Lenox Elementary Newsletter
Week of May 9th
Greetings Lenox Families/Saludos Familias Lenox
I hope all of the mother's, grandmother's, and caregivers had a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all that you do each day to support your student(s).
There are many things happening this month both in school and in our community; be sure to check out all of the details below. And, as a reminder, if you ever have questions, suggestions, or wonderings, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher, the office or me. Communication and connection are key to our success!
Check out our instagram - hsdlenox and;
our website - https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox for the latest happenings as well.
In service to you,
Sarah Keller, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
May 14th - Proud to be HSD Festival
May 17th - Dining Night Out: McDonalds
May 19th - Lenox Kinder Open House
May 30th - No School: Memorial Day
June 6th - Virtual Booster Club Meeting
English 2022-2023 HSD Calendar /Spanish 2022-2023 HSD Calendar *Adopted 3/15/22
Dining Night Out - May 17th @ McDonalds
Needing a helpful excuse to have a cook-free night? Join us at McDonald's (located on 185th in Tanasbourne) on Tuesday, May 17th from 5:00-8:00pm for Lenox's May Dine-Out Night and help our school at the same time!
When families participate, Lenox will receive 20% of all sales (even from families / people not affiliated with Lenox!) to support ongoing programs and upcoming activities at the school! No flyer or codes are needed at time of purchase but if you find them helpful in remembering, click here to view/print a copy for your records at home.
THANK YOU to all of our families who are able to participate and help the school!
Important News & Notes
“Blue Notes” are Back!
Beginning Monday, we will once again allow student(s) to ride on routes other than their own assigned route. If a student(s) is in need of riding a bus with a friend, etc., they will be issued a “blue note, bus pass” from the office with the route number and stop location clearly written on it. Student(s) will need to give this pass to the driver to ride the alternate bus route that day. Please remind student(s) they must take personal permission notes from home to the office and get a “blue note, bus pass.”
Proud to be HSD Festival
The Proud to be HSD Festival is BACK! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 14, in downtown Hillsboro between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Come by for a variety of fun activities showcasing student achievement and talent.
Booster Club ~ Looking for Volunteers
We are looking forward to bringing back many of the family engagement events that have happened in years past. In order to make that happen, the Booster Club is in need of volunteers to help coordinate and support these events. If you are interested in helping with events such as Win with Reading, Bingo Night, Carnival, and Yearbook visit the Lenox Booster Website -https://lenoxboosterclub.membershiptoolkit.com or email lenoxboosterclub@gmail.com
Proud to be HSD School Spirit 5K Fun Run
Free School Spirit 5K Fun Run/Walk to kick off the Proud to be HSD Festival. Participants need to meet at the water fountain at 53rd Avenue Park off of 53rd Ave. and Baseline at 8 a.m. and start the run at 8:15 a.m. Be sure to wear Lenox colors/spirit gear! The route will be straight up Baseline/Main Street to the Festival location. We will stay on the sidewalks as much as possible and follow all traffic laws. There will be volunteers at the major intersections to ensure people are crossing safely. Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult. Once you’re finished and have enjoyed the Festival, ride the MAX to the Hawthorn Farm stop and walk a few blocks back to your vehicle.
We appreciate the involvement of community members and parents who volunteer at Lenox. As the safety of students is of primary importance, the following procedures are required for processing volunteer requests.
- Complete the volunteer application on our website.
- In addition, all volunteers will need to submit to a fingerprint-based criminal records check by March 28, 2022, in order to continue volunteering. Until this check is completed, volunteers will not be assigned duties that could put them in a situation where they have direct, unsupervised contact with students. If the check is not completed by March 28, 2022, your volunteer status will go from “approved” to “pending” and you will no longer be allowed to volunteer.
Grades 3-6 Testing Schedule
Booster Club Spotlight
Upcoming Booster Club Meeting 6/6 7:00PM-8:30PM Virtual
Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/hak-witg-rjd/ Or dial: +1 916-750-2815 PIN: 135 705 296#
Lenox Booster Club is made up of hard-working parents, grandparents, & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Check out their new Introduction Video HERE to find out more! Booster Club Website - https://lenoxboosterclub.membershiptoolkit.com/
May HSD Family Engagement Committee Meetings
Please join us to connect with other Native American/Alaska Native parents and staff in our district. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/aof-ipwz-dna Or dial: +1 252-357-6108 PIN: 197 734 832#
Thursday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m. Asian/Pacific Islander Advisory Committee
All families of students identifying as Asian or Pacific Islander are welcome to attend these monthly virtual meetings to learn more about what’s happening in the District and to share thoughts, concerns, and ideas for how best to support students in their education. Meeting Link: HTTPS://HSD1J.ZOOM.US/J/81867324765
Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30 p.m. HSD Latino PAC Meeting.
All families of students identifying as Latino and/or Mesoamerican Indigenous are welcome to attend these monthly meetings to learn more about what is happening in the District and to share thoughts and concerns for how to best support students in their education. Join us and learn about new ways to get involved in the school system. For more information, call 503-844-1475. The meeting will be held in Spanish. Interpretation available in other languages is available upon prior request. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/ucv-zcfd-mrc
Thursday, May 26th at 7:00p.m Black Village Family
The Black Village Family Advisory Committee (BVFAC) advocates for the needs of students, and families of students, who identify in whole or in part as Black/African-American/African attending Hillsboro School District schools. Meeting Link:https://hsd1j.zoom.us/j/84476428335
Friday, May 27th at 5:30 p.m. SPED LatinX Family Engagement Meeting
The Latinx PAC Special Education Committee invites families who have children on an IEP to our monthly meeting Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/sbq-nnpp-dxp Or dial: +1 575-942-2086 PIN: 438 919 403#
Student Technology Support/Resources
If you need help, have questions, or want to report a lost/damaged Chromebook:
Contact Lenox Technology Support: call or text 971-206-4223 or email hartzelc@hsd.k12.or.us (Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 4:00 pm)
Lenox Elementary School
Email: kellers@hsd.k12.or.us
Website: hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-844-1360