Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: February
Monthly Theme: Academic Planning
Students and parents received information about the course selection process this year via Student Grade Level Meetings and Informational Parent/Counselor Video Presentations.
Course Selection Meeting Dates- one-on-one meetings with school counselor during class time:
9th going to 10th Grade - February 10 thru February 18
10th going to 11th Grade - February 24 thru March 4
11th going to 12th Grade - March 7 thru March 28
Course Selection Resources
Informational Parent/Counselor videos and resources:
Wellness Corner
The counseling staff in conjunction with Edfund created and funded Beckman Balance Baskets for each classroom as a tier one social/emotional resource. Each basket is equipped with tools to build resilience, self-care, and self-regulation to help students bring themselves to a calmer and safer emotional place.
If, for some reason, the student is not able to successfully self-regulate using the tools provided, they will be referred to the counseling team for a Tier 2 intervention. To introduce students to the tools inside the Beckman Balance Basket, this video was shown during the Feb. 2nd CCR period.
College and Career Resources
Financial Aid Night: Seniors & Families
February 16. 6:00-7:00 PM
Beckman rooms 131 & 132
Presented by IVC for all Beckman seniors and family.
FAFSA and CA Dream Act will be covered. A Spanish speaker will be available.
To fill out forms, the suggested items to bring are:
- 2020 Tax return for parent (and student if applicable)
- 2020 W-2 forms for both Parent 1 and Parent 2 (and student if applicable)
- Date of marital status
- Social Security Numbers (if applicable) for both the parents and student; don’t need the cards, just the numbers!
- Student TUSD device
IVC Senior Application Workshops: Students must attend all three or complete the process independently online through IVC. This is the last IVC application workshops on campus for seniors.
All three workshops will be held at the BHS Career Center and are led by IVC Specialists.
- Application Workshop, Wednesday April 6 2:30-3:30
- Orientation, Wednesday April 20 2:30 - 3:30
- Advisement, Wednesday April 27 2:30-4:30
For questions, please contact IVC Matriculation Specialist Mario Cordova: mcordova7@ivc.edu
Orange Coast College Senior Application Workshop
March 7: 2:30-3:30 at BHS Library
April 4: 2:30-3:30 at BHS Library
For questions, please contact OCC Outreach Specialist Eduardo Cervantes: ecervantes24@occ.cccd.edu
IVC Honors Program Night: Seniors & Families
Wednesday, March 2
6-7:30 PM on Zoom
Come learn about the benefits and admissions requirements of the IVC Honors Program. Featuring Honors Program Director Dr. Emily Liu, Honors Counselor Michelle Minkler, Honors faculty, and a student panel.
Benefits Include:
· Special transfer agreements with UCLA, UCI, and 30 other colleges
· Dramatically improved transfer success
· Small, seminar-style honors classes
· Interaction with other high-achieving students
· Priority registration
· Special transcript recognition
· Leadership and research opportunities
· Designated scholarships
· Honors counselors and support staff
· Honors study lounge
IVC Disable Students Programs and Services Information Night: Thursday, February 24, 2022, from 6-7:30 pm via Zoom. Attendees are required to register. A Zoom link will be emailed as soon as registration is complete. Students that RSVP by February 21st will be entered in an opportunity drawing
IVC Summer Bridge Program: Seniors
July 11-August 11, 2022
Monday-Thursday 9:30 AM-2:50 PM
IVC's Summer Bridge program will help prepare you for college. Participate in cultural enrichment events and activities that promote student success during two half-day field trips on Fridays. You will complete two UC– and CSU–transferable courses: Communication 1: Communication Fundamentals (3 units) and Counseling 10: Intro to College Study Skills (3 units).
What skills will you learn?
· College Survival Skills
· Persuasive Speaking
· Communication Skills
· Researching Skills
· Effective Listening
· Study Skills
· Goal-Setting
· Time Management
Contact: IVCsummerbridge@ivc.edu
IVC High School Student/Parent Transfer Night
Thursday, March 10
4-7 PM Via Zoom
High school students interested in transferring to UC, CSU, private, and/or out-of-state universities are invited to attend IVC’s High School Student/Parent Transfer Night. Attendees will find out how to be a successful IVC transfer student. IVC, UC, and CSU representatives will be present to answer questions during the virtual event.
