While the window is open for 4 weeks, students test over the course of a few days each week. Keeping that in mind, please do not schedule appointments during testing dates. It is incredibly disruptive to your child to take them out of school on a date that is scheduled for a test unless it is a time-sensitive issue related to their health. There will be no days excused for family vacations during testing dates. If you must take your child to an appointment, the afternoon is better than the morning, when most of the testing occurs. We greatly appreciate your help with this. Again...our goal is 100% attendance during these days!
I wish you and your family a peaceful and enjoyable spring break filled with lots of memory-making experiences.
Mrs. Heerschop
Important Dates
April 3 - 7
Spring Break!
April 10
School Resumes
PennPALS Registration Opens
April 17 - May 12
ILEARN Testing Window Open (Grades 3 - 5)
April 18
Running is Elementary Practice begins (M, W for registered 4th & 5th graders)
April 26
Administrative Professionals Day
K, 2 & 5 High Ability Identification
Parents may request test reports/results by emailing Cassandra Scarsella (, PHM High Ability Coordinator.
Letters will be sent to the parents of the newly identified students in April. The date that the letters were mailed will be posted here after the letters are sent.
Dress Code Reminders
- Clothing should cover all parts of the body from neck to above the knee
- Sleeveless clothing is allowable, but shoulders should be covered
- Pants, jeans, skirts, and shorts should remain at the top of the waist (no undergarments should show)
I know there have been questions regarding hats & caps in school. The handbook states that students should remove hats or head coverings (eg. hoods) upon entering the building. (The exception would be for students who have religious reasons or a medical necessity to wear a head covering.) Other than hat/spirit day, the expectation is that hats/caps are off and hoods are down throughout the school. Hats, caps, and hoods are NEVER allowed in the cafeteria - this is just good manners. :)
If you have questions about the dress code, please let me know.
Helpful Links
5th Grade Immunization Reminder:
A Note from PTO
Popcorn Fridays
There is one popcorn Friday left of the school year. Each box is $2.00 a box. Flyers to order will be sent home with your student close to the dates. If you are interested in helping in May, please email us at
- May 5th
PTO Board 2023-2024
The PTO board is looking for new members for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested in serving on the board, please email us at
Mary Frank Contact Information
Location: 13111 Adams Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: (574) 272-0340
Twitter: @MFESMustangs