Quail Call
January 3, 2023
Welcome Back!
We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable winter break. Staff and teachers appreciated all the holiday gifts and goodies we received during the last week of December. We look forward to 2023 and all the joyful rigorous learning to take place!
Chinese Program Continues
The after school Chinese Program for middle school students who participated in the fall Chinese classes will continue spring semester on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:05 to 3:55. Please email the office with questions.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal has been set up. We'll be testing it this week. We hope to send out emails soon with login instructions. Once the portal is activated, please use it to check your students' lunch balances and attendance. We'll keep you abreast of where things stand through the Quail Call. Please email the office with questions.
Absenteeism Letters
We will be resuming our pre-Covid practice of sending out absenteeism letters to families of students whose attendance has reached a threshold of concern. If you have questions about our attendance policy, please review the Student/Family Handbook on our website at this link.
Enrollment Lottery & Intent to Return
The enrollment lottery application for next school year will be on our website this week. If a family has other students, not currently enrolled, that they hope to enroll at PPCS, they will need to complete a lottery application for those students. Application deadline is March 30. The lottery will be held on March 31.
Returning students do not need a lottery application. In February, an Intent to Return survey will be emailed to all families of currently enrolled students. Please complete and submit the survey to confirm whether your family will be returning to PPCS next school year. This lets us know how many seats we have available in the enrollment lottery. To re-cap:
New students - Lottery Application (on website this week)
Returning students - Intent to Return (emailed in February)
Please email the office with any questions.
For more information:
Palouse Prairie Charter School
Email: office@palouseprairieschool.org
Website: https://palouseprairieschool.org/
Location: 406 Powers Avenue, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-882-3684
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PPCS.org/