The Weekly Update #4
December 8th, 2023

December 15th
Happy Winter Break! This week has been a whirlwind. The Leadership students planned a spirit week which consisted of five fun days of winter themes and ended with festive pajamas today. Your related arts' students visited the primary schools to showcase the band/choir/orchestra programs. Teachers wrapped up units with summative assessments, and students shared about the theme of their novels.
As I reflect on the last four months of school, I hope you know I am thankful for your students, and I am wishing everyone a well-deserved break. Students return to school on Wednesday, January 3rd.
I'm sure you noticed the continued construction on Willamette Falls Drive yesterday. It will continue through today. Thank you for your patience.
Parent/guardian pick-up: A friendly reminder: If you arrive anytime before 3:45, please park in a parking spot. We have about 45 open parking spots, and the city lets us know when Willamette Falls Drive is backed up. Students don't typically make it to the front lot until about 3:50, and if you plan to arrive closer to 4:00, you'll spend the least amount of time in our parking lot! Thank you for your support.
Riverside High School
RHS Informational Night for Prospective Students
Riverside High School will host an informational night for prospective families on Wednesday, January 10th from 6:00 to 7:00pm. We will share information about our academic pathways, athletic opportunities, clubs, and programs. Please share with any families you know that might be interested in joining us next year! We'll be open to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students for the 2024-25 school year.