Eagle Newsletter
Special Edition
Overview: Human Sexuality & Responsibility Curriculum at Austin ISD
Human Sexuality instruction develops and strengthens the ability of students to make conscious, healthy, and respectful choices regarding dating/romantic relationships, personal safety, anatomy and physiology, puberty and adolescent development, pregnancy and reproduction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. The district’s Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) education program has been established to provide information and skill development for students in kindergarten through grade 12 so that they may reach their highest potential for physical, emotional, mental and social health.
The HSR curriculum content will be delivered in a developmentally and age-appropriate manner and will include the most current and scientifically accurate information. The content of the curriculum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education, with supplemental content established by the National Sex Education Standards that have been approved by the Board.
Content shall include information regarding healthy and unhealthy dating/romantic relationships, online and personal safety (including the prevention of child abuse, family and dating violence and sex trafficking), anatomy and physiology, puberty and adolescent development, pregnancy and reproduction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. All content shall be inclusive of all students, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual experience, pregnancy, parenting status, or family structure. (EHAA Local)
HSR lessons are taught to those students in grades K-12 whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have provided written permission by way of the opt-in or permission letter. This letter is sent home by the student’s campus leadership or classroom teacher three weeks prior to the beginning of the HSR unit. Implementation is slated to take place annually in November/December, with students enrolled in the spring semester of high school health receiving it in April/May.
To ensure that students receive quality HSR instruction, all teachers will receive training on the skills needed for and best practices related to navigating complex concepts and questions. Prior to HSR program implementation, the campus principal shall conduct at least one orientation session scheduled at a convenient time for parents and guardians. Families shall be provided reasonable written notice of the time and location of the orientation session. The purpose of the session is to detail the process of implementation of the HSR program and the permission process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When are the opt in permission forms due?
A: As soon as possible! The deadline is November 18.
Q: What happens if a child does not return an opt in/out permission form?
A: Only students who return an OPT-IN permission form will receive HSR lessons. If no form is received, student will receive SEL lessons.
A: Yes, the permission form will allow you to select which individual lessons you want your child to receive.
Q: How do we prevent the kids from talking about it on the playground?
A: Kids are naturally curious and like to share with their peers. We will do our best, but we can never control the topics of conversation that our students engage in.
Q: If I opt my child out of one or more lessons, what will they do instead?
A: Social and emotional learning (SEL) lessons will be taught to those students who opt-out. The SEL lesson topics are listed above.
Q: Were the HSR lessons taught in previous years?
A: No, the Health TEKS were updated in 2020. These specific lessons have not been taught.
Q: Are the lessons co-ed?
A: Yes
Q: Who writes the HSR lessons?
A: The Texas Education Code stipulates that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the School Health Advisory Council, must determine the specific human sexuality content taught, so in addition to the TEKS and the National Sex Education Standards, AISD also follows the guidance of the SHAC and Board when it comes to implementing this content.
Q: Are the alternate SEL lessons in the SMORE you are sending parents?
A: The SEL lesson topics are included in the SMORE. Parents may contact admin for more information.
Q:Are there modifications for special education students?
A: Yes, the student's SPED teacher will colloborate with the classroom teacher to provide accommodations/modifications.
Q: When will we know who will be teaching the HSR lessons?
A: We will tally numbers of students opting in/out to determine who will teach HSR lessons.
Q: What if a student asks an inappropriate question?
A: Most grade levels will require students to write questions to filter inappropriate questions. If a student asks an inappropriate question, he/she will be directed to ask a trusted adult.
Q: Is there an option to opt in for both the SEL and HSR lessons?
A: No, that is not an option. Students receive various SEL lessons throughout the school year on the topics listed.
Q: If a student selects to opt in for the lessons and later chooses to opt out, what do we do?
A: Contact your classroom teacher.
Grade by Grade Outline and Lesson Plans, including Date(s) to be Taught and Opt-In/Opt-Out Form
Kindergarten Lessons
The Kindergarten curriculum includes 3 lessons.
My Body will be taught on 12/12.
Listening to My Body will be taught on 12/13.
Keeping My Body Safe will be taught on 12/14.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this link to opt-in or opt-out for Kindergarten Lessons 1, 2, or all 3.
Kindergarten HSR Opt-In / Opt-Out Form
1.3 MB
First Grade Lessons
The first grade curriculum includes 3 lessons.
Living Things will be taught on 12/12.
My Body will be taught on 12/13.
Listening to My Body and Keeping Ut Safe will be taught on 12/14.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this link to opt-in or opt-out for First Grade Lessons 1, 2, or all 3.
First Grade HSR Opt-In / Opt Out Form
6.6 MB
Second Grade Lessons
The second grade curriculum includes 3 lessons.
What Makes a Baby will be taught on 12/12.
My Body will be taught on 12/13.
Listening to My body and Keeping It Safe will be taught on 12/14.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this form to opt-in or opt-out for Second Grade Lessons 1, 2, or all 3.
Second Grade HSR Opt-In / Opt-Out Form
2.5 MB
Third Grade Lessons
The third grade curriculum includes 4 lessons.
My Body will be taught on 12/12.
Puberty will be taught on 12/13.
Boundaries and Consent will be taught on 12/14.
Personal Safety will be taught on 12/15.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this form to opt-in or opt-out of Third Grade Lessons 1, 2, 3, or all 4.
Third Grade HSR Opt-In / Opt-Out Form
(Apologies - there is a max size for each pdf attachment!)
2.9 MB
22.7 MB
23.6 MB
24.0 MB
Fourth Grade Lessons
The fourth grade curriculum includes 5 lessons.
My Body will be taught on 12/12.
Puberty Part 1 will be taught on 12/13.
Puberty Part 2 will be taught on 12/14.
Boundaries and Consent will be taught on 12/15.
Personal Safety will be taught on 12/16.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this form to opt-in or opt-out of Fourth Grade Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5.
Fourth Grade HSR Opt-In / Opt-Out Form
2.5 MB
21.7 MB
23.9 MB
22.7 MB
Fifth Grade Lessons
The fifth grade curriculum includes 5 lessons.
My Changing Body will be taught on 12/12.
Reproduction will be taught on 12/13.
Healthy Relationships will be taught on 12/14.
Boundaries and Consent will be taught on 12/15.
Personal Safety will be taught on 12/16.
*There will NOT be a make up day for missed lessons.
Use this form to opt-in or opt-out of Fifth Grade Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5.