Grade Level Info
Senior Scene
February is the shortest month of the year but it’s also a busy month for seniors. Here are some tips to stay focused!
- Plan your virtual college visit. If you’re one of the lucky ones who knows now where you will be going next fall, congratulations! Many don’t. Now is the time to schedule any last-minute visits to the schools on your lists. Here are some helpful virtual college websites:
- Keep in touch with your school counselor. Make sure you’re on track for graduation. Keep them in the loop on your college plans to solidify your choice.
- If you haven't already done so, complete your FAFSA/CA Dream Act. It is due no later than March 2nd, 2022. If you need help completing the FAFSA/CA Dream Act applications check out the California Student Aid Commission https://www.csac.ca.gov/cash-college.
- Make memories wherever and whenever you can. It’s been very difficult for you during this pandemic year and we realize this, but if you can capture moments with your friends and families, it will be something to remember for a lifetime.
- Stay on top of your scholarship applications. Set a goal to complete 2-3 scholarships a week. It’s tedious, we know, but the rewards are fantastic.
- This year’s Parent “Coffee with the Counselors” is still available in video form for you to view at your convenience.
So, even though this is a short month, there is plenty for you to do. Good luck!
Scholarship Night Info Reminder:
Attention class of 2022 seniors! Have you been notified that you are receiving a scholarship of $500 or more? If yes, Beckman High School wants to recognize you as part of our Scholarship Recognition Video. The scholarship can be from a community organization/business or the college that you will be attending in the Fall of 2022. To be recognized please complete this Google Form on/before May 1, 2022. If you have multiple scholarships, please complete this form separately for each one. Thank you!
Junior Junction
Course Selection Timeline & Information
- March 4 is the deadline for updating your Aeries Academic Planner.
- March 7 thru March 29 – Individual Student Meetings with Counselors in U.S. History classes to finalize course selections for 12th grade.
- Before your course selection meeting with your counselor please read through the Course Selection Guide.
- Be ready with two alternate electives in case the elective(s) you chose is not available.
Summer Ideas: Check out one or two of the below options to keep you active this summer.
- Get active, try something new -- take a recreation class!
- City of Irvine Recreation Classes
- City of Tustin Recreation Classes
- City of Santa Ana Recreation Classes
- Apply for a part-time job.
- Check out the job board in the career center
- If you get hired, please email (scan or take a picture) or drop off your B1-1 form (work permit application) to Ms. McDonald in the career center and you will receive form B1-4 (official work permit) in 1-2 days.
- Research and apply for summer programs
- Research and apply for scholarships
- Take a community college summer course
Sophomore Stop
- Class registration is right around the corner. This is the time to review your classes and consider if they still work for you. Some of you may want to begin to focus on stem or humanities classes and adjust your schedule accordingly. Make sure you write down all of your questions in order to have them answered for you when you meet with your counselor for registration. Ask about community college classes, summer classes, summer jobs and volunteering. See you soon!
- February 22 is the deadline for updating your Aeries Academic Planner.
- February 24 thru March 3 – Individual Student Meetings with Counselors in World History classes to finalize course selections for 11th grade.
- Before your course selection meeting with your counselor please read through the Course Selection Guide.
- Be ready with two alternate electives in case the elective(s) you chose is not available.
Freshman Forum
- If you missed it, the 2022 Spring Freshman Counselor Coffee Presentation can be found here. Please feel free to post any questions on this padlet wall. We also encourage you to fill out the parent survey
- In January, 9th grade students participated in a Grade Level Registration Meeting giving them an overview of course selection for 10th grade and upcoming events and information.
- 9th Grade Registration - 9th grade students must have their 10th grade courses finalized in their academic planner by Feb 9th. They will meet one-on-one with their 10th grade counselors February 10th - February 22nd to verify their course requests.
- The graph below is the pre and post survey data collected from AVID 9 students during a lesson on graduation, A-G requirements, 10th grade course selection, and transcript overview. As you can see, students gained knowledge in A-G, course selection, and the importance of earning good grades!