The Mustang Messenger
February 9th, 2024
Greetings Mustang Families!
I hope you are doing well.
The students did a great job during the raining days this week. Some gathered in the library or wellness room and some formed groups to play games indoors.
Quarter three is officially half way over. Progress reports will be posted on Inifinite Campus (IC) on Tuesday. Progress report grades are a good indication of how students are achieving in a class and can indicate whether or not extra support is needed. A low progress report grade may also indicate missing work or missing assessments.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Catherine Nicholas, Ed.D.
Translating our newsletter
If you would like to read our newsletter in a different language, you may translate it to your home language:
Step 1 - Click on the Translate button
This button can be found at the top of the emailed newsletter.
Step 2 - Access the Translation and ADA bar
On the right side of the newsletter, you'll see the ADA and Translation features. To translate your newsletter, click on the Translate button and choose your desired language.
Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year! 2024 is the Year of the Dragon.
Congratulations to our All-State Choir Students!
Congratulations to Mrs. Molly Peters and our Rancho Pico Mustangs who were invited to attend the All State Choir concert in Sacramento! We are so proud of you.
Diego Martinez Kladt Benavides
Harmony Hernandez
Nandika Saravanan
Rainy Days in the MPR
3rd Quarter Progress Report Period Ends TODAY
Today marks the half-way point of third quarter. Progress report grades will be posted in Infinite Campus on Tuesday, Februrary 12th. Please check your student's grades. If they are struggling in a class, please reach out to their teacher and/or counselor. Rancho Pico has a tiered support system in place to help students.
President's Day Holiday Weekend
There is a four day weekend coming up in recognition of President's Day. Friday, February 16th is a non-student day and Monday, February 19th is no-school holiday for President's Day.
Washington's Birthday is a U.S. federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Increasingly, the holiday has become an occasion to celebrate the birthdays of both President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.
Needs Assessment Survey
Each year, we send out a Needs Assessment Survey to gather information about our school. This information allows us to see what areas are working well and what areas we can improve on. We also use the information gathered to set school goals.
We value your input. Please use the following link to complete the survey: https://forms.gle/uV6YJatmkwvEMMWAA
Students will be asked to complete the student Needs Assessment during advisory next week. If you do not want your student to complete the survey, please contact Dr. Nicholas.
Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, begins on February 1st and lasts throughout the month. We celebrate Black History Month to honor the long historical achievements and contributions of African Americans.
Relaxation Room In February
Acts of Kindness to do for February
We love when there are breaks in the rain for free air!
Lost and Found
If you recognize your student's item in lost and found, please ask them to retrieve it. Items will be donated to charity on February 15th.
Please put your student's name on their belongings (jackets, sweatshirts and waterbottles). All items found with names are returned directly to the students.
Food Sevices Newsletter and Menus for February
Co-teaching Training at Rancho Pico
A team of teacher who co-teach, attending training at Rancho Pico. We are so proud of our Rancho Pico teacher and their dedication to serving all students.
Therapy Dogs Come to Rancho Pico on Fridays!
Rancho Pico parents do a great job with excusing students when they are absent from school. Thank you for that! 95% of our school's absences are excused.
Even excused absences count towards absenteeism and are not included in our ADA (our funding source). A student has to be in school to be counted presented.
If you know ahead of time that your student will be missing school for an extended time, please contact your student's counselor to see if your student qualifies for independent study.
Please be mindful of our district calendar and upcoming breaks while planning vacations and appointment.
If your student is absent, please remember to contact rpattendance@hartdistrict.org
Convection Lab in Mrs. Wright's Science Class
Beyond The Bell
CJSF is an Honor Society that recognizes students for their academic achievement and service to the community. Spring 2024 membership is now open to both 7th and 8th graders.
In order to qualify for membership, students must meet minimum grade requirements based on Q1/Q2 report cards and complete 10 hours community service. The application deadline is Thursday, February 22 and no late applications can be accepted.
Members will be recognized in a ceremony to take place in March (invitations will be given to students when they are accepted for membership).
For more detailed information/instructions, please click here to view/print the application packet.
Think Ahead THURSDAY
Every THURSDAY is Think Ahead Thursday. Students and staff are encouraged to wear college gear or shirts that represent something for their future aspiration.
William S. Hart UHSD Non-Discrimination Policy
William S. Hart UHSD Non-Discrimination Policy
The William S. Hart Union High School District prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of any student, employee, or job applicant on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by state and federal nondiscrimination laws, respectively, at any District site and/or activity. The William S. Hart Union High School District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. All inquiries regarding discrimination, civil rights, Title II, and/or Title IX should be directed to Mark Crawford, Director of Human Resources. Complaints regarding 504 plans should be directed to Erum Velek, Director of Student Services and Equity. Both can be reached at the William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, or by phone (661) 259-0033, or by email: UCP@hartdistrict.org.
El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union prohíbe la discriminación ilegal y/o el acoso de cualquier estudiante, empleado o solicitante de empleo basado en raza actual o percibido, el color, el origen étnico, el origen nacional, el estado migratorio, la ascendencia, la religión, la edad, estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, condición médica, estado militar o de veterano, afiliación política, sexo, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, orientación sexual o cualquier otra base, prohibida por leyes estatales y federales. Leyes de no discriminación, respectivamente, en cualquier sitio y/o actividad del Distrito. El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union también proporciona igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. Todas las consultas sobre discriminación, derechos civiles, Título II y/o Título IX deben dirigirse a Mark Crawford, Director de Recursos Humanos. Las quejas relacionadas con los planes 504 deben dirigirse a Erum Velek, Director de Equidad y Servicios Estudiantiles. Se puede comunicar con ambos en William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Center Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, o por teléfono (661) 259-0033, o por correo electrónico: UCP@hartdistrict.org.