EastView Wildcat News for Families
Week of 10/2/23 -10/6/23
Fall Break is NEXT WEEK Oct. 9-13 NO SCHOOL
Picture Retake Day is Thursday
WALK A THON Donations due Thursday! Please give and collect for our school!
EastView Wildcat Walk-A-Thon Prizes
THANK YOU to our GSIA, teachers, parents, and students for making the 2023 Walk A Thon a HUGE success.
- Students will seek out sponsors for the walk. Sponsors can pick a flat donation amount ($5, $10, $15, etc). No donation is too small or too large and every dollar goes to help the students and staff at EastView.
- ENVELOPES CONTAINING DONATIONS ARE DUE OCT. 4th to be eligible for prizes.
- Prizes will be given to the students with the most laps and the most donations.
- Prizes include gift cards to Five Below.
Let's Celebrate our AMAZING custodians this WEEK
Send in cards, treats, or share a simple word of thanks to our crew.
L to R
David Arrington, evening custodian
Chris Reid, lead custodian
Ross Metcalfe, day custodian
Laura Brown, evening custodian
Jack Ottinger, volunteer *not pictured
Important Dates:
October 3rd - GCS ESL Parent Night (English as Second Language)
Oct. 4th - Envelopes Due for Walk A Thon with money included for GSIA donations
October 5th - Picture Retakes at EV; Girl Scouts in cafe from 6:30-7:30
3rd Grade Retention Meeting at Greeneville City Schools Central Office at 6:00 pm.
Fall Break - October 9-13 - NO SCHOOL